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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 5.3.2010

100503 chat


=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #607, STARDATE 51005.03 =/\=

The Manticore is in stationary orbit near Starbase 801. Thanks to the Medical and Science teams, there is now a cure to the molecular transformation "illness." Between radiation of the ship and using the transporter with a special biofilter, everyone who had been affected has been cured. The symptoms are gone and the affected inidividuals' molecular structure is just getting back to normal. The Carthage has been informed of our success and are putting the same cure into place. The science teams at Cold Station 9, however, were too far along the path of the illness to be cured, but any further spread has been controlled and contained.


Eva Jaz -> :: in her quarters sleeping ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::shows up in Security, wearing uniform this time::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Finished placing Morran in the Brig::

precip -> ::looks at Kansas as Morran as securedLL

Kansas Kenickie -> ::And the paper work to boot::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::still in sickbay, going over scans of the ship and crew to ensure that the cure was successful::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots KK putting someone in the brig, spies a look at Morran::

T'Prise -> :: In the main science bay, finishing up mission reports. ::

Turris Morran -> ::doped up and in the brig::

Kansas Kenickie -> can I ruff him up sir?

sovak -> ::<<tugs at his skirt and>> enters the bridge::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::in sick bay, feeling better but weird::

MC_Escher -> +t'Tamarak+ Escher to medical

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::very tired at this point::

Eva Jaz -> ::awaking , somewhat grouchy , to her alarm ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::shakes head at KK's comment::

Kansas Kenickie -> <<Those things totally ride up sovak :) >>

Garnoopy -> :;taps his panel on the bridge::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +Escher+ This is t'Tamarak. Go ahead. ::absently::

Turris Morran -> ::slouches in his comfy brig bunk, mumbling stupidly::

Keb -> ::back on duty after a good nap::

precip -> ::walks up the brig area to the main security area:: I still need a full report from Medical..I mean I just dont know if he needs to be dropped off at Pysch center...or remain incarcerated.

Eva Jaz -> ::gets up , in a hurry cause snoozed the chronometer too long ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<siiiigh, pants yes, pockets no>>

Kansas Kenickie -> reeducation camp for him?

McFly -> ::in security; equips tricorder and phaser; glad to be back doing something other than scratching::

MC_Escher -> +t'Tamarak+ I was just wondering as to the condition of a certain Turris Morran. I heard you gave him the serum, but I also got a very confused page from him just before the transport. How is he?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots McFly, walks up to him::

LtCdrFaldek -> Commander.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::enters the Bridge, no longer scratching - feels goooood::

Keb -> ::playing connect the dots with a course map::

precip -> Kansas...Mr. Morran's fate has yet to be determined. I am certain the Admiral will have to be the one who makes the decision.

T'Prise -> :: Finishes the reports and routes them on. Goes over to the replicator and orders both coffee and herbal tea. ::

sovak -> ::nods to the Admiral and moves to the XO seat::

Eva Jaz -> ::mumbles about that fact that 1 hour nap is never long enough , while getting into a fresh uniform with eyes still half closed ::

McFly -> ::sees faldek; nods:: enjoy watching our transformation to lizard people?

LtCdrFaldek -> I realize that I have been out of line lately, and would like to apologize to you for any discomfort I have made you feel.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +Escher+ Arrain Morran was apprehended making use of the daise'maenek's office and harrassing our staff during our attempts to deal with the medical crisis...

kyle_mele -> ::has, by now, retreated to his quarters for a temporary respite::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +Escher+ He was suffering from severe amnesia and has, I believe, been apprehended by security.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, I think we didn't get a chance to complete our visit and refit at Maturin Station. Plot a course back

precip -> ::enters main security area seeing everyone together:: Glad to see noone died.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::is apparently alone in sickbay::

Keb -> ::connects a couple more dots:: Aye aye, sir. Plotting the course back to Maturin station.

MC_Escher -> +t'Tamarak+ ::sighs:: Thanks, doctor. Escher out. ::spins around in chair and looks at T'Prise:: I need a break.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::at OPS, shifting power for warp:::

sovak -> The station has given us clearance to leave, Admiral,

Eva Jaz -> :: running her fingers through her curls , trying to look less like a medusa look alike ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Follows Precip:: please like that could take us out

McFly -> ::raises eyebrow:: uh... thanks, and to you, i suppose I should try reducing the spoon jokes from now on

T'Prise -> :: Places the coffee next to Escher elbow and takes the tea back to her station. :: Define break.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::as the comm clicks closed, leans her head tiredly on her desk::

LtCdrFaldek -> That would be greatly appreciated.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::preparing for departure:::

precip -> ::looks to Kenickie...:: Biogenic weapons are not to be taken lightly Commander.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I hope so, Captain, we never even docked - those would be some lonnng docking clamps, eh? ::winks::

Keb -> Course laid in to Maturin Station, Admiral. On your mark.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Raises right brow at McFly::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to Keb:: Get Set... Go!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> uhh, engage

MC_Escher -> ::taking a sip of the coffee:: I just...need to get away from all of this. I don't know if that means a night's sleep or a leave of absense. ::sighs again::

Eva Jaz -> :: exits her quarter , heading to sb ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looking around to see if any of the patients still in sickbay require treatment, while waiting for the last of the scans to finish up::

Hilee -> ::At the Main Cponsole in MENG,post a very busy shift....monitoring stations,computer,mains and enviromental systems::

sovak -> True, but they did have orders to shoot us out of the sky if we tried to move anywhere without clearance.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::looks up lips pursed at the admiral's call:::

McFly -> what's with the sudden kodak moment?

sovak -> So I though it well advised to get clearance.

Keb -> ::grins and pushes the Go Button, starting up impulse engines:: Starting at 1/2 impulse. Once clear, we'll be ready to go to warp.

precip -> ::hands crossed in front of his chest:: McFly glad you are back in ...optimal condition.

T'Prise -> :: Arches a brow. :: Perhaps you should go off duty, visit the holodeck while you ponder the question.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Oh well, I guess - how much harm could a Starbase weapon really do to us, eh?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking her arms for the umpteenth time:::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns to Kansas:: And I need to apologize to you, for my actions lately as well.

McFly -> ::waves to precip:: still got a craving for flys though

MC_Escher -> ::shakes head:: No, I can't. I'm chief science officer. I can't just up and leabe

MC_Escher -> <<*leave>>

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((Jami, are you in SB?))

precip -> ::looks a bit disgusted::

Keb -> ::watching the ship's position carefully::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <aye>

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::flex:::

Eva Jaz -> ::TL ::

Kansas Kenickie -> Please do so

sovak -> ::wonders if that question was rhetorical::

T'Prise -> :: Looks at the chronometer. :: How long have you been on duty? Starfleet has regulations regarding working long shifts in non-emergency situations.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb, Warp 6 when you can

precip -> ::remains quiet as his officers talk::

Turris Morran -> ::slowly comes to and rolls out of his bunk, falling back into a daze on the floor::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: in her quarters , resing after a less than pleasant ordeal ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::blinks:: I thought I just did by saying that..?

Keb -> ::nods:: Aye sir. Moving into warp range in 65 seconds.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks confused::

Kansas Kenickie -> no saying you need to, and doing so are different

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::Keb:: You got the power. ::whisper:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glancing at Farrington, noting her checking herself over multiple times:: Scans confirm the illness has passed, rekkhai...::dryly:: If it returns...you will know, I think.

LtCdrFaldek -> Ok well then I apologize.

Eva Jaz -> :: exits TL :: +Hilee+ Do you want to meet me in my quarters after shift for a late bite ?

MC_Escher -> ::runs hand through hair:: I have absolutely no idea. We're special ops, T'Prise. Those kind of regs go out the door pretty early on.

Kansas Kenickie -> For which part?

precip -> ::looks at Kansas to clarify::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looks up to Jai:: Thanks for the encouragement.

LtCdrFaldek -> For my actions that were unbecoming of an officer.

Kansas Kenickie -> not for the things you said behind my back when you thought I wasn't listening?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::drinking more water than normal:::

LtCdrFaldek -> I knew you were listening.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::chuckles and shakes her head slightly:: How are you feeling?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::pops out of the CC:: Okay then - Captain, you have the Bridge, I'm going to take a stroll

Eva Jaz -> :: enters SB::

precip -> ::remains quiet::

T'Prise -> :: Looks stern. :: Even as a special ops vessel, it is not prudent for an officer to jepordize his health by neglecting the needs to sleep. I have filed all the pertinent mission reports and there is nothing pending that requires your attention now.

sovak -> ""nods:: Aye, Admiral

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::notes the change in command:::

sovak -> ::moves to the CC::

Kansas Kenickie -> I accept your apology. Please remember that words hurt more then fists

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::long hard think:: I'm feeling...human.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::steps into the TL:: Deck, uhmmm, 12 *door*

Keb -> ::smiles at Fabio:: <w> Thanks. <louder> Going to Warp 6, Captain.

McFly -> <<you should have the computer play strollng music in the corridor as you walk>>

sovak -> Steady as she goes, helm.

Eva Jaz -> :: hurries to the coffee maker::

sovak -> <Whatever that means>

MC_Escher -> ::thoughts running through his head, like how he doesn't want to go off duty because that would mean leaving T'Prise, but squashes them:: Fine. I guess I'll go to the holodeck.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::cocks head; deadpans:: Well, we can na fix everything.

Keb -> <I think it means don't rock the boat...or crash it.>

LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns to Precip:: Orders sir?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes narrowing at the corners in a tight grin::

Keb -> Aye sir.

T'Prise -> I would suggest resting first.

Cmdr JFarrington -> And... strange. ::checking her arms again:: If that makes any sense.

precip -> Wars do often start with words.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances back at Jaz as she comes in::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Jami> Ie...it does. in a way.

Cmdr JFarrington -> I feel normal, but.. not normal.

MC_Escher -> ::turns at the door:: You would suggest a lot of things. ::exits::

Cmdr JFarrington -> I guess it will take a while to adapt.

precip -> I think...you are still due for a 24 hr..medical appointment....to check out your wounds.

LtCdrFaldek -> Wars most often happen because of greed.

Hilee -> +Eva+ I cannot guarntee that that in the near future....pretty busy here,but as soon as possible.

Eva Jaz -> :: nods to everyone once she filled up her coffee mug ::

T'Prise -> :: Vulcan equivalent of an eye roll. Turns back to her station, sipping her tea as she becomes engrossed in some type of mathematical calculations on her console. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> I contacted Doctor Mele earlier, and he suggests i wait a little longer, he is still compiling data or something like that.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::watching Eva with her coffee, a somewhat curious expression on her face:::

Eva Jaz -> ::takes a big gulp :: +Hilee+ Understood , I miss you

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::frwons:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I suppose. Your condition is na one for which we have a lot data.

Eva Jaz -> :: feels watched ::

Kansas Kenickie -> Sooo.... pound the decks then?

Cmdr JFarrington -> *::frowns:::

Eva Jaz -> :: downs her coffee ::

Hilee -> ::Tongue almost dragging the deck,along with various anatamonical parts following::

LtCdrFaldek -> Rumor is, we're heade back to Maturin station for that refit.

precip -> Sounds like deck pounding is in order...but one thing while I have you all here....

MC_Escher -> ::stops five paces outside door, realizing that he left his coffee inside the science bay, returns:: I just...I wanted a dramatic exit, but...coffee...yeah...::grabs the coffee::

Hilee -> *anatomical

McFly -> ::looks around:: i suppose i'm off to tactical but, group hug before we go?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::exits TL on Deck 12, reads over the Deck Directory:: Hmmm, I guess I can swing by Sickbay

Cmdr JFarrington -> <You guess????>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((rofl))

T'Prise -> :: Doesn't even acknowledge Escher's re-entry, too engrossed in her research. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Did you check your schedule?>

precip -> If I can have everyone's attention....Regarding weapons training or usage in the holodecks....

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<well, if you're still all froggy...>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Isn't it for better or worse?>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Jaz> You have rested, maenek? ::watching her chug her drink::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::was already giving his attention to Precip::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((i'd say that definitely qualifies as "worse"))

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<but... Froggy??>>

MC_Escher -> ::stares at her for a second, then turns in a huff and leaves, sipping the coffee::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Contemplates. Doghouse.>

Eva Jaz -> Jai> As much as one could rest in that short of a time

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((hehehe))

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deep inhale in the direction of the coffee:::

precip -> A senior officer must sign off on your usage of the decks for tactical training purposes...aka hand to hand ....weapons...This will allow me to keep track of whose up to par...and also allow me to forward to SB if we have any chance of injury.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::puzzled:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::enters Sickbay and approaches Jami and t'Tamarak::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nod::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<WB Kyle>>

Eva Jaz -> :: eyes Jami , recognizing the look of caffeine deprivation in her eyes ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::straightens as the enriov comes in:: Jolan tru, admiral.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::nods:: aye sir

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods:: Doctors

Eva Jaz -> Jami> Would you like a cup commander ?

Keb -> ::leans back in her chair as Manticore sails at Warp 6::

Eva Jaz -> :: nods in A9's direction ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looks up to A9 as he approaches, addressing Eva:: No. Thanks.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::remembers Precip telling him he was going to do this:: Of course sir.

precip -> Under no circumstances are safeties to be bypassed without the expressed consent of the Captain or the Admiral. I don't want anyone killed on my watch Understood?

Kansas Kenickie -> what if it isn't training, just the new Halo 256?

Cmdr JFarrington -> At least not yet. It smells...strange.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, are you here to offer aid and support or are you feeling ill again?

T'Prise -> :: Ignoring Escher and his overly dramatic actions, moves to the main projection table, bringing up ship designs. Starts manipulating holographic images to change their construction. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Oh, I'm not feeling ill. Just strange.

Garnoopy -> ::going over reports::

Eva Jaz -> ::gives Jami a weird look , before turning to Jai::

precip -> What program is Halo 256?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::takes Jami's hand:: You don't feel strange to me

kyle_mele -> ::exits his quarters, feeling better - though perhaps not quite at the top of his game::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::smiles at her::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances between A9 and Jami and, in a moment of rare sensitivity, backs up to give them a moment, ending up next to Eva::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::smiles for the first time in a long time:::

Kansas Kenickie -> it's a shooting game.. not training, sorta

Eva Jaz -> Jai> <q> How's the commander doing ? , Coffee smelling strange ? is she showing sign of permanent damage ?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::the warmth of his hand... comforting:::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Commander....Hilee here, All stations check clear,particle disposal of all bio filters have been properly disposed of,all decks signal/check green sir

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Jai/Eva:: Am I contagious?

precip -> sorta?

McFly -> she likes to shoot for recreational purposes

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::snakes his arm around her and steers them to t'T and Eva::

precip -> Sounds like tactical training excercise...

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Understood. GOod work.

Kansas Kenickie -> Well there are shooting entertainment games that aren't training

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I am na sure...she claims she does not feel entirely recovered...::pause, aloud to Jami:: According to our readings, you should na be...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::would say she was "itching" to get out of there, but might be misunderstood::is snaked:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hedging a little, yes, but she's really fvadt tired::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> So tell me, Doctor t'Tamarak, are you sorry you joined this crew?

Eva Jaz -> :: laughs ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shrugs::

MC_Escher -> ::stands blankly in front of the holodeck, trying to imagine fun, relaxing things he could be doing a drawing a big zero::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Aye sir....request stand down....have been at it sir,for 36 + hours....going into overtime.

precip -> What types of weapons are we talking about? ::to Kansas::

Kansas Kenickie -> Flame throwers, knives, chainsaws rocket launchers

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Thinks::

Eva Jaz -> :: takes a furtive look at Jami's chart ::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ You are relieved, go take a day off. Relax a little.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::cocks head at A9, seems to honestly consider the question:: Rekkhai...in the last twenty-four hours I did more work than I did all the time in the Echo facility.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Jai:: I'm just tired.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK again, eye ridges raised::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beat:: So...na, I don't.

Eva Jaz -> << Ugh >>

Keb -> ::steadily moves Manticore in the direction of Maturin::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> *I am na.

T'Prise -> :: Alters a standard dual nacelle configuration to add a quantum engine component. ::

precip -> I want a senior officer to sign you off on a program like that. Understood?

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Aye sir,I stand releived,Lt.Hunter is in my stead sir,Hille out

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::smiles big:: Good, because we're glad you're here

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Rolls eyes:: Alright

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Kyle, are you in main Sickbay?>>

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Blames Faldek::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::thinks, great now everybody is going to hate me, again, even more::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::actually looks slightly embarrassed at the attention:: Hann'yyo (thank you) rekkhai.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::notices the blame in KK's eyes::

precip -> Dismissed all...::shaking his head at the mention of chainsaws::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::raises his voice for more to hear:: Right, Dr. Mele?

Eva Jaz -> :: sounding totally sincere , good ol knuckle punch thingy on Jai's shoulder :: We definitly are ! :: walks away to cover her grin ::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Walks with McFly:: great

Eva Jaz -> << he's in his quarters >>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Jai/Eva:: So..I can leave?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::waits for the others to leave::

MC_Escher -> ::walks over the holodeck and commands:: Something fun. ::to his complete surprise, the holodeck beeps merrily and the doors whoosh open::

precip -> ::chuckles...:: I am such a villian.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Ow.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<ok, NM then>>

McFly -> ::walks out with KK:: ...hey, we never had our group hug

LtCdrFaldek -> ::to precip:: She doesn't blame you...

Kansas Kenickie -> Photo of Mele on the wall> ::Smile at A9::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods at Jami:: Ie, rekkhai -- though we will wish to keep tabs on your progress.

precip -> (Ain't Dog the Bounty Hunter)

Eva Jaz -> :: looks at Jai :: I was out for a while Commander , I believer she's been treating you

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits quickly, before Precip can respond::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::hugs him:: Better?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((i'm sure he'd agree if he was here))

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> (( :P ))

LtCdrFaldek -> ::turns the opposite direction of KK and McFly::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::small nod as she gives a small squeeze, her arm around A9's waist:::

precip -> Hmm....Not so certain things are ...as they should...

Hilee -> +Eva+ Hilee here..is that offer still open?

precip -> ::turns to the brig and heads to Turris Morran::

Eva Jaz -> ::smiles to herself :: + Hilee+ Always is

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters a TL:: Science.

T'Prise -> :: Projects quantum engine specs, studying them carefully and making slight changes here and there.

T'Prise -> * ::

Kansas Kenickie -> this stinks, no more fun on the Holodecks with out Dad's OK

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Good, it's settled. Wife, let us leave this house of Healing

Hilee -> +Eva+ Would you dine with me,in my quarters??

MC_Escher -> ::steps into the holodeck and a large blast of icy wind hits him in the face. At first he wants to turn back, but he sees a warm glow up ahead through the blizzard, so he advances slowly forward::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glad she already dressed for the morning::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL and enters science::

precip -> ::walks down the row of brig cells to where Turris Morran is currently at::

McFly -> weren't you the one who started pushing for holodeck regulations?

Eva Jaz -> +Hilee+ I asked first! , My quarters, I'll contact you when I'm done with my shift ... Love ya

Cmdr JFarrington -> :sure wouldn't want to be flapping open in the corridor:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods back, stepping out of the way to let them leave, her head cocked a little as if thinking, or possibly falling asleep standing up::

Hilee -> +Eva+ Dress is formal....but please,don whatever you find...appro for the occasion.

T'Prise -> :: Looks up as the doors open. Sees it is not Escher and shuts down the holographic program. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((maybe *you* wouldn't))

Kansas Kenickie -> no I want safties on, not premission slips

Cmdr JFarrington -> <::eyeroll::>

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::walks with Jami to the door, and pauses o let her leave first, as he "opens" the door for her::

precip -> Mr. Morran...a word...or do you require solitude?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps out, looking around tentatively:::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees T'Prise and nobody else:: Afternoon Commander.

MC_Escher -> ::as he struggles, he can feel it warming up, and soon he doesn't have to stoop against the gale and within moments has emerged onto a bright, sunlit beach::

Hilee -> +Eva+ I suppose you did...........sooo,what is the dress code?

kyle_mele -> ::passes by A9 and Jami as they exit Sickbay:: Afternoon, Admiral.. Commander.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::exits the SB:: So, Jami, where do you want to go... on the ship?

T'Prise -> Lt. Cmdr Faldek, do you require something?

Turris Morran -> ::rolls over on his back as he hears foot steps approaching. Hair is a mess and his eyes are obviously having trouble staying open. He could be described as ragged:: Solitude? I am never alone.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods:: Hello, Dr. Mele!

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still somewhat unsure of her body::smiles at Kyle:::

McFly -> oh well, there's many other activities we can do that don't require permission

Turris Morran -> ::picks himself up and pushes himself up against his bunk, pulling his knees to chest::

LtCdrFaldek -> Just doing my rounds, making sure there arent any crazy science officers trying to mess up the ship again...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::snaps back to a general state of attention as Mele walks in the door; nods to him::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::thinks a moment::: Anywhere....

Kansas Kenickie -> Sky diving?

Eva Jaz -> +Hilee+Pj's I'm tired ... I'll talk to you when I get off , I got work to do

precip -> ::looks at Morran:: You are never alone? You were a second ago.

MC_Escher -> ::he feels a joy he hasn't felt in a long time as he stands there, thawing in the equatorial sunlight, feeling a cool breeze sway the palm trees. Glowing letters hang in the air: "Again?"::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> 10 Forward?

Kansas Kenickie -> juggling chainsaws?

McFly -> ::chuckles:: that's exactly what I was thining

McFly -> thinking

Cmdr JFarrington -> <w> Sounds fine.

T'Prise -> Insinuating that all science officers are mentally unbalanced is illogical. As you can see, nothing is currently amiss here.

Keb -> <so is that skydiving while juggling chainsaws?>

Kansas Kenickie -> <<Good idea!!

Kansas Kenickie -> >>*

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Or we could just go back to our quarters if you'd rather take it slow

McFly -> <<blindfolded>>

Turris Morran -> ::points at the nameless guard down the hall and grins a grin that could be described as devious::

LtCdrFaldek -> Except for you turning off that display as soon as I entered the lab.

Kansas Kenickie -> <<While smoking>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::quickly:: No. Ten forward is fine. I want to see people. Real people.

Eva Jaz -> ::sits down at a console , calling up data on the cure ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((oh, thanks, Jami))

Cmdr JFarrington -> And...taste food. And smell... things.

Keb -> ::glances at Fabio:: I'm glad they found the cure when they did.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::smiles and walks withe her to the TL::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Well..I didn't mean it *that* way.>

McFly -> after this, i could go for a six month long space battle in the neutral zone

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<LOL, t'T>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((lol...surrrre))

precip -> Her name is Crystal....Isa Crystal. Yes..someone has to be on the deck when we have a guest in the brig.

Turris Morran -> You seem to think I require a forcefield and an armed guard. Why is that? I am a simple scientist.

T'Prise -> :: Arches a brow. :: My current project is classifed and you do not have the necessary clearance to be briefed on it. If you have a complaint, you may file it with Commander Escher or Captain Sovak.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::pulled from his daydream:: Um... they found the cure? Oh. Right. They found the cure.

precip -> Protocol....nothing more.

MC_Escher -> ::delighted, Escher says "again!" and immediately the freezing winds overtake him, once again a warm glow resting what seems like just out of reach. Escher recommences the struggle, this time satisfied that warm bliss lies just up ahead::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::wanders over to another of the consoles, drops into a seat, and sets her head down on it for a pillow::

precip -> I could have a Tribble prisoner in there and it would be the same.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> Yeah, I sure wouldn't like to have been.... scaly. ::checks his reflection in the console:::

LtCdrFaldek -> So you know all of my clearance levels? How is it that a science officer is so well... informed on ships security?

Keb -> I was getting awful itchy...

kyle_mele -> ::enters Sickbay::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::turning her head slightly without lifting it, so that she is looking at Eva:: Are the scans there almost finished, maenek?

Hilee -> ::Taken back a bit::...PJ'S?+Eva+ PJ's ??

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((oops, i thought you already came in :P ))

precip -> However..if I had someone who enjoys walking into forceshields that may require more personel.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::runs a hand around his neck:: I was, too. I think it was psychosomatic, though.

Turris Morran -> Of course. I am familiar with protocol. Though it seems in our field protocol takes on a certain greyish hue, does it not?

Eva Jaz -> :: ignores Hilee'a comm , sending him a text message saying , Can't talk now , boss is here , and yes PJ's ::

Kansas Kenickie -> a vacation would be nice

precip -> This ship has it't grey areas for sure.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well I would absolutely hate to keep you from such important work. ::turns on heel and exits, without another word::

Eva Jaz -> Jai> Yes they are , I'm waiting for a result analysis

McFly -> after nearly turning into a lizard, yeah it would

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::as they walk:: I think it'll take a while before I get everything back. ::not realizing how that sounds:::

Keb -> ::shrugs:: Maybe. It'll be nice to spend some time with my husband tonight.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::A9 and Jamiexit the TL on Deck 10::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Good...when they finish, I'm going to slee--::breaks off as Mele walks in and sits up::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps off the TL, taking a look around as they move on:::

MC_Escher -> ::again he feels the near bliss of climbing from cold to hot, from windy to gently breezey, from blinding snow to serene light::

Hilee -> ::sets to open mic...+ Well then Eva...PJ's it is then...and at max tone::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I think it's all there, but maybe it doesn't quite feel right?

kyle_mele -> ::glance around:: At ease, continue on.

McFly -> i have to admit, i was getting used to the thought of you with a long sticky tongue ::smirks::

Hilee -> *+

T'Prise -> :: Does the Vulcan equivalent of an eyeroll once more, briefly pondering why males of the Human and Cardassian species fit the definition of drama queen. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beat, then rests her head back down on the console again::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::makes a face:: eww

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters a TL::

Eva Jaz -> :: is really annoyed and looks around apologetic ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::it's all there::: Oh. ::grin:: Yes, it's all there. Just doesn't feel right. That's what I meant.

Turris Morran -> How many people have you killed, Commander? ::tilting his head curiously::

McFly -> ::laughs::

precip -> ::looks at Morran...despite his frazzled look he still has his....respect after what he did::

Cmdr JFarrington -> I don't like coffee... and some things smell strange. And taste strange.

LtCdrFaldek -> Main shuttlebay.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> As long as you don't order fricassied flies, I'll be okay

Cmdr JFarrington -> I think the more I move around, the more experiences I have, the more my neural pathways will reconnect.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::face scrunch::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Fricassied flies?

precip -> I prefer not to ....discuss my actions that lead to fatalities.

MC_Escher -> ::Escher climbs through the blizzard again and again, laughing more each time he does it. He finally ends the program with a grin on his face:: Computer. Who is the author of this program?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sorry, bad joke

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::cocks head, looks up and gives Eva a puzzled look that turns into a smirk::

precip -> ::ponders where Morran is going with this::

T'Prise -> :: Turns the holographic projections back on and goes back to designing quantum engine specs. ::

Kansas Kenickie -> where do you think we are headed to next?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL, crosses the hall, and straight into the shuttleebay::

Eva Jaz -> :: ignored the smirking romulan ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Well, I must be getting better. That sounded horrible.

MC_Escher -> Computer> Author identity is classified.

Turris Morran -> ;:nods, stretching his legs out:: How many Romulans died at the hand of echococcosis?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Lemme guess, Escher - James Hilton?>>

LtCdrFaldek -> ::spots Chimera, Cerberus, and the twin fighters::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Maybe - then again, it might have sounded horrible to you before

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::mutter:: Fricasseed flies. ::louder:: Now, a nice bunch of sauteed grasshoppers would go quite nicely with some swamp water.

MC_Escher -> ::blinks at the computer once:: Well then. ::exist holodeck::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::deadpan:::

T'Prise -> ((Maurits Cornelis?))

MC_Escher -> <<Is that a Shangri-La reference? I just Wikipedia'd him =P::

McFly -> as long as it's some place we can shoot a torpedo at I don't care

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::cocks an eyebrow at his wife::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::can't hold back the grin:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::actually more amused by the annoyance on Eva's face than by the comm call::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<yup, blinding snow climb and all that>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> Gotcha.

precip -> I don't know. A biogenic weapon is capable of killing ....thousands...millions. We were in such hast to leave Romulus while trying to come up with a cure...we never got a death toll. I dont believe the Romulans would make that information privy.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees everything ok, and decides to go to the bridge::

Eva Jaz -> Jai> Anything funny Doc ???

MC_Escher -> <<I swear I'm not stealing from him, as I've never heard of him before>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <channeling then?>

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters the TL again:: Bridge.

Kansas Kenickie -> we need a break after that mess we just went through

precip -> I imagine thouseands....tens of thousands...I am guessing...I am not a disease specialist.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((Precip/Morran> The correct scientific terminology is "a whole hell of a lot," rekkhair.))

Keb -> ::daydreaming a bit--eyes on the console, but head elsewhere::

McFly -> it did turn into a whole lot of irritating

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::entering 10-F with Jami::

Turris Morran -> Thousands in this case. ::looks away:: Their blood is on all of our hands, but mine are especially soaked. ::stands and approaches the forcefield, coming within a few centimeters of the invisible barrier:: I killed all of those people.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> You tell me...::wryly:: Plans going amiss?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::exits the TL on the bridge, and relieves the security person at Tactical::

Kansas Kenickie -> also, don't think I am going to get over this premission thing any time soon

Hilee -> ::Post logging off from the main console...moving his personal things into his side bag.....wearily deposits the staus and engineeringreports to Garns inbox,secures theoffice,and heads for home::.

Eva Jaz -> <m> at least I have some

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters, feeling much better already:::

MC_Escher -> ::enters TL:: Science bay ::almost wishes he still had snowflakes in his hair::

precip -> ::looks at Morran:: I believe you were on the team on the surface to try to save the Romulans..?

Eva Jaz -> Jai> it's a you know ... couple thing ... you wouldn't know about it

Admiral Atragon-9 -> want to eat or drink? or just sit?

McFly -> i wouldn't dream of you being the type to just let it go

McFly -> what exactly do you plan to do about it though?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yes.

Kansas Kenickie -> why should we be punished?

T'Prise -> :: Pulls of engine pieces and throws them into the holgraphic trashcan, a la Tony Stark in Iron Man. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::mimes a knife going into her chest sardonically:: You can na do better than that, rekkhai? ::smirks again::

T'Prise -> *off

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::picking out a table by the viewport so she can watch the stars stream by:::

kyle_mele -> ::snaps out of it, has found himself wandering off in thought since coming out of stasis::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((lol))

MC_Escher -> ::arrives in science, sits down next to T'Prise with a huge grin on his face::

Eva Jaz -> ::SJS:: Do I really need to ?

McFly -> one person does it then ruins it for the whole class

LtCdrFaldek -> ::takes over tactical::

Keb -> ::looks back at Faldek and gives him a big, dimply smile::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::smiles at Keb::

T'Prise -> :: Glances at Escher as he approaches. :: I surmise from your expression that you enjoyed your break?

precip -> I think...biogenic weapons...are....weapons of mass destruction that noone should have anything to do with.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beat, knowing that Eva could really tear at Jai's insides if she really wanted to; shrugs:: As you please.

precip -> ::looks at Turris Morran::

Turris Morran -> If only I had opened my eyes sooner I could have prevented all of those deaths. ::looks precip in the eyes:: But look closely. My eyes are open now. I had to do what I did.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Crosses her arms::

Eva Jaz -> ::gives Jai a look that means , then stay out of my business ::

MC_Escher -> ::looks at her, almost says something, doesn't:: In a nutshell...yes. How have you been?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::punches in some commands bringing up the tactical displays and checking ships readiness from a tactical stand point::

T'Prise -> :: Gives him a pointed look. :: It has not been very long since you left and I am perfectly fine.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::they sit and a waiter comes over, so Jami can decide if she wants to eat or not::

precip -> What did you do? Aside from Hijacking this ship...a shuttle...and somehow leading us to a quaranteen situation?

Keb -> ::checks the course::

Hilee -> ::Turning....looks at Hunter as he carries on:: Doors *door* swish closed as he progresses::.

Kansas Kenickie -> he is worse then my Dad, he would never stop the low level games

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::chuckles and looks down, a tacit surrender, and taps the console in front of her::

T'Prise -> :: Pulls off another engine piece and tosses it in the "trashcan". ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::confirms the course to Maturin station::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking the menu:: I'll have... a Caesar salad and a glass of Perrier.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::Eva's console pings that Jai's shipwide scans have finally finished::

Eva Jaz -> ::taps on her console as well ::

Eva Jaz -> :: it's doing that ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> And light on the dressing.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((lol))

MC_Escher -> ::glances at her:: You don't seem to be in a very good mood, if Vulcans had moods.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to the waiter:: Apple Cider, soft

T'Prise -> Lt. Cmdr. Faldek was here while you were gone.

Hilee -> ::Enters a lift.....*computer* Senior officers quarters::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::resting her chin in her laced hands:: It's been a while since I've actually eaten.

Turris Morran -> ::Turns his back to precip, pointing towards sickbay:: That was not my fault. I don't know how that happened, but it was not my doing. ::turns back around:: But I gave the dead peace at last. I destroyed what destroyed them.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::realizes it always takes him a few moments to get reacclimated with the tactical console::

Hilee -> *computer*

precip -> ::looks at the scientist trying to figure if this crewman truly needs to disembark::

MC_Escher -> ::face falls a litte:: Ah. What'd he do?

Keb -> ::quietly sends Faldek a message on his console:: "What do you want to do after work?"

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Starts waving hands around::: you can shoot people and get shot at, but don't shoot play snood without a note

T'Prise -> He appears to be overly high strung for an emotional species. He accused all of the scientists on this ship of being mentally unbalanced. Quite an illogical stereotype.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::grunts and pushes herself to her feet, going over to check that the scan got all the requisite data::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slips her hand over his, feeling it as though for the first time::: I missed you.

precip -> Gave the dead peace? Destroyed what destroyed them? What dead?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sends message back:: "Eating soounds good to me. Ten Forward?"

T'Prise -> He also seemed perturbed when I refused to show him or discuss my work.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I missed you too. I'm SO SO glad you're alright

Keb -> ::reads the message and then nods at him across the bridge::

Hilee -> ::Steps out of the TL...heading down the corridor towards his own part of space...his quarters...*door* .

LtCdrFaldek -> <<vulcans always misunderstanding emotional beings>>

Admiral Atragon-9 -> In fact, I'm so glad that no one died from this - I find myself in a really good mood!

MC_Escher -> Yeah, that's pretty common amongst the Manticore security forces. I don't really know what they're problem is.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::catching the look from Keb back to... Faldek:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Alright. I am going to sleep, maenek. ::very matter of fact::

McFly -> you do realize it's mostly a political thing than it is for our own well being

Turris Morran -> The Romulan dead! I brought the virus that killed them into this world, an abomination, a truly valuable scientific discovery turned into a weapon of war and destruction. And I took it out of this world. ::noticably disturbed::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::Pensive twinge:: No one died.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::gives a stern look to Fabio::

T'Prise -> I do not believe these unauthorized visits are conducive to a calm working environment.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Stops walking looks at McFly:: Does this mean *any* game with a weapon? Like we can't play Wack-a-mole?!

MC_Escher -> <<their. Ouch>>

Eva Jaz -> ::without looking up :: Bonne nuit

Cmdr JFarrington -> <w> ::still feeling his hand:: That *is* good.

precip -> My Gosh.....

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<grammar stings, huh?>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods and turns for the door::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::his smile gets bigger::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::very interested in his console:::

Hilee -> ::Wearily makes his way in as the 1600 hr.chime begins on his Antique ships clock on the wall::

precip -> ::places hand on forehead::

McFly -> i assume anything that involves heavy weapons, as long as the moles aren't firing back with compression rifles you should be good

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=


Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, TBS is two days and we will just be arriving at Maturin Station

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