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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore for 4.12.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #604, STARDATE 51004.12 =/\=

The Manticore is in stationary orbit near Starbase 801. The spread of an illness that is showing as molecular changes to the skin has affected at least seven onboard as well as an entire lab of scientists back on Cold Station 9. As we hold position here, the Carthage has quarantined itself and Cold Station 9. Now to discover the method of infection and, most importantly, a cure.


LtCdrFaldek -> ::walking with Precip::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<btw, the TBS was 2 hours>>

Eva Jaz -> ::still tripping ... err sleeping ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: slips back into her seat at OPS after applying some much needed hand cream::::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <and those who are itchy are:

STSF Precip -> ::with Faldek:: If it's one thing I do not like at all...it's an enemy I cannot see.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::in the medbay, having administered the serum to Morran and now back to work on hunting for commonalities among those affected by the transformative...thing...::

Garnoopy -> ::at the engineering station, tapping panel::

McFly -> ::stasis::

MC_Escher -> ::blinks, opens, eyes, sits up:: Where am I? What happened?

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Dukath, Cal, Kansas, McFly, Eva, Jami and Kyle

T'Prise -> :: Sitting quietly in the main science lab, studying the transformation data supplied by Dr. t'Tamarak. ::

Eva Jaz -> <<were not itchy anymore ... we're sleepy>>

MC_Escher -> ::looks around, stands up:: Am I...in the spider cage?

Keb -> ::leans back, helm is quiet since we're not really going anywhere::

kyle_mele -> [[ yeah, now only jami and i are itchy.. the rest are sleeping ]]

LtCdrFaldek -> I suppose if you got good enough uhm... glasses or something you could see them... like ya know a magnifying glass that's good enough to see the molecular level..? I dunno

McFly -> ::hopeing he can't drool in stasis::

STSF Precip -> pathogens..diseases....parasites...you name it. ::walks down corridor to Holodeck::

kyle_mele -> ::scritchyscratch, thinks nothing of it::

LtCdrFaldek -> So you could see them technically, but I understand where you are coming from.,

MC_Escher -> ::looks through the glass and sees T'Prise, bangs on it:: TP!

Kansas Kenickie -> ::is in the meat locker with the others::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :slow exhale as she gives the panel the once-over, still rubbing the cream into her hands and as far up her arms as she can:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::leans on the console, looking over the results::

Keb -> ::glances at Jami:: You okay?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::notices the hallway:: Ahh yes, the holodeck.

Turris Morran -> ::in his isolation chamber, not showing any signs of improvement and talking even more jiberish thank before::

Hilee -> :: In Meng monitoring systems and daily assignments progress::

kyle_mele -> ::wanders to a medical supply cabinet, removing an adequate amount of cream::

kyle_mele -> ::retreats to his office to apply::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Hum...? ::glance to Keb:: Oh. Yeah. Just dry skin.

Garnoopy -> ::listening::

STSF Precip -> I mean unless you have a tricorder on hand...that is totally up to date with the latest bio-filter data files....you're going to eventually run into something on an away mission you are not prepared for.

LtCdrFaldek -> I was wondering when that would turn around and bite me.

T'Prise -> :: Looks over at Escher, raising an eyebrow. ::Commander, why do you refer to me as T'P? My name is T'Prise.

Vilanne -> ::goes over to t'Tamarak:: Jai, do we have anything yet?

MC_Escher -> ::waves her question away:: Did you do this to me?

Cmdr JFarrington -> I'm.... going to up the humidity a tad.

STSF Precip -> Okay...One moment Commander I have to make a few COMMs to the Bridge.

Keb -> ::ponders:: I thought maybe you got sunburnt or something on the holodeck...though, you'd have to take the safeties off for that, like certain husbands...::giggles a little::

T'Prise -> If you are referring to your current location, yes.

LtCdrFaldek -> By all means sir,

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap, ensuring biofilters are working::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::finishing with the cream, taps the console to adjust the humidity and the temperature...upwards:: Right. Like I'd do that with my fair skin. ::casually::

Keb -> Make sure you turn the temp down a little if you turn the humidity up.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::crisply:: working. I have na figured out anything conclusive...::glances with a mildly troubled expression towards the stasis area::

MC_Escher -> ::looks around, takes a deep breath:: Do you think you could let me out?

STSF Precip -> +Bridge+ Precip to Bridge...permission to take holodeck.. ::looks at the number:: 2 offline for security investigational purposes.

Sovak -> ::looks up from the CC:: It is not logical to change the standard environment of the bridge to suit your own comfort, Commander.

Keb -> ::grins at Jami:: I'm still mad at him for doing that.

Vilanne -> ::notes her discomfort, or some feeling:: What's wrong Jai?

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Precip+ Nothing going on in there. Permission granted.

T'Prise -> Have you sufficiently become calm enough to behave rationally once more?

MC_Escher -> ::gives her a look through the glass:: How can you trust what I say?

Eva Jaz -> ::floating and twirling amongst pink clouds ::

Hilee -> ::Sending a message to Garnoopy{text} on the bridge: +All bio filtering and additionial scrubbing proceeding smoothly....end message::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns to Sovak:: Well, sir.. in the interest of the dermal health of the crew, if the humidity is too low it would be logical to adjust it to optimal comfort and protection.

STSF Precip -> +Bridge+ Note we will be replicating a....software bypass that took place..no concern if you see any security alerts.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Of course, if you do not agree, I will gladly revise the settings.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Precip+ Noted.

T'Prise -> Your tone of voice and manner are usually a good indication of your sincerity.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::forwarding the information to Garnoopy:::

Sovak -> It is, of course, your prerogative as OPS officer. I merely pointed out the fact.

STSF Precip -> ::looks to Faldek:: Alright....now we need to shut it off...

Keb -> ::turns back to the Captain:: It's better than having her wear an environmental suit on the bridge.

kyle_mele -> ::exits his office, sufficiently lubed up with the cream that will, hopefully, reduce the itchiness::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tappitytaptap:: swivel:::

Garnoopy -> ::receiving the information::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pinged suddenly by the console:: Aha!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Of course, Captain. I do appreciate the reminder.

LtCdrFaldek -> Ok.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::exits his RR onto the Bridge:: *door*

Keb -> ::trying hard not to laugh at Jami's demeanor::

Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow at her, but turns back to his work at his chair terminal, saying nothing::

Vilanne -> What what Jai?

STSF Precip -> Computer...Shutdown Holodeck 2 except the entry door and settings adjustment controls.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes the admiral's entrance, sound FX and all:::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse Bellamy> :: is getting psychosomatic itchiness from seeing everyone scratching themselves ::

Sovak -> ::stands as the Admiral walks in, yielding the CC::

Garnoopy -> ::looks over at A9 entering the bridge::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, get Sickbay on the horn, I want to know what's up with our ... itchy people

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::slaps at Nurse Bellamy's hand::: Don't you start!

Keb -> ::smiles at A9 before turning back to her console::

STSF Precip -> Computer>Holodeck 2 is now offline.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::steps aside so Vil can peer over her shoulder and points at a few of the protein markers which seem common between all of the itchies:: Look.

LtCdrFaldek -> After you commander. ::motions to the door::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sir. +Med+ Bridge to Medical. Update on the situation with the ... itchy people.

STSF Precip -> Not...what you are thinking Commander...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes the holodeck coming offline:::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::raises an eye-ridge::

Vilanne -> ::leans over and looks:: You are kidding me... it's visible in something as easy as the protein? Ya think we have enough positives to be sure?

kyle_mele -> +Jami+ Mele here. We're still researching. We're working on a few different angles.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::quick scratch to her arm:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Med+ Elaborate.

STSF Precip -> ::points at Access panel::

Hilee -> ok...>>

kyle_mele -> ::quick scratch of the webbing between his fingers::

T'Prise -> :: Turns back to her research as she waits for Escher to respond. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> What about it sir?

Garnoopy -> ::adjusting the system settings for the humidity settings::

McFly -> ::bunnies::

MC_Escher -> ::sighs:: Yes, T'Prise. I am..."emotionally stable" enough.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::dryly:: Rokhinu, I don't think we have enough anything to be sure. Which is why this is as good a starting place as any, ie?

STSF Precip -> I would like to know how you were able to disable the safties in the holos without an engineer to do it.

T'Prise -> :: Nods an stands, moving to the spider cage to release Escher. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> I did not use an access panel sir. I entered the holodeck and gave a verbal command.

kyle_mele -> +Jami+ We are working on isolating a possible marker that seems to have prevented certain races from succumbing to the disease, as well as researching the actual cause, hoping to find what's causing the transformation.

Hilee -> N'Diri> Waiting on further medical and science reports from the now locked down Cold#9::

Vilanne -> Ie ie ie... Yes, I agree. let's get the Chief, pull up some samples to show him. ::turns around and waves Mele over with vivid excitement:: She's got it!

Keb -> ::checks the orbit and leans back in her chair again::

Vilanne -> Well, not IT, but she... oh, just come look!

STSF Precip -> Exactly what Verbal command did you give it?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pause, finding that interesting::: +Kyle+ Please forward all available information to Admiral Atragon.

T'Prise -> :: Opens the cage and steps aside to allow Escher to pass through. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::tiredly:: I do not "got" anything. And I would like to know if science has obtained anything in the past few hours as well. But it's a start.

LtCdrFaldek -> To turn off safety protocols, authorization Faldek Alpha 2-2-3-4

kyle_mele -> ::turns toward Vil:: Elaborate. ::strides over, scratches his cheek briefly::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wondering if he's going to understand it, but figures he'll ask if he needs to:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::walks to Jami's station:: +MED+ Kyle, what about limiting or understanding the spread?

kyle_mele -> +Jami+ Acknowledged.

kyle_mele -> +A9+ I wish I knew more at this point, Admiral, but I simply don't.

Eva Jaz -> :: Swimming in a warm ocean filled with colorful fishes ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::steps aside even further so that Mele can look at the possible markers as well::

Garnoopy -> ::taps panel::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +KYLE+ Ack, we will keep our internal quarantine in place for now

MC_Escher -> ::steps outside, straightens his uniform, keeps as much emotion out of his voice as possible:: What's the situation with the serum the hologram gave us?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Leaning back for another scratch, allowing A9 access to her panel, wondering why she didn't just forward the whole thing to him anyway:::kind of spaced out:::

STSF Precip -> Alright. Once you had accomplished that. Did the holodeck announce a warning to you regarding the Safety system deactivated?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::places his hand on Jami neck:: Thanks, Jami, you can close the comm

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tongue flick:: Aye, sir.

LtCdrFaldek -> I believe so. I do not recall listening for a confirmation.

T'Prise -> :: Looks solemnly at Escher. :: Dr. t'Tamarak has administered the serum, but there appears to be no change in Lt. Morran's condition.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<wonders if he hears the TOS rattler SFX as he touches her skin>>

STSF Precip -> Allright. ::hand on chin in thought for a moment::

kyle_mele -> [[ tongue flick?? ]]

Cmdr JFarrington -> <g>

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Vil:: Good work, continue, run a few simulations, let's see if we can get this pinpointed.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns and sits in the CC:: (if Sovak got up)

Sovak -> (( He did ))

kyle_mele -> Get with science, get a sample of the thing, see if we can reverse it using this.

Keb -> ::thinking about her off-duty time...since Faldek's banned from the holodecks indefinitely, have to get more creative...::

MC_Escher -> ::places head in hands and sits down hard in the nearest seat:: You try and try... ::glances up at T'Prise, a glint of tears in his eyes:: How can you handle it?

STSF Precip -> Sorry I could of sworn some sort of Hardware overide was needed to deactivate the safeties. However if the computer is accepting commands from everyone at the Rank of Commander....

Vilanne -> ::shrugs:: Boss, wasn't my work... this was... chalk it up to good ole Romulan Inginuity.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looking at Jami:: Commander, are you... scratching?

kyle_mele -> ::bows out to t'Tamarak:: Excellent work, Jai.

kyle_mele -> ::scratches his ear briefly::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scritch:: Dry skin, Sir.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well rank only has some to do with the access levels. We're security, we can over-ride a whole variety of protocols.

Vilanne -> ::grins and pats Jai's arm repeatedly:: I’m so glad we got you!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Put on some... cream. But it doesn't seem to be working. ::tongue flick:::

T'Prise -> :: Looks at Escher curiously. :: To what it do you refer? If you are referring to my actions, I am fully prepared to take responsibility for what I have done.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::narrows his eyes:: Just to be safe, get to Sickbay and have yourself scanned

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :faint smile:: Hann'yyo, rekkhai. ::pause, notes the scratch and sighs:: Not to be contributing to psychosomatics but...you're scratching.

MC_Escher -> ::looks confused:: Responsibility? What?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<my wife, the snake>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances sideways at Vil and looks somewhat gratified; doesn't say anything but it shows anyway::

Sovak -> ::looking around the bridge at personnel::

T'Prise -> :: Raises an eyebrow. :: For incapacitating you.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::headtick:: Yes, Sir. ::glance to Keb:: Slaving OPS to helm.

Hilee -> ::Watching the main console...notes a warning light blinking::...+Garnoopy+ Commander, ilee here...main board in engineering indicates a possible sec override in the safeties in holodeck#2...everything ok sir?.

Vilanne -> <<must go afk for a moment, sorry>>

MC_Escher -> ::stares for a second:: What? No! I'm not going to REPORT you for that. What kind of person do you think I am?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scritch scratch:::

STSF Precip -> ::walks inside deactivated holodeck....lost in thought...obviously::

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Yes, everything is fine. We're just running some tests.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::follows::

Keb -> ::nods to Jami::

T'Prise -> :: Silent for a moment. :: Protocol states that you must report me. First, however, I am curious to what it are you referring?

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Aye sir...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slips out of the chair, ambling towards the TL, somewhat bent:::

Eva Jaz -> :: taking a ride on the back of a ebony black seahorse ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((man...you get the cool dreams, Eva. I'm jealous))

Keb -> ::watches Jami leave, looking a little more concerned about her all of a sudden::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::watching Jami go and he looks down at the hand he just had on her neck:: hmmmm

MC_Escher -> ::waves hands in the air:: Just...this...insanity! A friend, a colleague, a living, sentient being, is about to die because I was too blind to notice his danger signs. I mean...what kind of chief am I?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::as the doors close:: Sick bay. ::flick:::

STSF Precip -> I cannot have all the Commanders of this ship...deactivating certain protocols...or their will not be a command staff left....::thinking outloud as he looks around the grid::

LtCdrFaldek -> Sir, I do not believe everyone has done what I did. Besides as I previously stated it was not a suicide attempt...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pauses after exiting the lift just outside sick bay:::

T'Prise -> From all indications, Lt. Morran's condition was brought about by his own actions. Also, as you are not a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a trained therapist, you cannot be responsible for not noticing. Lt. Morran was very secretive.

kyle_mele -> ::quick aside:: ..I was?

Sovak -> Lt. Fabio, lower humidity on the bridge by .5 %

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Ie.

Garnoopy -> ::tapping panels::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: going on about her routine , annoyed at her itchy left arm ::

STSF Precip -> Bad judgment...then?

LtCdrFaldek -> Yes, bad judgment.

STSF Precip -> ::still looking around at the grid::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::glances around, tasting the air for a minute:::

Sovak -> <<magic edit... last was said to Keb>>

Hilee -> ::Monitoring the life support filtration systems and the additionial scrubbing continues un hindered::

Keb -> Aye sir, lowering the humidity...5%. ::pushes the button::

Keb -> ::looks a bit nervous about doing so::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::straightens up as much as she can before entering sick bay, a slight hop to her step:::

Hilee -> ::Tapp,tapp...tappity,tapp,tapp::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: nods as Jami walks in SB ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scritchscratch:::

MC_Escher -> ::stares at her for a little bit, a curious look in his eyes as he examines hers, then looks away:: Of course. Of course. I'm sorry. ::sighs:: So. What's going on with the rest of the ship?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::beginning simulations on possible treatments that would account for the presence of the markers in the afflicted bloodstreams, while keeping half an eye on Mele::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::and now on Farrington, who enters sickbay scratching::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Nurse Belamy:: Got something for dry skin?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> <m> Elements...::resists the urge to facepalm::

McFly -> ::the dark sky crackles with thunder and lightning; through the thick fog red dots emerge and grow bigger as they move closer::

STSF Precip -> Bad Judgment...::looks down at deck:: You are not alone in that respect. I've done some things on the ship I have ...come to regret.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::step-hop::tongueflick:::


Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> ::shakes her head :: oh no ... not you too Commander ... err right this way I'll get a doctor to give you something to help ease your skin .. a little

Admiral Atragon-9 -> *SCRATCHING

LtCdrFaldek -> Well sir... as they say to err is human.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scratch...scratch...scratch:::

kyle_mele -> ::is apparently scratching almost constantly::

LtCdrFaldek -> Not that we're human, but I’m sure you understand the concept.

McFly -> ::four bunnies, black fur, teeth like dagger and ears like antennas, they walk back to their hole each holding a limb of McFly

McFly -> ::

LtCdrFaldek -> We are not gods... so we make mistakes. It's part of being alive.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B. > ::leads Jami into sickbay , seeing Mele itching badly , turns to Jai :: Dr t'Tamarak ?

T'Prise -> Many crew members are currently undergoing the transformation that was brought aboard by the away team that retrieved Lt. Morran form Cold Station 9. We are current under quarantine and general quarters orders have been issued.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::points a webbed hand at Kyle:: See..he's got it, too. I adjusted the humidity on the bridge. Looks like we need an adjustment in here, too. ::as she is led:::

MC_Escher -> ::blank pause:: ...how's medical doing? Do they have a cure? Do they need our help?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Nurse B> ::irritably:: What?

Turris Morran -> ::steps out of his room, into the hustle and bustle of sickbay and takes a look around::

Keb -> ::slightly worried that it will be too dry::

Hilee -> N'Diri>::Noting the latest report from medical and science....last test results....a resounding Negative. Looking around the bridge...shaking his head::.

T'Prise -> I am already doing some research for Dr. t'Tamarak, I was about to report my findings.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> Jai> err could you get a cream of somethinbg for the commander :: pointing at Jami :: she 's itching too

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes Farrington up and down::

Garnoopy -> ::going over statuses::

STSF Precip -> Part of being alive. Yes...but a survival instinct should be in one's thoughts....::kneels and touches the floors holoemitters::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::is eyed up and down:::gives Jai a look:::

T'Prise -> :: Moves over to the console and taps the panel. :: + t'Tamarak + T'Prise to Dr. t'Tamarak.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well sir, I did deactivate the holodeck the moment i felt consciousness leaving me.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: seriously wondering if she's only itchy from seeing peoplke itching or because she's infected too ::

LtCdrFaldek -> That was about when I hit the deck, I think.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <is it Nurse Bethany or Nurse Belamy?>

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Actually, Nurse Betty is itchy for real>>

Eva Jaz -> :: Lying on a beach , making sand caste with a talking polar bear ::

MC_Escher -> ::stands behind T'Prise, hovering, paying careful attention::

McFly -> ::they walk inside their hole in the ground and lay mcfly on a table pinning him down; another bunny turns a look at mcfly, it smiles a licks its razor sharp teeth; it turns back and continues to sharpen a butcher knife::

Eva Jaz -> <<Bellamy>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Mele:: Erei'riov...::pause thoughtfully, then looks at Jami and adds the plural::...ir...you are exhibiting symptoms of the transformation, I think.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +T'Prise+ Ie. What?

STSF Precip -> That was most fortunate. Because I believe Holographic Klingons would not know when to quit even if their enemy were down.. And I won't even mention what a Nausicaan might do.

Turris Morran -> ::steps up behind Jaiysa, looking over her shoulder at Jami::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tongueflick:: Transsssformation?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: goes back to the nurse office scratching her left arm more vigorously::

LtCdrFaldek -> Perhaps I should have chosen Romulans... they are a little more... squishy.

Cmdr JFarrington -> What transszzzformation?

T'Prise -> +t'Tamarak+ It is the copper content of Vulcan blood cells that is stopping the tranformation from being transmitted.

STSF Precip -> You have had more experience with them according to your declassified records.

LtCdrFaldek -> Yes. I've never faced a Klingon in real life.

kyle_mele -> ::scritchy:: Commander, if you'd join me in my office..

STSF Precip -> Of course in here they would of just shot you over and over again...::shakes his head:: Computers.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::scritch:: Sure.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Jami> :;dryly:: Ie, rekkhai. Exactly.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Which commander?>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::grateful look to Mele as he intercepts Jami; turns back towards the console:: +T'Prise+ Copper?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((must be you))

Eva Jaz -> Nurse Bellamy> :: takes a second to look at her arm instead of scratching absently for the first time in 3 hrs :: Ahhhh!! notices a greenish tint to it , and to the other arm ::

McFly -> ::it walks over to McFly and looks over him as he's still pinned down by the other four; they all look at each other and nod; Quickly! the bunny heaves the knife down and chops off one of McFly’s legs at the hip; he does the same with the other::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((I am only a centurion and everyone else is itchy))

Turris Morran -> ::looks around sick bay once more and slips on some gloves:: Someone mind telling me what's going on here?

STSF Precip -> Have I faced a Klingon...no. A Romulan....yes..but on unequal terms.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<in fact, any member of the medical staff who is not Romulan, Vulcan or Bolian is exhibiting signs of the molecular transformation>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Morran:: I see you're feeling better::

Turris Morran -> ::quite loudly::

Garnoopy -> ::tapping panels::

Garnoopy -> ::hums to himself::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::upon entering the office:: Think you can up the humidity a tad?

Turris Morran -> ::Looks at Jaiysa somewhat confusedly:: I don't recall being ill.

Eva Jaz -> :: steps over the bear's castle for the heck of it running away giggling as the bear chases her laughing as well ::

McFly -> ::again at both shoulders and at the neck... but McFly is still alive and watching at horror as his body is dismembered::

kyle_mele -> ::nodding:: I was thinking it was a little dry. Computer, increase humidity by twenty percent.

T'Prise -> + t'Tamarak + Vulcan and Romulan hemoglobin is based on copper rather than iron, as in most humanoids and also reptiles. I believe the disease is being transmitted via proteins in the red blood cells that are iron rich.

STSF Precip -> ::sits down on holodeck::

STSF Precip -> ^floor

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::that gives her pause; turns and stares at him:: <m> A ship of madmen, fools, and amnesiacs.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: runs back in main sb , frantically looking for a dr :: Doctors .... doctors .....

LtCdrFaldek -> ::standing there, looking at Precip::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::has the urge to hop onto a chair, but sits instead:::

Keb -> ::noting the adjustments to humidity on the ops screen::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: scratch, scratch, scratch ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;gives Morran the "please hold" gesture as T’Prise speaks::

Garnoopy -> ::frowns, noting some increases in humidity around the ship::

kyle_mele -> ::takes a seat, flicks his eyes a couple times, flicks his tongue::

kyle_mele -> Much better..

McFly -> ::the bunnies take McFly’s parts, except the head, and tosses them in a large cauldron; the bunnies also add carrots, many many carrots::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Nodnodscratch:::

kyle_mele -> Commander.. I hope your do realissse that we're both infected.

Eva Jaz -> << I so read " licks his eyes ">>

STSF Precip -> I basically executed a surrendering Romulan on the first Manticore....the only blood I've ever shed on my duty.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Infected? ::scratch:: With...?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +T'Prise+ That would make a certain amount of sense; I have located a protein marker that seems to be present across all the afflected I'm transmitting the data to you now; see if it correlates with your assumption.

LtCdrFaldek -> How sure are you that the Romulan was really surrendering sir?

T'Prise -> +t'Tamarak + :: continues :: As reptiles have a very low hemocrit, which allows for slow oxygenation of the blood, it also allows for slow infection of the transformation within the host body.

kyle_mele -> Thisss dissseassse

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Admiral... I'm noticing increases in humidty in certain areas of the ship.

Garnoopy -> It appears people are adjusting the levels, to a dramatic level.

LtCdrFaldek -> I've known many many Romulans, they do not surrender easily. He may have been playing you, to let your guard down.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Thisss dizzzeeassse... of courzzze.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::snap, tongueflick:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sigh:: Probably people with skin issues. Let Sickbay know the locations

MC_Escher -> <<This sim is just getting ridiculous>>

Keb -> ::turns slightly:: Well, Commander Farrington may have had them adjust it in sick bay, too...

STSF Precip -> He dropped his weapon....our team had him alone...we could not take any prisoners..because the ship had been captured by the Romulans...There was no choice.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((only now, Escher?))

Eva Jaz -> ::dives back in the ocean , doing a slow backstroke , enjoying the suns before grabbing a drink off the back of a turtle-like animal that was passing by with , conveniently , a mixed drink on his back ::

MC_Escher -> <<New heights, t'T. New heights.>>

STSF Precip -> ::stands up from Holodeck Floor::

T'Prise -> :: Receives data :: + t'Tamarak + I will analyze the data you have supplied and prepare another report. T'Prise out. :: Turns to Escher. :: Commander?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::in Stasis, doesn't dream::

LtCdrFaldek -> Sir if you could not take prisoners then the execution was... justified.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Admiral... sickbay has the highest of all humidity levels, and it keeps rising.

Keb -> ::glances at the empty chair::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::lets out a long breath:: <m> Please...hann'yyo. :;feeling a little worn down at the moment, looks back towards Morran::

Hilee -> ::Monitoring the grid...allocating resources as needed::

MC_Escher -> ::hemoglobin subunits fill his head:: Yes?

McFly -> ::it stews for hours and McFly can do nothing but watch; finally it's ready and is ladled into bowls; the bunnies gather around the table with mcflys head sitting in the center and begin devouring the stew; the bunnies laugh and eat; mcfly watches::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Arrain...I do na have the time to explain to you...exactly what is happening.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::nods to Garn:: Ack. Let me know if it starts raining

STSF Precip -> Regardless if it was justified it still haunts me to this day. I wish I had a hypo...but I didn’t.

LtCdrFaldek -> If you would have simply stunned him, he could have woken up and compromised the mission or other crew members.

T'Prise -> I believe you specialize in biology, perhaps you wish to review the research?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::settles into the chair:: Isss there a cure... or do we even have a clue about what caussssesss it and what might cure it?

kyle_mele -> ::sighs:: I'm worried, Jami. Sickbay seems to be the most affected.. that's not good at all.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: If the disease is spreading, we may need to consider more dramatic measures, including shutting down transfers around the ship.... and sealing off critical sections environmental controls.

STSF Precip -> Actually I did stun him.. point blank to the head to avoid being detected by ship sensors.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Such as the bridge and engineering.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::struggling to control the symptoms ::slow nod:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Garn, get those plans drawn up, I want to make a decision on that soon

Cmdr JFarrington -> What about sssience?

Garnoopy -> ::A9:: Aye.

kyle_mele -> But yessss.. I believe we know what'sss going on.

Garnoopy -> ::turns, taps his panels::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: a little panicky because itchy , but manages to keep her cool , approaches Jai' sstation ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::listening:::

LtCdrFaldek -> Sir you must realize you did what you had to do to ensure the security of the mission and the safety of your crew.

McFly -> ::full, the bunnies sit back, pick their teeth and laugh at McFly; then, one gets an idea; it ladles another bowl and sets it down in front of mcfly; it dips a spoon in and shoves it into McFly’s mouth::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<wow, there must be an atmo leak in Kyle's office, listen to all that hissing!>>

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Commander....there appears to be a sharp increase demand for environmental control in the area of sickbay specifically, is there anything going on....sir.?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::sees B approaching and gives her a look that does not exactly say "it's going to be alright" but at least says "please for the love of the Elements do NOT panic at me"::

Keb -> ::glances at the readout on ops, shifting nervously:: But what if we..all get it? Suppose it gets too dry in here for us?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((aw))

T'Prise -> << ahhh, the sibilant tones of reptile tongues. >>

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ It appears those affected by the disease prefer a higher humidty level, I'd expect it to continue to rise for a while.

STSF Precip -> Not my proudest moment nonetheless...like this event that took place in here is no doubt not your finest moment you've been in as a starfleet officer.. I guess we must all move on from our...."mistakes"

MC_Escher -> ::nods:: Absolutely. Send it to the master console. ::sits down and begins tapping frantically:: Does the protein marker have any supplementary heme groups?

Eva Jaz -> :: does not panic , and shows her greenish arm to the doctor ::

LtCdrFaldek -> Yes sir, we need to learn from our mistakes, and implement ways to not make them again.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Morran> ::continuing:: Suffice it to say...you have been extremely...disordered. In every physiological way it is possible to be so.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::blink, pause, sees the arm, mutters an oath::

Vilanne -> ::goes to check on those in status and the doctor's that are reviewing them::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Acknowledged, We are still keeping iso protocols in effect until otherwise ordered Commander.

kyle_mele -> We know it doesssn't affect Vulcansss or Romulansss.. we're hoping to find the markersss that keep it from doing ssso

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::barks:: Vil!

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Yes we are.

McFly -> ::they laugh they laugh as they foce mcfly to swallow then laugh harder when it the mcfly meat just falls out of his neck; so amused, they continue... for days and days and days...::

Vilanne -> ::jumps and moves to jai:: Yes?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: very soberly :: Jai> Can I bother you for some of that cream too ?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::checking her hands, noting the greenish cast:: It ssseems to be manifesssting itssself differently in different people.

Keb -> ::has been in rather close proximity to Jami all day, being on shift together...and is starting to worry for herself as well as her friend::

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Acknowledged ...

STSF Precip -> Commander Faldek, when I assign you to missions I am looking for someone who has had experience in infiltration, espionage..subterfuge. There is no other officer on board that has worked for an intellegence officer as long as you have. I need your...this ship needs your skills when called for.

T'Prise -> :: Escher :: I believe that the porphyrins containing iron in the metalloproteins are those being infected. I have not isolated a specific group.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::to Bellamy -- points in the direction of a storage cabinet:: ::to Vil:: How do we stand for available stasis pods?

Turris Morran -> Well, perhaps ytou'll be willing to catch me up on the details later. It appears we have a situation of some sort here. ::looks over a console:: I've seen something like this before.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Maybe there is sssomething elsssse that can trigger it - or sssslow it down.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +MED+ This is the Admiral. Commander Farrington came down to Sickbay, can someone let me know her status?

Vilanne -> ::turns to look at Nurse B, then back to Jai:: We have two left... but we may as well just put the whole ship in a state... until this passes. ::sighs::

STSF Precip -> Physical confrontations....like what happened here is not what I expect you to excel in. Actually Given the numerical odds...I certainly wouldnt either.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Bellamy, Farrington, and the Daise'Maenek are all showing symptoms...::trails off into a growl as the admiral calls::

Garnoopy -> ::tapping a panel::

LtCdrFaldek -> Of course sir. I will not let past failures affect my future decisions negatively, as I did with the Morran mission.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::toasty warm and a bit dripping with humidity:::

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: goes to said cabinet , itching away ::

T'Prise -> Although Heme L is a likely candidate.

Hilee -> ::Turns to Lt.Smith and Lt.jones:: All containment fields to remain in effect....keep following iso protocols.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well sir I have overcome a few instances in which the numbers were against me.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Morran> Unless you feel you can confirm the readings which your department is about to be sending back to me, that kind of vague statement is really na helpful, rekkhai.

STSF Precip -> You are to valuable an asset to this crew to be lost Beran. One of these days I will need someone to infiltrate some compound somewhere on a distant world..and you would be my number one choice.

LtCdrFaldek -> I am a master of a variety of mixed martial arts.

Vilanne -> ::frowns, then goes to answer to the com:: +Admiral+ The Commander will be checked, but we are full up Sir. As soon as we can update you we will... ::trails off seeing Nurse Nancy digging into her thick thighs with her nails, scratching ridiculously::

LtCdrFaldek -> Well thank you sir.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: makes happy sounds while smearing cream over her arms ::

Vilanne -> Rut roh... we got another one. ::motions at Nurse Nancy:: We'll all be itching, we'll all be infected.

LtCdrFaldek -> But I do work better in those situations alone.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Gimme some of that Bellamy. ::snark::

MC_Escher -> ::tapping away:: Why does the infection result in scaly skin?

kyle_mele -> I think it'sss touch. +A9+ I'll let you know asss sssoon asss I know, Admiral.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Rekkhai, do na...ah...touch her. If you can avoid it.

Vilanne -> ::glances at Mele and turns back to Jai:: Why is the Chief slurring?

Garnoopy -> ::hears the comm, looks at Atragon:: Containment procedures are laid out... I've forwarded them to your console.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::cuts the comm and looks around the Bridge as everyone heard what he did::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +T'Prise+ ::sharply:: t'Tamarak to science. Your results immediately would be preferable. The rate of spread, judging by empirical evideence, appears to be increasing.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> ::sighs:: Because he is turning into a lizard, rokhinu.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Kyle:: There wasss sssomething from Carthage...when they returned to Cold Ssstation 9, they found the ssscientistsss gone. Maybe we should return there to sssee what we can find.

Sovak -> ::raises an eybrow::

Turris Morran -> There's no need to be so snarky, Centurian. ::takes a closer lok at the console:: I was about to go on to say that this resembles a part of project nemesis. We were attempting to create biological pathogens that would affect only select species.

T'Prise -> It appears to tranform the infected host into a reptilian. I hypothesize that this is due to the proteins rewriting genetic code.

STSF Precip -> But you are a better spy Beran...leave the Physical confrontations out of the picture. A person of your skill set should not find oneself against six Klingons....or seven Romulans in a fist fight. Your best assets are avoiding conflict and then striking at your target.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: We'll seal the bridge, engineering, sickbay and each deck... no one will be allowed to move between them. Each area will have isolated enviornmental systems.

Keb -> ::looks back at the Admiral:: Did he...hiss?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: turns to see Nancy scratching , walks over with pot of cream and tosses it :: Nanc, you'll need this .. :: scratches her legs ::

kyle_mele -> ::snaps:: They weren't gone.. we found amphibiansss...

McFly -> ::in an out of body experience, mcfly realizes he got to stasis just in time::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tongueflick:::

STSF Precip -> You have assassinated targets while in the order?

Sovak -> It did indeed, sound like that, Commander.

LtCdrFaldek -> Of course sir, but one must always be prepared for every situation.

Hilee -> N'Diri>+All teams science and medical...time is crucial ,we have had additional reports of this ...ailment spreading, we need answers.....soon.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::grabs the pot of cream deftly, and starts globbing it on her itchies::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Then how will newly affected people get aid and get away from others in their area?

LtCdrFaldek -> Yes sir. I am responsible for... too many deaths.

T'Prise -> + t'Tamarak + Transmitting the results now doctor. We have confirmed your supposition.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: We'll beam crewmembers into sickbay or beam supplies to them... but no one can move physically between sections.

MC_Escher -> But...::spins around in his chair, is glad he installed swivel chairs when he became chief::...how in the world can one protein rewrite the entire genetic code that way? It must be activating secondary sites all over the place.

STSF Precip -> And avoid the situations which you can't possibly win....like here.

Eva Jaz -> :: sends the turtle wannabe barman to fetch her another andorian sunset on the rocks ::

McFly -> ::mcfly looks around; the bunnies are gone; he's back in a beautiful meadow with a cool breeze, blue sky, and lilacs; he walks a little ways down, tempted to frolic but doesn't::

LtCdrFaldek -> Of course sir, I did learn that lesson.

STSF Precip -> Beran.. promise me you will not do this again.

Garnoopy -> However, once beamed into what we deem a "contaminated area" you may not leave.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives Morran a sideways look:: Such as avoiding those with copper-based bloodstreams, perhaps, ie? ::pinged with the data:: +T'PRise+ hann'yyo, rekkhai.

Garnoopy -> If I sent you to sickbay... you're going to stay there.

STSF Precip -> For goodness sakes your married now..

LtCdrFaldek -> I give you my word, Commander.

Hilee -> *spreading

Admiral Atragon-9 -> So we're setting up leper colonies, eh?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::absently:: Blocker.

T'Prise -> :: Escher :: If the protein was specifically engineered function in this manner, such a transformation is possible.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> We've got a confirmed supposition. It will need to be further refined but we may be able to begin a tentative treatment.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Hissstamine....blocker...

LtCdrFaldek -> I received quite the tongue lashing from Keb in sickbay.

Garnoopy -> You could call it that... in the meantime, bouys will be set up around the ship warning any incoming ship of our quarantine status.

McFly -> ::after a while he comes across a cute fluffly white bunny; he stares at it for a moment...; McFly runs off screaming::

Vilanne -> ::works on what jai said:: Ok, we'll check this out.

Keb -> ::feeling a little trapped by Garnoopy's plan::

STSF Precip -> ::turns and walks to Faldek:: How the hell would I of been able to right a next of kin letter to Keb...regarding something like this...

kyle_mele -> ::shakes his head:: It won't work. Thisss isss on the DNA level

Garnoopy -> What we're trying to do is stop the infection - so those who aren't infected can keep the ship running, and hopefully give those infected more time.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, Commander. Initiate the protocols.

Garnoopy -> If we all become infected then time runs out.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tongueflick:::

Garnoopy -> Aye Admiral.

LtCdrFaldek -> I do not know sir.

MC_Escher -> ::nods:: It'll be easy to spot, because I'm theorizing it'll have to have at least three active sites to be able to pull this off. Here, I'm sending you some protein definition files that narrow our search a little. ::tap tap::

STSF Precip -> ::stops and looks at floor:: I don’t know either.

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Garnoopy to Hilee, this is a level 5 quarantine. Seal engineering. Begin isolating all decks environmental systems.

Garnoopy -> ::taps panels::

STSF Precip -> One last thing I need to tell you before your dismissed...

kyle_mele -> ::taps his comm:: +Vilanne+ Doctor..

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: scratches her back violently , contortioning to try to scratch a itch she can't reach ::

LtCdrFaldek -> What is that sir?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +T'Prise+ I'm beginning to put together potential treatment options based on this information; anything further that would contribute, na need for delay.

Hilee -> +Garnoopy+ Aye Commander

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::having difficulty thinking beyond the present:::

Garnoopy -> Computer> Warning. Level 5 Quarantine initiated. All personnel are to remain at their locations. No personnel will be allowed to move about the ship.

Vilanne -> +Mele+ Boss? Where did you run off to?

McFly -> ::the bunny stands there confused; it looks into the camera and smiles showing its razor sharp teeth as everything fades to black::

Sovak -> Commander Mizu. Sound general quarters.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::;scratch::flick:::

kyle_mele -> +Vil+ Doctor, pleassse tell me you have sssomething

Garnoopy -> ::taps panels::

T'Prise -> :: Looks down at her console as the data is received. :: We should replicate these proteins for examination.

Keb -> Aye Aye captain, sounding general quarters. ::does the opsy thing::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks up at the quarantine warning:: Well that doesnt apply to security... does it? ::looks at Precip::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::P: Quarantine. Fvadt...fvadt fvadt fvadt.

kyle_mele -> ::would flick his tail if he had one, has a sudden urge to lick his eyeball::

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Bridge has been isolated... sickbay has been sealed. No personnel will be able to leave sickbay.

Hilee -> ::Begins tapping away at the main console ....completely sealing off Meng and other sections of the ship::

Keb -> ::scoots a little ways away from the chair Jami recently vacated at the same time::

MC_Escher -> ::nods, jogs over the matter replicator, enters in the protein specifications::

STSF Precip -> There is too much combat stress or any stress in general onboard this ship...Holodeck safety programming I plan to bring up to the Admiral. Do not think it as the "Faldek" rule...I have no doubt some other officer will do the same thing you did in the future in here...that must be changed.

T'Prise -> + t'Tamarak + We will supply you with appropriate information as we have it.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> +Mele+ Rekkhai. We have narrowed down a potential marker which seems to correlate with the resistance of copper-based blood types to the affliction.

Sovak -> If Commander Farrington was infected, we may assume the bridge is also a quarantined area

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::looks down at his left hand again, the one that he rested on Jami's neck... and scratches it:: Acknowledged, Mr. Garnoopy.

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: I have programmed the computer to recognize only command level staff for transporters - and no personnel may beam out of a quarantine area.

Kansas Kenickie -> <<I am guessing that isn't "Yaaay" in Romulan Jaiyas>>

Eva Jaz -> ::downs her second mixed drink and goes for a little flyby on the back of a yellow flamingo ::

Garnoopy -> ::Atragon:: Also, the bridge and engineering are off limits to any incoming transporter signal.

LtCdrFaldek -> Of course sir.

Vilanne -> ::eyes enlarge and look at Jai, hearing Mele's hissessessess:: +We are putting together a trial ... Jai is working with t'Prise... we should know shortly.

STSF Precip -> Good Luck with the Doctor....Dismissed.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Let's hope that's enough!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((no, it means "sir"))

LtCdrFaldek -> I'm not going to sickbay right now...

Garnoopy -> ::paused::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, TBS is another 2 hours and Kyle and Jami may need to go into stasis unless they find a cure FAST

LtCdrFaldek -> So, those of us who are immune, are we under the quarantine order or can we move about the ship?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> No one is sure who is truly immune so everyone is under quarantine

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb?

Keb -> Is Keb (human) infected, as she has been in relatively close contact with various sick people?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> at this point, no

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Med still has to tell us how it is transmitted

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