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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 3.22.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #601, STARDATE 51003.22 =/\=

The Manticore has retrieved Lt. Morran and freed the scientists at Cold Station 9. Following the hand off of Admiral Locke and his ship, the Anaximander, to the Special Ops Wing, the Manticore is enroute back to Atarxis to return Lt. Morran's "travelling companions" to their home.


LtCdrFaldek -> ::in sickbay, and awake, out in the main part, not in ICU anymore::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: on the bridge at OPS:::

LtCdrFaldek -> :: on a bio-bed of course::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::still in sickbay, keeping an eye on the nohtho scientist and whoever else hasn't left yet::

Turris Morran -> :: on a bed in sick bay, still between consciousness and out like a light::

McFly -> ::standing at tactical::

Sovak -> :: on bridge::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sips from a cup of water::

Eva Jaz -> ::brewing a fresh pot of coffee , having taken a break from Morran's bedside for a moment ::

Keb -> ::in sick bay, next to Faldek's biobed, not looking entirely pleased with her husband::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: working helm as well::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at Keb:: It wasn't a suicide attempt.

Hilee -> ::At the engineering console on the bridge::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((is Precip still in SB too?))

T'Prise -> :: Examining the vials and the pouch from the box KK brought her. Containment protocols are still in place. ::

Keb -> ::sighs at Beran:: Then what were you trying to do?

precip -> (I think so...Kyle was going to talk to me about something...but not here tonight)

Hilee -> ::Sipping on his mug of go juice...tapping away::

LtCdrFaldek -> I was frustrated with the way things happened over the last week, and decided to let some steam off... apparently I have lost my... touch.

McFly -> ::after the latest mission is now contemplating becoming a bounty hunter::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters Sickbay, PADD in Hand::

Eva Jaz -> ::waiting as the coffee machine fills sb with a delicious aroma ::

Keb -> ::scoffs:: There are better ways to let off some steam, Beran. You terrified me.

Eva Jaz -> ::nods in Kansas direction as she enters ::

Vilanne -> ::one ear listening in on Faldek and Keb, after hearing the suicide word... the other ear also listen as best she can, without being noticed::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tappitytap:::

Hilee -> ::Reading reports from repair teams and Meng::

Keb -> I'm not ready to be a widow yet.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well that was not my intention. My intention was to kill the holograms.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Walks over to Faldek's Bed:: Lt Commander, we need to talk

LtCdrFaldek -> I killed the first 3 with ease... but the last 3 just... overwhelmed me.

Keb -> ::takes Beran's hand gently in hers:: You can do that with the safeties on, you know.

precip -> ::in Sickbay not in hearing range of Faldek and Keb...but he sees them together and places his hand on his forehead::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looks at KK:: Ok then. Talk.

Sovak -> ::To Jami::ETA to Antarxis, Commander?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sitting in his Ready Room in a funk, not enjoying being a taxi service::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tappitytap:: Two hours, Captain.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Glances at Keb:: Alone

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::enters sick bay, growling and rubbing the ridges on his forehead::

LtCdrFaldek -> There is no sense of danger with the safeties off. Kansas, she can stay.

Sovak -> ::nods and sits in the CC::

Keb -> ::glances up at Kansas, holding his hand a bit more firmly:: Hey, I just got him back, you know.

LtCdrFaldek -> She is my wife and she can hear anything you have to tell me.

Kansas Kenickie -> This isn't a Social visit, I am in charge of Security right now and we need to talk

LtCdrFaldek -> Well sickbay isn’t exactly private and i can't leave yet. I can take a talking to like a big boy, I assure you.

precip -> Gosh he's alive...good thing.

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::looks around sick bay and yells loudly:: Where's the doctor?

Eva Jaz -> ::pours herself a cup of smoking java in her giant specially made mug ::

Hilee -> Jami> Commander....all repair parties reporting in as completed assignments on the primary systems, secondary repairs should be completed by the timewe make planet fall...

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> to Dukath> Excuse me, we check in at the nurses station first. Your name? Do you have an appointment?

Eva Jaz -> ::hears yelling , drops her coffee on the floor ::

precip -> ::pages Doctor Jai::

Eva Jaz -> *&^#%$%$!!!

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs:: Fine, I need to to explain what happen in the Holodeck

Eva Jaz -> :: walks over to check who's causing the commotion ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Hilee:: Sounds good, Mr. Hilee. You're on top of things as usual. ::perky::

LtCdrFaldek -> You need to explain it to me, or I need to explain it to you?

Eva Jaz -> Nancy> What's going on here ?? : eyes Dukath ::And you are ?

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Dr Jaz, I haven't checked in this patient yet... perhaps a hypo to calm him?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hears the page and comes in from the next room, keeping an ear out for Morran to do anything interesting::

Kansas Kenickie -> I need you to

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::approaches Nurse Nancy, looks down at her and growls:: No, I don't have an appointment! I need something for this itching. ::Scratches his ridges::

LtCdrFaldek -> As I was telling my wife.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::keeps distance, as not to catch anything::

Keb -> ::sits back, still holding his hand, clearly interested in hearing this too::

LtCdrFaldek -> Well lets start a little farther ahead.

Hilee -> ::Smiles and thinks to himself....:: Jami> We try Commander, We try...

Turris Morran -> ::wakes up a bit, eying the Klingon Dukath and wandering where Sir'al is::

precip -> Doctor...::sees t'Tamarak:: May I ask for the latest on Turris Morran?

LtCdrFaldek -> I was very frustrated and betrayed by Morran lying to me, and forging an authentic document. I was frustrated that he bested me on that planet...

T'Prise -> :: Sticks her hand through the forcefield and runs a tricorder over the puch. ::

T'Prise -> *pouch

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> this isn't some bar ... sir .... you sit down and politely wait ..and answer the nice lady here when she's trying to assess your needs ..... *then* you will see a doctor .....

MC_Escher -> ::standing behind T'Prise, observing over her shoulder, worried::

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> I’m sure Dr Jaz has just the right thing. Please don't touch anything.

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> ::with T'Prise and Escher in the science bay::

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::growls some more and takes a seat on a biobed::

LtCdrFaldek -> Then when I come in here to sincerely apologize to Dr. Vilanne for what happened you shooed me away like I was just bugging her. So it frustrated me.

MC_Escher -> ::turns to Sir

LtCdrFaldek -> I decided to go to the holodeck and kill some holograms.

T'Prise -> :: Turns around and looks at Escher. :: Does she have clearance to be here?

MC_Escher -> *::shrugs, turns to Sir'al:: What are you doing here?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::minor course adjustment:::checking system status and all's good:::

Keb -> ::shakes head slightly::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> Rekkhai. :;nod:: Arrain Morran is semi-conscious at the moment; he is still suffering from severe chemical imbalances and has been making attempts at being quite vocal but has not yet achieved making a great deal of sense at the same time.

Vilanne -> ::hearing Faldek's version, is semi-relieved that it wasn't her fault he was frustrated::

Eva Jaz -> Nancy> Could you have someone clean up the mess I made with the coffee while I check up on him ? :: sheepish smile ::

Eva Jaz -> *have

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> Of course Doctor.

Kansas Kenickie -> YOu do know you can kill them with the safeties on, correct?

Turris Morran -> Cal> ::enters sickbay, hand up his shirt, scratching furiously::

LtCdrFaldek -> Its no challenge with the safeties on, so I turned them off. I killed the first 3 warriors easily, but the last 3 ganged up on me, and knocked me unconcious before I could turn the program off.

LtCdrFaldek -> But they pose no real threat with the safeties on.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::pages the Chief Janitor, then goes over to place caution hover cones around the mess::

precip -> Severe Chemical Imbalances? He was..not insane...rather under the influence of some drug?

Kansas Kenickie -> There is a reason we have safeties, it is for everyone’s safety

LtCdrFaldek -> I was ... out of practice obviously.

LtCdrFaldek -> Then why can they be turned off?

Keb -> "No challenge?" It also means your wife doesn't have a heart attack and the doctors don't have to spend hours fixing you up again.

Eva Jaz -> ::approaches Dukath :: What can we do for you ?

LtCdrFaldek -> Why is there even a choice to turn them off then

Kansas Kenickie -> you do know you violated those rules by turning them off.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> :: eyeing Cal :: Yes ? Can we help you ?

LtCdrFaldek -> I know that, yes.

Kansas Kenickie -> I am not debating with you.

Turris Morran -> Cal> ::Jaz:: You have something for irritated skin? This hurts something awful. ::looks at Dukath, who's scratching his forehead and panics:: Oh god, it was something down on the base wasn't it? Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Keb -> ::tries not to interrupt Kansas, but still feeling angry at Beran for being so stupid::

T'Prise -> :: Goes back to ignoring Sir'al and resumes her investigation. ::

LtCdrFaldek -> It would not have been an issue, had I not let myself stay on top of my previous training regimen.

Kansas Kenickie -> YOu have lost your Holodeck access until further notice. that includes the use of them with your wife

LtCdrFaldek -> Oh really? Cant even enjoy a sunny non threatening beach?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > :: getting out of the nurse office , almost running behind cal :: Sir , you can't go in there ... I need to ask you some questions before .. Dr Jaz is with a patient .... :: tugging on the back of his shirt ::

Keb -> ::lets out a little sigh...no more sharing holonovels::

Kansas Kenickie -> NO

Hilee -> <<back>>

LtCdrFaldek -> Lest the safeties are turned off and there’s a monsoon...

Kansas Kenickie -> this is not a joking matter

Keb -> ::pokes Beran in the shoulder:: You heard her.

Keb -> And its your own fault.

LtCdrFaldek -> I don't care.

Kansas Kenickie -> there will also be a note placed on your record

LtCdrFaldek -> I do not need a hologram to make me happy.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::returns to nurses station, stays clear of itchy person #2::

Hilee -> ::Reading systems data as he redistributes power allocation to the bridge properly to the primary systems::

Keb -> But apparently you do need one to nearly kill you to prove you're still a man, hm?

LtCdrFaldek -> Wow only a note...

Keb -> ::crosses arms::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sees Hilee allocating power here and there...verifies:::

LtCdrFaldek -> I overheard one of the nurses saying something about suicide watch...

Hilee -> ::Tappity,tapp,tapp...tapp::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <CJAN> ::enters Sickbay and comes up to Nurse Nancy:: Yeahh?

Eva Jaz -> ::sees that Cal is also scratching like a mad men :: Ok ... sir take a seat right here ...

Kansas Kenickie -> and Per protocal you will have to be evaluated by the head doctor before you can return to duty.. this was classified as you trying to take your own life

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> As I said, the device is essentially a sophisticated holographic program. ::to T'Prise, watching her examine the pouches:: Morran insisted that I advise you to... connect to your one of your holographic imaging decks.

LtCdrFaldek -> Going to restrict me to the Security office... flying a desk?

LtCdrFaldek -> Well I can assure you I am not suicidal.

Turris Morran -> Cal> ::takes a seat, following Eva around with his eyes:: I'm going to die aren't I?

Kansas Kenickie -> That isn't my call, that is the doctors

Vilanne -> Nurse nancy> CJan> Right over there... an accident waiting to happen. Thanks for coming so quickly. ::winks at him::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> Na...exactly, rekkhai. ::doctor-patient confidentiality starting to come into play:: Such imbalances can occur...naturally. ::the man's, quite scientifically, in a condition to be nutty as a fruitcake, but she doesn't say that out loud::

Eva Jaz -> :: feels an internal cringe :: Cal > no you are not ...

LtCdrFaldek -> Well the doctors can believe what they wish. I am not suicidal.

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::laughs at Cal:: I couldn't think of a better death for a coward such as you.

T'Prise -> :: Turns to Escher, holding up a pouch from behind the forcefield. :: I believe this contains some type of genetic information.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <CJAN> you people need to learn to handle your drinks better ::goes over to the spill, but not before giving Nancy a little slap on the butt::

Kansas Kenickie -> it's what it looked like to me, I went there with Mele on the Holodeck

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::giggles with the swat, then waddles behind the CJan, in case he needs some help::

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> Could you please stay still so I can get a proper reading here .... Unless you are enjoying the itch ::runs instrument over the klingon(?) ::

precip -> I am just trying to think if this man needs to be in a brig or a psychiatric institution...::removes hand from forehead looking at the Romulan briefly before shying away towards the lights above::

LtCdrFaldek -> Then you are stupider than I imagined. Besides you're nothing more than a Starfleet mercenary. I was trained in psychology and many other subjects. I am not suicidal and I shall of course prove that to the counselor.

Kansas Kenickie -> it's time to face facts, you aren't a spring chicken anymore.. people get slower with age.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> As soon as we know anything for sure, I am certain you will be the first to know, rekkhai.

Eva Jaz -> ::looks at the reading :: <m> this is ... peculiar ....

Keb -> ::warning tone:: Beran, don't make things worse than they already are.

Turris Morran -> Dukath> Peculiar?

Eva Jaz -> ::ignores Dukath:: Cal > you sir ... what's your name ... would you take a seat on this bed .. I need to perform the same scans on you

LtCdrFaldek -> Keb. I will not be talked to like I am a suicidal inept from this Human who openly dislikes Cardassians.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs:: you know nothing of my background and whining like a child doesn't show anyone that you are "Trained" in anything but whining.. feel better ::Walks away::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::happy that the bridge is nice and quiet... just flying along...::::

Turris Morran -> Cal> My name? It's Cal. ::eyes Jaz's scanner:: What kind of scans? ::takes a seat::

Keb -> ::shakes head at Beran:: You did something stupid, you broke the rules, and she's just telling you what the consequences are. I know you're not 100% well yet, but...

precip -> ::mutters:: I still can't believe I am talking to a Romulan Doctor....I ...::shuts his trap::

Hilee -> ::Working away monitoring the systems closely as they reset::

Eva Jaz -> :: still intrigued by Dukath's results , goes over to Cal with tricorder :: Cal> medical ... kind of scans ....

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <CJAN> ::wet-vacs the coffee spill and broken pottery and stows the warning cones::

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> ::eyes the pouch T'Prise is displaying::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::reaches under his pillow and grabs out a PADD:: This is my report on everything that happened leading up to the incident on the holodeck. ::hands it to Keb:: Please give this to Commander Precip a few beds down for me.

Keb -> ::takes it and glances at the padd for a moment:: All right... ::stands up and walks over to Precip's bed::

Eva Jaz -> :: looks at the tricorders result ... then at both of the men with a unreadable expressions ::

Turris Morran -> ::mumbling to himself, looks over to the side of his bed:: You? Why are you here? I thought I told you to leave me alone.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> You are the best janitor I know. No one wet-vacs like you do.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Walks over to Precip:: how are you feeling sir?

Eva Jaz -> Cal& Dukath > you'll have to excuse me for a second gentlemen .. and try to avoid scratching yourselves ..

precip -> Sorry....::to t`Tamarak then sees Uh....Keb and Kansas::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <CJAN> Now, don't you go sweet talking me, Nancy. ::winks at her and pushes his hover cart out of Sickbay::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks a Keb, feels sorry for her::

Turris Morran -> Cal> What is it? Is it the Tarkalian fever? ::gets even more panicky::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::cocks head at him sideways and then chuckles, turning away as the two other women approach::

Eva Jaz -> ::walks over to Jai :: Doctor ... I would need a second opinion ...

precip -> I still feel I have a case of bad luck...

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::waddles back to the front desk, wondering if she should spill something in her quarters sometime::

Kansas Kenickie -> I don't want to catch it!'

precip -> ::to both women::

Eva Jaz -> Jai> and since Dr Chalice is still with a patient .....

T'Prise -> :: Looks pointedly at Escher. Wondering at his lack of response. :: Commander?

Eva Jaz -> ::sounds troubled ::

Keb -> ::passes the PADD to Precip:: My husband wanted me to give this to you, sir.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::relaxes, sitting back comfortably, watching the console:::

Hilee -> Capt.N'Diri>Upon arriving back on his ship...+Manticore+ Manticore respond please.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hearing Morran from the other room, turns to move towards him, and then is approached by Eva; sighs and moves towards the door and calls out:: Nancy! Check on the nohtho arrain, hann'yyo. ::gestures towards Morran's room and looks back at Eva::

Vilanne -> ::isn't patiented, just eavesdropping while toying with some padds at a console::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> What is it?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: Incoming, Captain.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +N'Diri+ This is Manticore. Go ahead.

precip -> ::looks at the PADD addressed to the CSEC:: Hmm....this PADD is for you ...::hands PADD to Kansas::

Sovak -> On Screen

Cmdr JFarrington -> Onscreen aye. ::press:::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::leans over:: No sir! That report is for you.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grits teeth, takes the PADD:: Thanks

Turris Morran -> Yes, I'm surprised I'm not under guard as well. ::looks around the room::

Eva Jaz -> ::shows her the scans results :: They both appear to be suffering from the results of a ... molecular transformation affecting their entire epiderm

precip -> ::hears Faldek:: He must be getting better.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::The PADD was address to Precip, specifically::

Keb -> ::glances between Beran and the two CSECs, not wanting to get into whatever power struggle is going on::

precip -> (oh...my bad)

Hilee -> N;Diri>+Manitore+ I need to speak to the Admiral if he is available,this comm is being encoded

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::picks up some random medical device from a table beside him and sticks it in his pocket::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance to Sovak:::

precip -> Here let me give that another view Commander Kenickie.

Sovak -> +N'Diri+ This is Captain Sovak, Captain. What can I do for you? The Admiral is not available at the moment

Eva Jaz -> Have you ever seen something like this ... they present rashes over 70% of their bodies .. ranging from light redness to full blown rashes

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Hands it to Precip::

Eva Jaz -> ::walks back to the patients while talking to Jai ::

Keb -> ::smiles at Precip:: Hope you get better soon, Commander.

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> DO not touch the medical equipment ..... please

Turris Morran -> Cal> ::still scratching away::

Keb -> ::steps backwards to rejoin Beran::

precip -> Yes...I seem to have a case of bad luck...I cannot keep from hurting myself...nor keep my officers from hurting themselves...

Kansas Kenickie -> I am sorry that you can't relax

MC_Escher -> ::taps foot, pondering:: T'Prise, are there any detectable traces of any possible contaminants in the box?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::to Keb:: I do not trust Kansas.

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::Tries not to look guilty as he replaes the device he stole, and goes back to scratching, his armpit now::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::takes the PADD and follows Eva out to the main rooms:: Na...I have na seen anything like it...

LtCdrFaldek -> She has been after me ever since I filed the report of what McFly did.

Hilee -> N;Diri>+Sovak+ Captain ...there is a situation here on Cold 9,For lack of a better term that is quite unusual at best we have come upon on our investigation and requires the Admiral immediate attention.

Eva Jaz -> ::turns back to Jai :: <m> I think we should quarantine ... and possibly Morran as well since he was in contact with whatever they were ... it might be contagious

T'Prise -> :: Escher :: I have yet to complete a full scan.

LtCdrFaldek -> I will not go back to regular duty until Precip takes Security back.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Takes a deep breath::

precip -> I understand we have some guests from Dr. Morran's camp?

Keb -> ::sighs at Beran:: Nobody's asking you to trust her, and you're just being stubborn.

T'Prise -> I would recommend that we not release containment until we are certain there is no risk to the ship.

Sovak -> +N'Diri+ Acknowledged, Captain. I'll inform the Admiral immediately.

LtCdrFaldek -> You don't know her like I know her.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::heads into Morran to check on him:: how are we feeling today?

precip -> ::notes Kansas's discomfort:: Commander?

Kansas Kenickie -> Yes sir, they are being kept in quest quarters under guard. and one is helping science with the box, with a guard of course

Vilanne -> ::wanders through sickbay now to check on 'things'::

Hilee -> N;Diri +Sovak+ Acknowledged Captain...standing by.

Sovak -> Commander, get the Admiral.

Kansas Kenickie -> Yes sir?

Keb -> ::sighs:: She's right over there, Beran. Let's talk about it later, okay?

Eva Jaz -> :: looks around for nurse B :: Anastasia ... could youi get Dr Chalice for me

LtCdrFaldek -> All her and McFly want to do is hurt things and kill people... I used to be like that and I'm trying not to be because I've seen how they act and it shames me that I used to be the same.

precip -> Everything alright?

Keb -> ::leans over him and gently hugs him::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nods:: +A9+ Admiral to the bridge.

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B> Yes doctor ... :: goes on to fetch Vil ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> <m> I would concur.

Turris Morran -> ::eyes Nancy:: Who are you? ::backs away as far as he can from the nurse as the biobed will allow

Turris Morran -> ::*

Vilanne -> ::hears her name and walks over to Dr Jaz, passing B:: Yes Doctor?

MC_Escher -> ::pondering some more:: Can we enable some sort of remote access to holodeck so that the box doesn't have to leave the field but still displays its info there?

Eva Jaz -> Nurse B > ::shrugs::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +JAMI+ On my way

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Frowns:: Yeah I am alright. it's just hard when people take thing personal

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::chuckles as Morran finds the top of the biobed so comfortable:: well, I'm your nurse for today. you can call me Nancy. How are we feeling?

LtCdrFaldek -> If anyone needs psychological help it's Mcfly and Kenickie.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::is only Crazy about McFly <_< ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::does a Picard on his tunic and heads for the door of the RR::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still has N'Diri on hold:::

Turris Morran -> ::huddles closer:: Hungry

Hilee -> ::Turns looking at the bridge and listening::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks up as Vil approaches::

Kansas Kenickie -> I am sorry if I let you down

precip -> Personal? Uh...are we dealing with Cardassians or Humans?

Eva Jaz -> Vil >:: shows her the puzzling scan results :: Dr T and I agree we should initate quarantine of the patients ... including Lt Morran ...even if he's asymptomatic

Keb -> ::shakes her head:: If turning off the safeties and fighting six Klingons is any example, then you're as bloodthirsty as either of them.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::at the end of the PADD for Precip, it says that Faldek will be taking personal time, until Precip resumes command of Security, due to the person that was placed in charge::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::enters the Bridge:: Report

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::grin:: Hungry, I can do. Let me check your chart and we'll get some food for you. Just relax.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Were any others brought aboard with these two?

T'Prise -> That is possible, although I recommend that we transport it to the holodeck rather than carry it through the ship. We should be able to conduct a site to site transport within a containment field.

Eva Jaz -> Vil> and I understand they were travelling with a woman ... she should be brought down here for testing as well

Sovak -> Captain N'Diri has a message for you, Admiral.

Keb -> I'm with Kansas that it was a stupid stunt to pull.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods::

Sovak -> ::indicates the viewer::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Let's hear it, Sovak

Admiral Atragon-9 -> (see it, too)

Turris Morran -> Do you have the antidote yet? ::Nancy:: There's still much work to be done, the damage that's been done must be repaired.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes N'Diri off hold:::

LtCdrFaldek -> Well it wouldn’t have been as stupid say a year or two ago.

Vilanne -> Agreed, doctors. Good catch. if they have touched anything, make sure it's contained... may have to call biohar

MC_Escher -> ::ponders for two more seconds, then nods:: Set it up. Meet me in the holodeck.

precip -> ::listens to Kansas::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +N'DIRI+ Captain, what's the good word?

Kansas Kenickie -> He has a hard time taking me sirius, I don't know if it is because I am a women or that I am not impressed by him

LtCdrFaldek -> I've let myself go a bit and I am not getting any younger. I just need to tone back up.

Keb -> Yes, it would have been. Just because you -can- do something doesn't mean you should.

MC_Escher -> ::turns to Sir'al:: Sir'al. What should I be expecting when I plug that box into the holodeck?

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::thinks this one lost his mind.:: We'll see if they have any of that too. Just relax, that biobed ends about where your arm is leaning.

precip -> How did you let me down.?

LtCdrFaldek -> 5 years ago I could have taken 10 of em...

Keb -> And I can think of far more interesting ways to blow some steam or get you back in shape...once you're cleared for physical activity, that is.

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> ::nods in a satisfied way:: I am not sure. I believe it has something to do with Morran's... "friend". Genevieve I believe he called her.

Kansas Kenickie -> maybe I could have done better

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil/Eva> I can speak to Commander Kenickie before she leaves, ask her to bring in the yyaio.

Kansas Kenickie -> *Maybe

Keb -> ::gives him a flirtatious smile::

Hilee -> N'Diri>+A-9+ Admiral...I wish it were good. I and my AT upon inspection of Cold 9 have found zero trace of the 12 scientist as were supposed to be there.

T'Prise -> :: Turns back to the work table, puts down the pouch and passes her hands back through the forcefield, moving to another station to setup the site to site transport.

Vilanne -> Please, Dr t'Tamarak... I will contact the bridge.

LtCdrFaldek -> Well that program was not about getting into shape, I was very frustrated.

LtCdrFaldek -> There is a gym on board I can use that for the time being.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods and turns back towards the room where Kenickie is still talking to Precip::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::full attention to the screen now:::

Eva Jaz -> << jai pm >>

Vilanne -> +OPS+ Dr Chalice here. We have a situation of containment here in sickbay for an allergen. We are alerting security to contain others that may be affected.

Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow:: Abducted?

Turris Morran -> Cal> ::looks at a patch of skin on his arm that's really red and scratches at it some more::

Keb -> ::sighs:: Beran, I've been feeling guilty ever since we heard the warning on the bridge--I know I left you when you wanted to talk. I had duty. I'm sorry about that.

precip -> Hmm...::glances at PADD:: Which has the basic statement of saying he won't serve under Commander Kenickie::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +N'DIRI+ Any evidence that they took a ship off planet?

Keb -> Would you have made smarter decisions if I'd let myself be late?

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Vilanne+ Acknowledged. Do you need a containment field, or is one malfunctioning?

LtCdrFaldek -> I was fine then. It was when Kansas told me I couldnt apologize to Dr. Vilanne that sent over the edge of frustration.

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::gets out of his biobed, overhearing Vilanne:: Containment!? If this is some sort of federation trick to get us to stay here... ::trails off, growling::

Hilee -> N'Diri+A-9+ We did encounter however we did find 12 large man sized amphibian creature in one of the labs, No evidence the scientist left...the creaturs are hairless, smooth skinned, scales etc.

Eva Jaz -> ::approaching the console ... and quickly setting up at levl 0 forcefield around cal duakth and Morran before they can walk away

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Dukath, and says, with an absolutely straight face:: Na. Rihan. ::turns and walks back into Precip's room::

Eva Jaz -> *::

Kansas Kenickie -> May I look at his statement?

Keb -> ::glances at Kansas::

Vilanne -> +Jami+ We'll need one after we've moved them near each other. There is one person that was traveling with them that will need to be located. Dr t'Tamarak is informing Chief Kansas right now.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::mildly curious, but knowing what they deal with in sick bay:::

precip -> It's not your fault...yet part of the job. There will be instances where your subordinates will not agree with you.. or may not like you. But they are your subordinates....and need to be reminded as such.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Vil+ Understood.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +N'DIRI+ 12 for 12, I don't like the coincidence. Do you have sensor readings on the creatures?

Eva Jaz -> ::approaches the forcefield :: I'm sorry , but this is necessary until we can determine what is causing your .... symptoms

Keb -> Beran, listen to me for just a moment, please?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pauses at the lip of the door, looking from Precip to Kansas, then clears her throat and addresses the latter:: Rekkhai.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::watching the containment field go up, checking its strength:::

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::snarls at the Romulan as she walks by and turns to Eva:: I won't be held here like a trapped Targ. I wish to return to my quarters.

LtCdrFaldek -> I need to set up an appointment with the counselor, so she can tell these doctors and that wanna be CSEC that I am not suicidal.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Turns to Jaiysa:: Yes Doctor?

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::puts a note in the chart that the patient is hungry for some antidote and since he's still NWOIP (? something like no food and water LOL) she knows she can't give him anything::

precip -> And if they can't respect the chain of command despite their personal feelings towards an officer...unless said officer is deemed incompetent....::stops seeing The Doctor arrive::

Keb -> ::glares at Beran:: You're not listening.

precip -> Yes Doctor?

Hilee -> N'Diri>+A-9+ We have taken measures to confine and isolate the creatures planet side, I have science and medical doing scans and comparison at this time...and Admiral, it does seem to be a bit too much for coincidence.

LtCdrFaldek -> Fine then, what is it you wish to say.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +N'DIRI+ Roger that, Ted. Thanks for letting me know, I look forward to the data dump

Eva Jaz -> :: semi apologetic face :: Dukath > I'm afraid that won't be possible at this time

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::her mild curiosity becomes full blown listening to N'Diri:::

T'Prise -> :: Finishes programming the transporter and turns to Escher. :: Sir, the site to site transport is ready. I have locked down access to holodeck 5, you will need the customary code to enter. Shall I engage the transporter?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Kansas> ::curtly:: Rekkhai, we have developed a situation -- some of the men brought aboard, the Kling'hann and the human, are exhibiting signs of a rash, possibly an allergic reaction or a contagious one.

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> no until we can find a way to treat what's happening to you ....

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Kansas> I understand another woman was brought on board with them; she will need to be brought to sickbay. All three are being contained for observation.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smirks:: Perfect

Vilanne -> ::returns to Eva:: Bridge has been notified, Dr Jaz. Move them all into that area, and we'll request the containment field and sterile ventilation.

Hilee -> N;Diri>+A-9+ Ack Admiral....sending all data by encrypted channel...your eyes only, N’Diri out sir.

Keb -> I'm your wife. I need you. I married you even when my father was sure you'd hurt me. If you do something like this again, and get yourself killed--that's probably the most painful thing you could do to me. ::looks away, voice choking a little::

precip -> Act on it Commander....I'll keep the PADD for now.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +N'DIRI+ Ack, A9 out

Kansas Kenickie -> She is in the Science Lab,

precip -> ::nods to Kansas::

Turris Morran -> Dukath> Not possible? ::looks extremely displeased:: I came in here for one of your ointments, I don't require any more of you. ::walks past Eva and heads for the door, walks into a forcefield::

LtCdrFaldek -> How many times must I explain that was not my intention.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Nods to Precip:: Feel better

Hilee -> ::Motions for the ops officer to transfer and encrypt the data::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::cuts the comm, then turns to A9 and Sovak:: Admiral. Captain. I've just received notification from sick bay that Lt Morran's team is experiencing some strange symptoms. I wonder if the two are connected.

Eva Jaz -> :: watches Dukath walk in the forcefield , cringing a second before he hits it ::

precip -> I'll be out of here soon.. unless a bulkhead falls on me.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::folds arms watching Dukath do the forcefield-bump:: Uh huh... we won't be doing that anymore.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Two of the team have been put in containment until they can diagnose the problem.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Precip:: I will jump in front of it first

Keb -> ::shakes head, fighting tears:: It doesn't matter what your intention was. You could've gotten killed...and I don't want to lose you.

precip -> ::concerned:: Doctor...do we have something ....contagious on board?

Turris Morran -> Dukath> ::holds his nose and points at the forcefield:: What is this?

Eva Jaz -> Jai> Could you run the same series of scans on Lt Morran ,I've been monitoring him closely since he was beamed aboard and doubt that he's suffering from the same degradation . but better be safe than sorry

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::raises an eyebrow at Jami:: Are they turning into frog people?

LtCdrFaldek -> I have conceded that it was a mistake, and that I am clearly not as good as I once was.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits his room and heads to the Sickbay exit::

Sovak -> Unlikely. The transporter bio filters would have contained any infecton.

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> a little wonder call a forcefield ... keeps things in

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> I do na know, rekkhai. But we are investigating the possibility. Better to be safe, ie?

MC_Escher -> ::nods:: Do it. ::looks at Sir'al:: We'll talk later. Stay here. Don't touch anything. Don't even THINK about touching anything. I'll know. I always know. :enters TL:: Holodeck 5::

Cmdr JFarrington -> No idea, Admiral. I only just received notification.

LtCdrFaldek -> Keb I could get killed anytime I leave this ship.

MC_Escher -> ::whoosh::

Hilee -> N'Diri> ::Comms the AT and orders all iso protocols to be in place until further notice::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Security has been informed. Full containment protocol is in effect.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Heads down the hall, grumbles::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hearing Eva, glances over her shoulder, then back at Precip:: Excuse me, rekkhai. ::turns and walks *back* into Morran's room, thus completing her circuit for the day::

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> ::watches Escher leave, quietly::

Vilanne -> I think we should make sure he doesn't have the same symptoms... may need to also be contained.

T'Prise -> :: Initiates transport, locks down all systems to keep Sir'al from snooping around and then exits the science bay as well, entering another TL. :: Holodeck 5

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, when we have Captain N'Diri's data we can send a copy to Sickbay

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters the Science Lab::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nod:: Aye, Sir.

Eva Jaz -> Dukath> Now if you would be so kind as to stop your irritating questioning and sit down quietly like Mr Cal here , I would be able to return more quickly to the task of ... trying to diagnose and cure you ......

Kansas Kenickie -> Sir'al, I need you to come with me

MC_Escher -> :arrives at the holodeck, waits outside for T'Prise::

Sovak -> ::nods, as well::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::swings back around to monitor the information as it comes in from N'Diri::::

precip -> Of Course Doctor. ::knows that this is her arena...not his...and glances at the PADD Faldek addressed him::

Keb -> Yeah, I know, and I dread that. But this time it was something that you could easily have prevented. You chose to do something stupidly dangerous for no reason other than "I was frustrated." Or to prove you're a manly man. And to lose you over that...

T'Prise -> :: Arrives shortly thereafter to join Escher. :: Transport is complete.

Keb -> If you're going to get yourself killed on me, at least do it for a good cause.

Hilee -> ::Rubbing his chin....shakes his head...thinking *Here we go again::

Turris Morran -> ::Jaiysa:: You! I will have you know that I have righted the wrongs my people committed against yours. The debt's been repaid. ::curls himself up even more on the biobed:: Have you found it?

LtCdrFaldek -> Ok.. Keb... you're beating a dead vole...

Vilanne -> <<Magic edit:: Make sure you diagnose Morran as well, from this side of his containment field::>>

MC_Escher -> ::glances at her:: Well, let's see what happens. ::enters holodeck:: Computer, engage holodeck interface program in transported box, safeties ON.

T'Prise -> :: Silently follows Escher into the holodeck. ::

Eva Jaz -> ::ignoring Dukath :: Cal> Could you tell me when the ... itch ... started ?

Keb -> Better than a dead husband!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ANOTHER MAGIC EDIT> Kansas and Sir'al arrive in Sickbay

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((oh, Morran's contained as well?)) ::stops *outside* the forcefield and peers at Morran with her eyebrows slightly raised:: I'm happy to report, Arrain, that I haven't the faintest idea what you might be talking about.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::begins scans on him::

Hilee -> <<btw all data sent includes the visual recordings from Cold 9>>

precip -> ::thinks Morran with a Pathogen...unknown to the biofilters...Will his Bad Luck ever end????::

Turris Morran -> Genevieve> ::appears as the holodeck turns on, standing rigidly in the center of the room::

Vilanne -> <<Would that be magic edit #3, Hilee? LOL>>

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Walks over to Jaiysa with Sir'al:: Doctor

Keb -> You scared me...and I'm so scared...so scared that you'll do it again, and you won't come out alive next time.

Hilee -> <<nah...no magic, just an fyi :P >>

MC_Escher -> ::blinks at the woman:: Um. Hello. Who are you?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9/Sovak:: Data received. Copying to medical. Science as well?

LtCdrFaldek -> Keb. I learned my lesson, do you really think I am that dense.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sure Jami, my data is their data

Turris Morran -> Sir'al> ::nods to KK:: Where are we going? Has the invite to my quarters been removed?

Sovak -> Affirmative

Kansas Kenickie -> Sickbay

Cmdr JFarrington -> +MED/SCI+ Incoming information from Cold Station 9. Take a look as it may pertain to our situation.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +SCI+ OPS to LtCmdr Escher.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and....

T'Prise -> :: Merely stares at Genevieve, curious. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances behind her at kenickie standing with the yyaio and gestures her back from the Vulcan woman:: Hann'yyo (thank you) -- we will take it from here, rekkhai.

Keb -> ::looks up at him:: Well, you're dense enough to do it once, and you're dense enough that you can't seem to understand why I'd possibly be upset about it. You're a brilliant man...but...

Turris Morran -> Genevieve> ::looks at Escher:: I am the Gene Mark IV computational assistance program.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Sovak:: Captain?

Sovak -> ::grabs THE BOX and tosses it to A9::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Lt. T'Prise, Front and CENTERRRRRRR

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Lt., we have visited some terrible injustices on you recently...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I am pleased to promote you to the rank of Lt. Commander, with all the privileges therein

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay then, TBS is one hour...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and the doctors will scan Morran and Sir'al and find that they do NOT have the same epidermal problem as Dukath and Cal

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