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Cmdr JFarrington

Second Officer's Log, Stardate 511003.14

Second Officer’s Log Stardate 511003.14

Cmdr J Farrington, MD

Operations Officer, USS Manticore NCC 5852-A


Jami had an hour to gather her thoughts. No – make that a few minutes. The freedom of the counselor’s office was gone and the OPS console was calling her. Lt Fabio had taken it for her break – fifteen minutes allotted. With as much energy as she could muster she began her duty log.


“After chasing Lt Turris Morran what seems like half way across the galaxy, we found him at Cold Station 9, along with more questions that need to be answered – which seems to be the way things go more often than not.


“The echococcosis virus has more lives than we ever imagined. Mr. Escher and his science team will have their hands full for a long time. And Dr. Mele and his medical team have something else on their plate besides Cmdr Precip’s mangled leg and LtCmdr Faldek’s self-inflicted injuries. Lt Morran seems to be infected with some form of the ecco virus, and at this point he doesn’t seem to have much of a future.


“I suppose I should be thankful to be in Ship Operations and not in sick bay, but somehow I feel that my talents are wasted on the bridge. No – they’re not wasted. I just feel… I feel left out. I want to be down there, working on patients, saving lives. But… for now I’m needed elsewhere.


“But I’m getting off the subject. Admiral Locke, commanding the Anaximander, did his best to stop us from getting Lt. Morran. According to LtCmdr Escher, the data that Morran streamed to us from CS9 implicates Locke in the manufacture of the virus.


“Compounding the issue, Locke countered our assault force with his own. Said he was protecting a secure Federation base. Right. Like Atragon’s pay grade isn’t high enough. Like the flagship of Federation Special Operations would be a threat to a secure Federation base!


“Anyway, the whole situation ended in a firefight between Manticore and Anaximander, and… we won. Kind of. We’re towing them to a starbase, then we’re off to Maturin to rendezvous with the Carthage and the Pensacola. I guess they’re cleanup for the operation. At least they don’t have Locke to deal with – only the scientists who were working on the virus and… whatever else they can find.


“Back to work. End log. Encrypt and file.”

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