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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 3.8.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #599, STARDATE 51003.08 =/\=

The Manticore has arrived at an uncharted rogue planetoid, surrounded by an extremely powerful security net and home to a secret Federation base known as Cold Station 9. An assault team has landed on the planet's surface with no resistance from the orbital security system. Just as the team was about to enter the station, again with no resistance, Admiral Locke's ship, the Anaximander, arrives in orbit.


Keb -> ::at helm, slightly distracted by thoughts of her husband::

Admiral Locke -> #USS Anaximander>::About two minutes from orbit::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: at OPS:: They're within range, Admiral.

Hilee -> ::In Meng,at the main console::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ETA 2 minutes.

MC_Escher -> ::sitting on the bridge, focusing on his work, trying not to let the fact that he might have seriously hurt T'Prise get to him::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +AT+ Commander, what's your status?

Kansas Kenickie -> @ :: on the Ground, pointing Phaser at a Science Squint::

Turris Morran -> @CS9 Scientists> ::stepping out with the hands raised, escorted by some plain-clothed folks, a vulcan, a klingon, and a human::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::still in sickbay working on Faldek (?) ::

T'Prise -> @ :: Backing up Cmdr. Kenickie, albeit without having drawn her own phaser. ::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +Manti+ People just exited the Station... Squints, Vulcan, Klingon and a Human

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, open a channel to the Admiral

Cmdr JFarrington -> Channel open, Sir. ::does so:::

precip -> ::opens his eyes and looks around sickbay from the bed...and sees Faldek?::

Vilanne -> ::returns to sickbay, after taking a minimal break::

Eva Jaz -> @ :: standing byu T'Prise , phaser in hand ::

Keb -> ::glances down at her console, planning an escape pattern if necessary::

Admiral Locke -> #+Manticore+ ::opens the channel:: Admiral, I assume that you have found Mr. Morran.

Sovak -> ::enters the bridge and goes to the XO seat:

T'Prise -> @ :: Looks at Dr. Jaz. :: (q) To whom does the Commander refer when she uses the term squint?

McFly -> @ ::mcfly keeps crosshairs trained on morrans head ready to pop a line of shots off should anyone make a sudden move::

Turris Morran -> @::still working furiously in one of the labs:: Where is it? The.. the.. ::turns to Genevieve:: Where is it!?

Eva Jaz -> @::chuckles :: T'P> <q> You ... and probably me

EJ Pilot -> @::watching Morrans::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::somewhat puzzled at Kit's reply:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Good day, Admiral. Yes, I have a team on the surface now and we should have him back on Manticore within the hour

Vilanne -> ::goes over to Jaiysa:: He will be in stasis for a bit, until Mele can control all those small bleeders and identify everything else that's wrong.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ Where is Morran?

T'Prise -> @ :: Looks quizzical. :: I do not understand.

precip -> (not certain if my character can see the Cardassian )

kyle_mele -> ::works on faldek::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods at Vil, finishing up her cleanup from the surgery::

Admiral Locke -> #+Manticore+ I thank you, Admiral. Recall your team, we will handle our business from here.

Turris Morran -> @Sir'al> ::Kenickie:: He's in one of the rear labs, but he is not to be disturbed. Here are your scientists.

Turris Morran -> <<Morran isn't in sight of the AT>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sends Kit's reply to A9 via text on his console:::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ We are not allowing you to take over a Federation staion

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Thatnks for the assist, but I get him first, to debrief him on this wild goose chase

Sovak -> ::raises an eyebrow::

Keb -> ::glances up at the main screen::

Turris Morran -> @Sir'al> We are not taking it over. To do so would be extremely illogical. My crew and I would like to be returned to our world.

precip -> ::rises a bit from his biobed...to gather what is going on::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ I must speak to Morran now

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Steps forward::

Vilanne -> ::returns to Mele's side with his coffee::

McFly -> @ ::mcfly keeps his sights trained on those squinty little eyes; hears morran isn't with them and peaks out from behind the scope confused; sees they speak the truth then looks back through the scope realizing he has the focus up too tight::

Admiral Locke -> #+Manticore+ This is none of your concern anymore, Admiral. I will be dispatching a team to recover Morran. Take your crew and leave, please.

EJ Pilot -> @::what were you aiming at::

EJ Pilot -> @ ::McFly:: What were you aiming at?

T'Prise -> @ :: Looks over at Sir'al. :: Your claim to logic defies me. How is it logical for you, who are obviously not Starfleet personnel to be here?

Turris Morran -> @Sir'al> As I said, he is not to be disturbed, but I am in no position to stop you. ::motions to the door to the lab::

Eva Jaz -> @:: takes a step forward as well , eyeing T'P to do the same , trying to back up KK's intimidation technique ::

McFly -> @ ::pulls it back to reveal more than the scientists squinty pupil and takes aim between his eyes::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> His injuries were quite extensive, especially for a man of his particular profession. Do au know what prompted his exposing himself to that scenario without safety protocols?

Turris Morran -> @::finds what he was looking for:: There! ::Genevieve:: Hail the Manticore. There isn't much time. He's already here!

Kansas Kenickie -> @ What is he doing in there?

McFly -> @ ::to pilot without look away:: i had a tight shot right on his eye, i kind of wish i could have taken it

Vilanne -> ::glances at Jaiysa:: talking to me... prompted it.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ ::Smiling through gritted teeth:: Admiral Locke. My team is already on the surface and I will allow them to do their job

Turris Morran -> @Sir'al> I could tell you. He chose not to speak of his business.

Vilanne -> ::heavy sigh, then puts the coffee within Mele's reach::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ You are more than welcome to wait for us to debrief him before he is turned over to you

EJ Pilot -> @ ::defensive posture:: Ah... ::watching everything as all the crazy stuff hasn't started as of yet.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Glances back:: Lets go in

precip -> Doctors?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::turns, looking at Vil with slightly raised eyebrows, and folds her arms:: Really? I would na have predicted you as being able to cause such an event.

T'Prise -> @ :: Nods at Kenicke. :: Do you believe this position is secure Commander?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Atragon out ::gives Jami the "cut" signal::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::cuts the comm::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Looks at McFly::

Admiral Locke -> #Dammit! Dispatch the away team, now! ::slams his fish on one of the consoles::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +Manti+ We are going in

Vilanne -> ::walks over to check up on Precip while jaiysa was previous working on him::

McFly -> @ ::sight still locked in the scope::

McFly -> @ I really want a reason to shoot him

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Hail coming in from the surface..inside the station.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Enters the station::

precip -> What...Is that Commander Faldek? Doctor? ::looks at Vilanne::

T'Prise -> @ :: Follows behind Kit. ::

EJ Pilot -> @ McFly, dont do it just yet. ::follows KK:: Lets follow Kansas, shall we?

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Glances back:: Which lab is he in?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +KANSAS+ Commander, you're about to have company. An away team is coming there from Admiral Locke's ship. They will try to take Turris. DO NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN

Turris Morran -> ACTION> Manticore receives some data from the surface, detailing the echococcosis virus.

Eva Jaz -> @::follows::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :: blinks :: Whoa....

Vilanne -> ::softer voice to Precip:: yes, Commander, it is Mr Faldek.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::receiving no immediate response from Vil, turns to move over towards her and Precip::

MC_Escher -> ::blinks at the incoming data:: That's echococcsis. Route it to my console.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ crap, alright.... lets make a run for the labs

Cmdr JFarrington -> Atragon! Data stream coming in from the surface. ::turns:: It's about the virus.

precip -> What happened, an accident?

McFly -> @ ::glances up from the rifle; to KK:: you go in, i'll hold them off out here

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::nods::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::forgetting protocol::: Mr. Escher..sending to you.

Turris Morran -> @::sees the AT entering on one of his monitors and begins to panic, erecting a forcefield around one of the labs:: There isn't enough time, I must finish my work. No!!! Be silent, I need to concentrate.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Starts running down the hall::

Keb -> ::feeling almost as useless at her station as she had in sick bay::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +KANSAS+ Get us our Squint back!

EJ Pilot -> @::stops following KK and stays with McFly:: I'll help you.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +A9+ I am sir

Vilanne -> Well, ::glances at Jai, who previously asked the same question:: He talked to me... and went to the holodeck with safeties off.

McFly -> @ ::stands in the front doorway with the morran entourage to the side; he holds the rifle up anticipating a transport shimmer::

McFly -> @ Much obliged pilot

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::opens tric, follows the life sign;:

Cmdr JFarrington -> <sorry..I'm too distracted. You already got it>

EJ Pilot -> @ ::defensive posture:: No Problem, us Gold Shirts gotta stick together.

precip -> Saftey's off? ::lies his head on the pillow with his hand on his forehead:: My gosh....this is my fault I should of known he'd do something llke this....

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> What did au say to him? ::somewhat puzzled expression::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> # Clyde Hume> ::transports down to the surface, with his AT, from Locke's ship::

MC_Escher -> ::tapping very quickly:: Analyzing the virus data...

Hilee -> Trius> Mr.Peers carry on with the dilithium chamber refinement please.

McFly -> @ ::looks at pilot; wants to bash chests but figures this isn't the time and just offers an intense nod::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Stops outside the Science labs::

Turris Morran -> @::turns and spots the away team at the door:: Just a few minutes. ::as if he's announcing that cookies will be done soon::

EJ Pilot -> @ ::returns the intense nod::

Vilanne -> ::glances at Precip:: how is this your fault? I didn't say anything to him... but... he came to apologize to me and... well, I was so shocked, I did not respond... at least until he left.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> # HUME>::moves his men in with a knowledge obtained only by prior experience with the locale:: This way, men

McFly -> @ ::watches the transport; readies himself:: +KK+ they're here, better work fast

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::tries the door::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Yells:: Morran! open the door and you wont get hurt ::Much::

MC_Escher -> ::blinks again, looks up:: Admiral...according to the data that Turris just sent, the original echococcosis virus was manufactured here, on Cold Station 9. And the head of the project was Admiral Locke.

McFly -> @ ::calls out to the other away team:: stop right there guys, can't let you go in there right now

T'Prise -> @ :: Stops behind Kit as well. Looking around. :: Commander Kenickie, I believe that is a biolock. We will need someone with authorization to open the door.

EJ Pilot -> @ ::looks at the other away team::

precip -> He did not take my debriefing well. I told him how I felt he did on his last away team mission..and his Cardassian Pride must of kicked in...::shakes head:: Is he going to live?

Keb -> ::turns and stares at Escher, mouthing "What?"::

Turris Morran -> @::his face suddenly becomes contorted with rage:: Shut up! This is none of your concern! ::Throws a beaker, which misses the door, genevieve and everything else in the room by feet and smashes against the wall::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip> He is still undergoing treatment, rekkhai.

Eva Jaz -> @:: makes sure she has a dose of tranquilizer ready , just in caswe ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to Escher:: What?? So it was all a Federation plot after all?

trius peers -> :: working in engineering

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Looks back at T'Prise:: there has to be another way to open it

MC_Escher -> ::a little desperation creeping int his voice:: I'm trying to verify the data signature, but it would certainly seem that is the case.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::monitoring the situation on the planet as best she can:::

T'Prise -> @ :: Kenicke :: Perhaps we could use one to the personnel we met back at the entrance?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> #HUME> ::fires his phaser (on stun) at McFly without hesitating or delay, not even stopping to tak to the Manticore AT::

Vilanne -> He did, however, talk to the counselor, I think... perhaps Commander farrington can give a better indication as to why.

EJ Pilot -> @ ::ducks::

Turris Morran -> @::calms a bit, turning back to his work, inserting a small vial into a chamber on the wall and pressing a button, as it opens several vats containing a greenish liquid are revealed:: Almost there. ::supports himself on the wall::

EJ Pilot -> @ ::returns fire from his rifle::

precip -> ::looks to Vilanne:: My experience with him...still...not enough to predict this. ::frustrated::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: Weapons fire on the planet. Looks like our AT is under fire.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Bangs on the door:: I will blast this door open...

Kansas Kenickie -> @ (w) Will phaser fire blast the door? ::Looks at T'Prise::

McFly -> @ ::lets out a small scream:: ...That hurt!!!! ::leaning up against an inside wall out of view; fires back blind::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> #HUME>::ducks behind cover as McFly goes down and yells out:: WE DON'T MEAN YOU ANY HARM, JUST GET OUT OF OUR WAY

Vilanne -> Well, Chief Mele had a rough time with surgery, Mr Faldek is now in statis.

EJ Pilot -> @ We don't mean you any harm either just stay out here...

T'Prise -> @ Most likely not. I would suggest that we try to either decode the lock or use an authorized pass.

McFly -> @ we will once they're done in there, just sit tight ::he says as he fires off another shot::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ oh!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> #HUME> Not an option!

Hilee -> ::Setting the other engineers about their alert status positions::

Turris Morran -> ACTION> ::alarms sound throughout the lab, and a computer voice chimes:: Biological test chambers have been compromised. Nanoprobe threat detected. All personel involved with the Nemesis project to lab three.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +A9+ Sir, Morran is locked in a Bio lab... I need a high Ranking Officer's code to get in..

T'Prise -> @ :: Moves back to the entrance and asks one of the scientists for their key card. ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Do we have a lock on our team, or even better, can we get a lock on the opposing team?

EJ Pilot -> @ Gonna have to be!

precip -> That I will have to do. I clearly fail to understand my team at times...Faldek being a prime example. Self Mutiliation in the holodeck? to what ends does that serve? ::thinks aloud returns his gaze to Vilanne:: that is good but I think his holodeck priviledges have been revoked until a full pysch analysis should be done.

McFly -> @ That's fair! ::looks down the scope to fire off a head shot but just misses as the target suddenly ducks down::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: We do. Not sure about them.

T'Prise -> @ :: Obtains what should be the proper code and takes it back to Kit. :: Commander?

Admiral Locke -> #Anaximander> ::hails the Manticore, charges weapons and raises shields::

McFly -> @ +KK+ hurry up, they're not playing nice out here

Keb -> ::turns back to her console, braced for action::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I want our team to finish their mission, so let's see if we can beam up the other "Team"

Cmdr JFarrington -> Incoming hail.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::hope A9 get the hint:

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::Nods agreement with Precip:: I would recommend he undergo some kind of psychological attention before his return to duty.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Anaxamander, Admiral.

McFly -> @ ::wishes he had brutus and/or his gatling phaser::

Vilanne -> ::glances over at Mele still workignon him, then at Jai, then back to precip:: When... he comes out of that, I'm sure.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Gatling Phaser??>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::looking for a lock:::shakes her head:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, send Kansas my command codes

EJ Pilot -> @ How about this we have some nice cucumber sandwiches and earl grey. Then just discuss this like gentlemen and lady if applicable. Sounds good, right?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pause, glance at Precip:: Au are na responsible for this, rekkhai.

McFly -> <<used it on the terminators in the last mission, assuming it got lost on the planet>>

Turris Morran -> @::watches his console, then falters, falling to the ground::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yes, Sir. :::sends Kansas A9's command codes:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::reminder to self..have him change them:::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Perks, punches codes into the door::

Vilanne -> I have to concur with Dr T'Tamarak.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::headshake::: Locke's lock are a no-go, Admiral. They must be blocking with something.

Eva Jaz -> @:: keeps an eye open , making sure they're still safe , and that no one is coming while T"prise and KK take care of the door ::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::enters the lab:: Morran!

EJ Pilot -> @ ::hoping the answer is yes::

precip -> ::to the Romulan:: I should know the men I work with....::rests ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright Jami, let's hear from the good Admiral

precip -> (and women)

T'Prise -> @ :: Motions for Jaz to follow Kit, since she has the tranquilizer. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> You're on, Sir. ::puts Locke on:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> #HUME> ::tosses some stun grenades toward the doors to the complex::

Eva Jaz -> @::nods and enters right after KK ::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +Manti+ I have Morran! he has passed out

McFly -> @ Holy!... Run!!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> :;crisply:: Au can na be a mind-reader, rekkhai. Unless au have a Betazoid bloodline which your file does na hint at. ::faint grin::

EJ Pilot -> @ ::runs:: +KK+ We're being stun grenaded!!

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::T'Prise:: Figure out what he was doing

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Kit+ Hang on to him for a beamout.

EJ Pilot -> @::blind fires behind him::

McFly -> @ ::runs into the building away from the blast::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +EJ+ Stand by for beam out

EJ Pilot -> @::following::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Admiral, are you insane? Firing on Starfleet personnel???

Admiral Locke -> #+Manticore+ You are violating a secure Federation base, your presence here could be considered treason. I suggest you leave now I will be forced to take action!

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +Manti+ EJ and McFly are being fired on

McFly -> @ ::hears ej's comm:: thank god, I was about to get all Brutus on them

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Kansas+ Acknowledged.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> (w) Jami, do we have them yet?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yes, sir.

Kansas Kenickie -> @ Grabs what ever you can off these computers

Cmdr JFarrington -> Our team, not theirs.

EJ Pilot -> @::McFly:: You just screamed a while ago...what you talking Willis?

McFly -> @ ::continues to fire while waiting for transport trying to keep the other team at bay::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::waiting to beam:::

T'Prise -> @ :: Nods to Kit and moves over to the computer console, inserting a memory chip and initiating a data dump. ::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Grabs Data crystals and tubs off the table::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> (w) I mean, have we beamed them out?

Keb -> ::mouths:: Treason?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Beaming now.

Vilanne -> ::starts looking over Jaiysa's charts on Precip:: He's doing pretty good... What is your plan of attack, Dr t'Tamarak?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::beams the AT to Manticore:::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ +Manticore+ we are ready

Eva Jaz -> @:: seeing Morran already out , grabs PADD from a nearby table , and a couple of data crystals::

McFly -> @ ::tries to sharp shoot another but misses just as he ducks under cover:: this is getting irritating

trius peers -> :: working on the adjustments, on the dilithium chamber::

EJ Pilot -> @ ::McFly:: Indeed.

precip -> Have her patient avoid stupidity at all costs.. and certain vegetables.

T'Prise -> @ :: Turns around. :: Commander, this is a research facility, I would warn you to be cautious of those test tubes.

Turris Morran -> @::shimmers::

EJ Pilot -> @::covering fire::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Alright Admiral, I will be lodging a formal complaint with HQ on how you handled this, but I will be withdrawing now

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Shimmers::

T'Prise -> @ :: shimmers::

MC_Escher -> ::finishes signature verification and viral identification, which confirms the legitimacy of Turris's data::

Keb -> ::fingers poised on her console::

Vilanne -> vegetables are stupid? ::giggles:: you will survive, Commander.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::signals the team is aboard:::

Turris Morran -> @::rematerializes on the Manticore, half unconscious, moaning inanely::

McFly -> @ oh i really want to vaporize whatever it is they're hideing behind

Eva Jaz -> @::shimmerooo::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Gasps for air:: OK

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Isn't McFly and Pilot with the others? Are all of the AT plus Morran onboard now?>>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Ie...and jeffries tubes. ::chuckles and gestures for Vil to pass her the paddd with the chart::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <yes>

McFly -> <<missed the beam out>>

EJ Pilot -> <<We stayed at the front entrance but we should shimmer too>>

Vilanne -> ::picks up the PADd and hands it to Jai::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Hands T'Prise the test tubes::

Eva Jaz -> @:: is right by Morran , running a tricorder over him as soon as they rematerialize ::

EJ Pilot -> @::rematerializes on Manticore::

Admiral Locke -> #+Manticore+ I cannot allow you to leave with Mr. Morran, Admiral. ::turns to tactical officer and nods before the comm cuts out::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Shields are up.

Eva Jaz -> @::hands her data crystals and the padd to T"prise ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks it over, tapping down to the latest scans::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Tactical, cloak up

T'Prise -> :: Takes all the material the team gathered from the science base. ::

Eva Jaz -> Kansas> I need to get him over to SB

Cmdr JFarrington -> TAC Guy> Cloak up.

McFly -> ::arrives on the transporter pad still crouched and rifle up::

Kansas Kenickie -> @ ::Punches one of the others::

precip -> ::notes a hue color in change of sickbay:: Oh oh....Tactical alert.

MC_Escher -> ::seeing Locke cut the transmission, grabs his console and braces for the worst::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::A9:: We're good to go.

EJ Pilot -> ::McFly:: Well isn't this fun?

Kansas Kenickie -> +Jami+ Commander can you transport Morran and Eva to sickbay

EJ Pilot -> ::looks at Morran::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Precip/Vil> The soundness of the bone is returning to normal levels; I would say he...au ::to Precip:: ... should be able -- carefully -- to move about again within a day or-- ::looks around as the alert goes off and sighs:: Excellent...

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Kansas+ Commencing now.

Hilee -> ::Tapps::+ Ops+ Hilee here, full power available throughout the systems at your discretion.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and we STILL don't have the Cerberus back, sheesh

Admiral Locke -> #Anaximander> ::fires phasers at the Manticore as she cloaks::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Med+ Incoming...Morran and Eva.

kyle_mele -> ::finishes up with Faldek, deposits him in stasis, moseys out into Sickbay::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::site to sites:::

precip -> Ill shutup and let you get to work.

McFly -> ::pilot:: dang, i haven't been in a firefight in a while, I’m getting really rusty

EJ Pilot -> I just remembered we left our shuttles down there...


Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at McFly:: What do we do with them? ::Points at the other team::

Eva Jaz -> ::reshimmers in SB , with Morran ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::falls to the right, holding onto her console:::

EJ Pilot -> ::kinda falls from the ship fire::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Falls to the right, and onto McFly::

Eva Jaz -> ::falls ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <I think we only got our team?>

precip -> ::notes shimmering beings...ship rocking...clutches biobed::

Hilee -> ::Gripping the console...leans to the right::

Eva Jaz -> ::still holding on to semi conscious Morran ::

Keb -> Ready for evasive maneuvers, Admiral.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks around at the sound of the people beaming in and then crashes heavily into the wall as the ship rocks; hits the ground and rolls::

T'Prise -> :: Steadies herself on the bulkhead. ::

Turris Morran -> ::regains consciousness, grabbing Eva's collar:: Get me out of here! He's here! He'll make me suffer! You must help!

McFly -> ::fall to the floor with KK on top as he takes the brunt of the hit:: ooh, that is not fun just after getting stunned

Keb -> ::pulling herself steady in her seat::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Red Alert

EJ Pilot -> ::helps McFly and KK up::

Vilanne -> ::falls to the left, because her back was to the camera::

Cmdr JFarrington -> REd alert Aye.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> target their weapons and engines, weapons free

Eva Jaz -> :: wrestles with Turris ::

Admiral Locke -> #Anaximander> ::fires phasers once more, which are deflected as the shields go up::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::staggers up to her feet, looking towards Eva:: Maenek! ::snaps:: What happened?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::RED ALERT:::

Hilee -> ::wondering what the bloody hell is going on::+Engineering+ Red Alert...man your stations and get the power to max.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Helped up:: Man up ::winks::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::minus the sound:::

Eva Jaz -> a little help here !!!

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::saving ears one sound at at time:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::seeing them wrestling as the red alert flashes, and wastes no time in tackling him from behind, pulling one of his arms behind his back::

Vilanne -> ::gets back up, checking patients, looking around::

EJ Pilot -> ::McFly:: One of you should to Sickbay and keep an eye on Morran..

Eva Jaz -> Turris > shhhhh it will be ok , calm down you are delusional

Kansas Kenickie -> I will go there, McFly tac needs your eye

McFly -> ::stands; tries to shake off; still in pain though:: that should probably be her, i got a tac console to get to

Vilanne -> Wow, you go Jaiysa! ::wonders if she should take hand to hand from her::

Turris Morran -> ::looks up at Eva, frightened:: Don't hurt me! Their suffering is ended! All I wanted to do was end their suffering.

kyle_mele -> ::notes the red alert, scrambles around in some sort of organized chaos::

Hilee -> ::Tapping away at the main console::

EJ Pilot -> ::moves from the TR to TL::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hisses at Vil:: Sedative!

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Exits the transporter room and runs down the hall::

Eva Jaz -> ::gets up now that Morran is off her ::

McFly -> ::jogs off to the nearest TL::

EJ Pilot -> ::running into a TL:: Main Engineering!

Sovak -> It is illogical for them to fire on us. Admiral Locke must know there will be consequences.

T'Prise -> :: Exits the TL, running for the science lab with everything they took from the base. ::

Eva Jaz -> Turris> it will be alright , You need to go to sleep now , for a while :: eye vil coming with sedative ::

Vilanne -> ::throws herself at the cabinet, ripping it open, grabbing the hypo and hurrying back over to Jaiysa, nailing Turris in the neck with a very powerful sedative::

Turris Morran -> #Anaximander> ::Shields are down are down to 20%, engineers and weapons are showing signs of damage.

Hilee -> ::Along with Trius rerouting and redistributing power to the grid and main systems::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes, Captain, he's about to get some.

precip -> ::gently stands seeing the commotion and is impressed by the Romulan's skills::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::pulls Morran backwards, trying to hold him still long enough for them to sedate him::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Enters Sickbay::

T'Prise -> +Escher+ Lt. T'Prise to Commander Escher.

Turris Morran -> ::falls unconscious, mumbling something about suffering::

EJ Pilot -> ::moves to into MENG and takes a console::

trius peers -> Adjustments on the dilithium chamber are complete commander

Cmdr JFarrington -> She's taking damage, Admiral.

Keb -> ::at the ready for orders to move::

Vilanne -> ::stands with hypo still in hand:: Oh my word... what is going on!

Eva Jaz -> jai> let's get him there :: pints to Biodbed ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::relaxes as Morran slumps against her, looks up at Kenickie's footfalls, breathing slightly fast::

trius peers -> :: makes a little adjustment:: Their!

precip -> (we are firing while cloaked ....cool)

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> ::curtly:: Grab his legs.

Hilee -> Trius> Acknowledged...lets get the main power back up to max

MC_Escher -> ::picks himself up off the floor and whacks his comm badge:: +T'P+ T'Prise. You made it.

Admiral Locke -> #Anaximander> ::comes about, locking onto the Manticore's engineering section, specifically the warp core::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Moves over and helps the doctors Move Morran::

Eva Jaz -> *points

trius peers -> :: Brings the main power up to max::

Vilanne -> ::holds one arm::

McFly -> ::with his patented speed McFly arrives on the bridge taking over tactical; massages his chest where he got shot:: what are we shootin' at?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Weapons lock.

Hilee -> Ej> Good to see you back...nice vacation ?,

Eva Jaz -> ::grabs legs ::

Hilee -> ::Tapping away at the main console::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Well, okay, so we pop out of cloak, fire and then recloak>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Matt:: Anaxamander. Big guns.

EJ Pilot -> ::sends a txt msg to the OPs lady:: When the fire fighting is over I can if needed remote control the shuttles back home..

Eva Jaz -> ::turns to Kansas :: Thanks , what's going on ?

T'Prise -> :: Cocks a brow, not sure what the Commander is referring to. :: +Escher+ Sir, we obtained data and samples from the base that need to be analyzed. I will require assistance in the main science lab.

Eva Jaz -> ::nods to Jai ::

EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: I got shot at...and I am not too happy about.

Kansas Kenickie -> We are being fired upon

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::replies to Pilot's message, affirmative if you can do it:::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::lifts Morran onto a bed with Eva and Kansas's help::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Matt:: If you need it, you got it.

Vilanne -> do we need restraints? ::motions to them::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::to whoever is at TAC:: Take out their Frakking weapons already!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Kenickie> Na...we had na noticed, rekkhai...::dryly as she begins setting the biobed for scans::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Matt is at TAC>

MC_Escher -> ::glances around the bridge:: +T'Prise+ They all seem to be worried about shooting things up here, so I'm on my way. ::enters TL, whooshes::

Kansas Kenickie -> Yes

Eva Jaz -> Vil> Might as well , I don't think eh will be any calmer when he 'll come about

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::working the cloak up and down as we fire:::

precip -> Commander Kenickie...who is firing on us?

Hilee -> Ej> Well we do have bigger fish to fry right now...we need full power back up.

McFly -> weapons targeted and firing

EJ Pilot -> ::sends msg when the opposing vessel has no weapon capability let me know and I will bring them in..::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Vil> Na until the sedative wears off -- but ie, I would recommend them then.

Admiral Locke -> @Anaximander> ::takes it's last hit, lights in the windows go dark and the ship is adrift::

Eva Jaz -> ::half smile in Jai's direction , since she read her mind ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> What was he talking about?

McFly -> <<what's happening with the cloak?>>

EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: Aye...Mr Peers you heard the man..

Kansas Kenickie -> another federation ship, we were ambushed by them on the planet

Cmdr JFarrington -> <it's going up and down as we fire>


T'Prise -> :: Enters the main science lab, places the test tubes under the hood and starts uploading data chips and padds to the main computer. ::

precip -> Another Federation ship firing on a federation ship.....not again.

EJ Pilot -> ::brings up a screen and begins to gain remote access to the shuttles.

trius peers -> Power is already back up to full sir

Vilanne -> ::nods and sets up the restraints for his arms, legs and chest::

Cmdr JFarrington -> She's dead in the water, Admiral.

Keb -> ::shifting position slightly between rounds to evade return fire::

Admiral Locke -> #Anaximander> ::hails the Manticore::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Tactical, get me sensor readings of that ship. Are life support and grav still operational?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Incoming hail.

Hilee -> Trius> Excellent...maintain power outputs for now,hold what we have.

EJ Pilot -> ::Hilee:: I am bringing in the shuttles by remote... ::assumes since we arent shaking the weapons have been disabled.

MC_Escher -> ::arrives in the science bay, keeps on an air of joviality:: So, what'd you win?

EJ Pilot -> ::

Kansas Kenickie -> Does that happen often?

trius peers -> :nods taping rapidly at console::

McFly -> ...life support's critical but on and so is gravity

Eva Jaz -> :: quickly goes over Morran's vitals ::

T'Prise -> :: Looks at Escher questioningly. :: Win sir?

Hilee -> Ej> Do it, coordinate with ops...we still have shields up.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Turn off the cloak, open that channel, Jami

Cmdr JFarrington -> Cloak down. Onscreen.

McFly -> ::takes a second to look at the ship:: ...damn I’m good

EJ Pilot -> +ShuttleBay+ Incoming Remote Shuttles once they are almost in auto pilot via tractor beam.

precip -> It seems that way during my career.

Turris Morran -> ::appears to be serious condition, all synaptic functions are breaking down::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <or audio..your choice>

MC_Escher -> ::gestures to the table where she put the stuff:: You know. Score. Nab. Swipe. Commandeer. Liberate.

Kansas Kenickie -> Faldek? how is he?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::repeats her question at Eva as they begin looking through the scans:: What happened, Maenek? What was he doing?

Eva Jaz -> Jai> Doc , can you come and take a look at this , quick

EJ Pilot -> ::contacts Ops, Bringing shuttles up now Commander.::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::then angles her body around the bed to look over Eva's shoulder:: What is it?

Eva Jaz -> << sorry Lagging too >>

T'Prise -> :: Equivalent of a Vulcan eyeroll. :: We merely obtained the data and sample Lt. Morran was working with on the base.

Eva Jaz -> ::shows the vitals , everything out of whack ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Pilot+ Stand by.

T'Prise -> I am uploading the data to the main computer for analysis now.

EJ Pilot -> +Farrington+ Aye Commander.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ Admiral. I am still willing to turn over Mr. Morran to you, but now you'll have to wait until we debrief him AND I find out just what twisted game you're playing with me

Hilee -> ::Confirms the power flow on the main board and dispatches repair teams to the grid::

MC_Escher -> ::nods, turns graver:: How's he doing, T'Prise?

precip -> ::to Kenickie:: They've stabilized him...but he gave himself a whopper of a beating. I recommend you restrict his holodeck privileges...no eliminate them...until he has a full Pysch work up.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps back to where Precip::

EJ Pilot -> ::has the shuttles ready to come up::

Eva Jaz -> Jai> did anything like this appeared as a possible result when you performed the analysis >

Kansas Kenickie -> I had been planning on it.

precip -> Everyone make it back okay?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at the vitals readouts with a somewhat bemused look in her eyes:: He has made quite a mess of himself.

precip -> ::to Kansas::

Keb -> ::mutters to self:: He started it...

T'Prise -> He was clearly not in control of his faculties. :: Pauses for a minute before moving on. :: We should need to study those viral samples as well. I would suggest locking the science lab down and going into full decontamination procedures.

Hilee -> ::Breathes a sigh...and grabs another mug of joe::

Kansas Kenickie -> Yeah, everyone is fine

Admiral Locke -> #::sitting in his chair, holding out his arms:: I am simply doing my duty to the people of the federation. It seems I have no where to go.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::takes a deep breath::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I would have to do a closer comparison to the analyses we performed before.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> But it does na look dissimilar.

precip -> Objective accomplished.. it seems. Well Done Commander.

precip -> ::looks at Morran::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Looks at Precip:: thanks, being in charge is no fun sir

Admiral Atragon-9 -> +LOCKE+ We will beam over an Engineering team to stablize your atmo, and then tow you to a starbase

precip -> ::stands up from biobed::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Makes him sit back down::

MC_Escher -> ::nods again, and then turns to face T'P:: T'Prise, he sent a signal right before you got to him. Apparently the hep A that the Romulans contracted wasn't that at all; it was the original for of echococcosis. Made in Cold Station 9 and...

Eva Jaz -> Ok...::nods,::

MC_Escher -> ...overseen by Admiral Locke. I've confirmed the data signature; Morran didn't fabricate it. It seems to be true.

McFly -> ::feels towing them to a starbase is a little too good for them::

Keb -> ::looks up paths to the nearest starbases::

Admiral Locke -> #::Sir'al, and the others of Morran's band of Mercenaries appears on the screen, held by Locke's security crew:: Put them in the brig. ::Turns to the view screen:: The only member of your crew who is to set foot on this ship is Turris Morran. Any <c>

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::so much for upgrading from a tugboat:::

MC_Escher -> <<*form>>

Admiral Locke -> others will be met with resistance. ::cuts the comm::

Keb -> ::thinks>Well, that's friendly.::

T'Prise -> :: Looks at Escher for a moment, the idea turning quietly in her mind for several seconds. :: Very intriguing. This changes the perspective on our Romulan mission.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::stares at the starfield again:: Hmm, I wonder if he'll change his tune when his air starts getting stale

precip -> Okay ...Okay...one or two more days...then I get my job back.

McFly -> that's cool, i didn't want to help them anyway

Kansas Kenickie -> Promise?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Admiral... Mr. Pilot wants to bring the fighters up by remote control. Advise?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::taps a nearby console, starting the comparison:: We need to see if we can stabilize his biochemistry...though I am na sure we wil be able to return him to even his previous levels of stability...he has progressed quite far.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Alright, Captain, have someone beam down to the planet and fly the Cerberus back home, would you?

precip -> Promise.

Eva Jaz -> Jai> Let's get him stabilized first we'll deal with everything else after

Sovak -> Affirmative, Admiral.

Kansas Kenickie -> Tell me something, I thought when people got married they were supposed to act more reasonable... what happen with Faldek?

MC_Escher -> ::his usual anger at her emotionlessness, swells and flashes into his eyes, but he quells it before it gets further and quickly dons his usual smirk:: You could put it that way.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, let's fly them up with real pilots, we aren't in any danger now

precip -> ::reclines on biobed.. to put Kansas at ease::

Vilanne -> ::assists the doctors::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Helps Precip::

precip -> I don't know Commander....I don't know.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Grabs him a glass of water::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sir. +Pilot+ That's a negative. We're sending down pilots to bring them up.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::glance to Matt:::

EJ Pilot -> ::cuts remote control to them::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods and recites a string of basic neurochemical drugs::

EJ Pilot -> ::monitors his systems::

McFly -> ::looks back over at Jami::

Eva Jaz -> Jai> let's give it a try .. :: grabs hypsospray ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::sits back in the CC:: Why isn't anything we do simple and straight forward?

T'Prise -> :: Senses Escher’s anger but lets it slide. :: It would seem highly illogical for Starfleet to construct a biological weapon that would have such devastating effects on a civilization, even one with whom we are at odds.

precip -> I have a hard time understanding human marriges.. but a Cardassian Human one...I have never heard of...

Hilee -> Ej> Well that answers that...enough to do around here, think I'll go to the main console on the bridge and check it out....Mr.Pilot, you have engineering.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::waiting to find out who will go:::

EJ Pilot -> ::nods::

Turris Morran -> ::moaning:: Genevieve. Answers. ::more unintelligible mumbling::

EJ Pilot -> ::moves to the pool table::

Hilee -> ::heads for the doors mug and padd in hand::

T'Prise -> It is very much in opposition to the reason the Federation was founded.

Keb -> ::turns in her chair:: Captain, I'd like to volunteer to bring up Cerebus.

Kansas Kenickie -> Alright Big Blue, I am going up top to see if we won

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::blinks, looks towards Vilanne:: What kind of sedative did au givehim?

Eva Jaz -> What is he going on about ?

McFly -> ::stares at Jami who stares right back:: ............yes commmander?

MC_Escher -> ::shrugs:: Who knows the motivation? I have a hunch that most black ops stuff isn't really logical to the grand scheme and goals of Starfleet.

Eva Jaz -> Turns to Kansas > Commander ?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns back to her console:::

Hilee -> ::Enters a tl...Bridge::

precip -> Yes Ma`am

Kansas Kenickie -> ::walks over to Eva:: Yes Doctor?

Sovak -> <r Mcfly report to the transporter room

Vilanne -> Wow, I gave him enough to take down.. an elephant, his body is still reacting?

Eva Jaz -> Kansas> he's mumbling something about a Genevieve .. might be of use to you ... or not

T'Prise -> To cause the extinction or endangerment of any species is the very definiton of illogical.

Eva Jaz -> ::shrugs ::

Sovak -> Bring back the Cerberus

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Ie...he is awake. ::glances at the readouts:: Eva> Au would say another 10ccs is safe?

Kansas Kenickie -> keep a record of everything he rattles off

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Sovak:: And the fighters, sir?

Eva Jaz -> Kansas> Will do ...

Hilee -> ::Enroute to the bridge...thinking *and every thing was soooo shiny...shakes his head*::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Or na...are we to keep him awake?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I just have one thing to say about the past few days on this ship...

McFly -> ::rubs chest:: ..........if i must ::pulls the temp tac officer back; leaves for the TR::

Kansas Kenickie -> Make sure Big Blue dosn't kill himself while I am gone

MC_Escher -> Yes, but it's a very human thing to do. Survival instinct tell you to kill your enemy completely so he doesn't bother you again, and if an Admiral somehwere let those instincts get the better of him that's all it would take.

T'Prise -> :: Slight frown at Escher's words. :: (q) Then perhaps black ops is not a logical assignment for me, if it fundamentally opposes the principles upon which my belief is founded.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ahh, we don't get to hear what the one thing is, rekkhai?

Turris Morran -> ::unconscious paused::

McFly -> trust me, it wouldn't have been that insightful

precip -> paused.

McFly -> or should i say, enlightening

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Hooo boy!!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sovak, Jami, comments?

Cmdr JFarrington -> We have Griffin and Wyvern still on the surface. Is someone bringing them up?

Sovak -> Good sim!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sure, Sec can decide

Admiral Atragon-9 -> TBS is one hour, so we will have all three ships back up here

Admiral Atragon-9 -> but we will not have left orbit yet

Cmdr JFarrington -> And the scientists - what happened to them? Locke has them?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> no, the Scientists are on the planet, but the mercenaries are on Locke's ship

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Precip?

precip -> What is an Anaximator..I mean that is a great name for a ship...Or is it a Science vessel...

Turris Morran -> Anaximander was a greek philosopher. One of socrates students I believe

MC_Escher -> Pre-socratic, actually

MC_Escher -> Believed everything was made out of fire, I think. Or air.

precip -> Science ship Morran?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> played by Ahhhnold in a movie, right?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> "I think, therefore I'll be back"

MC_Escher -> Ouchhhh

precip -> K sorry about the ship question...I’m out.

Turris Morran -> Yeah, purely a science ship. I actually neglected to give it a class. I'll select one for next sim.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Keb?

Keb -> Does Keb get to go rescue fighters?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Sure, Keb can go get one

Keb -> Yay!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> just write a log about it!

Kansas Kenickie -> and McFly

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