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Restrained and Contained

Restrained and Contained


McHale sits calmly in sickbay at a table with the Sergeant Major…  McHale looks sternly in Jackson’s Eyes, then down at his hand, as he hums, then back up at the Sergeant Major…


“Try Me, Blackjack.”


McHale was doing his best not to refer to Jackson by his rank, simply because he had no idea what Captain Moose had in mind for the Marines aboard the Arc as he lays down a Straight.

Jackson grunted….


“HRRMM, easy there sport.  Not this time….”


Blackjack lets out a bit of a grin as he nonchalantly throws down his royal flush.   McHale takes his loss in stride…


“That song, that song that you’re humming…. What is it?  It sounds familiar…”


“Oh, sorry.  Wasn’t even aware I was humming….. I’ll stop.”


“No, no… I’ve heard that tune before, what song is that?”


McHale searches his memory as he gets a slight pain from the bruises that are now on his side from his broken ribs….


“It’s a song by a 21st century American artist, Johnny Cash…  -The Big Battle-.”


Blackjack nodded slowly, then a light went on in his head like he shot up a flare.


“Mac, your daddy used to hum/sing that very same song…. Whenever we were about to get knee deep in it…. In battle that is… Your father was never one to admit when our ship was in danger of being lost, but I knew it, I could see it in his eyes.…”


McHale stared directly into Blackjack’s eyes as he was talking….


“Son, you remind me too much of your father… You’re a dedicated, honest, and a Decorated Marine….Just like your daddy.  And you’re Headstrong and stubborn… Just like your daddy.  I’m not sure if that comes from genetics or you being a Mustang… But I’ve never served under a finer Soldier, than Matthew. Colonel Quest has much to learn yet as a Marine, though she’s getting there rather quickly.  She has covered the main points, and she’s got the heart for it, and she’s giving your old man a run for his money.”


McHale and Blackjack went on for a few more hours… McHale just listening mainly to what Blackjack had to tell him, having seniority and all… While Blackjack was discussing McHale’s father, filling him in on information that was either classified by Starfleet, or simply stuff McHale never knew about his father, since he was never around… and died when Josh was extremely young.



Almost for a moment, the marine image was dropped, and they were 2 men sitting in a bar over a drink discussing their past.

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