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Annabelle O'Halloran

Wondering What's Ahead

Dr. Smith had never mentioned how busy the padd work must have kept him, Anna thought as she waded through the stack on her desk. It was all about prioritization and organization. Anna tapped her work screen and sent Mr. Jyrd a schedule of what dedicated resources the Science Department was going to require based on the project outlines sitting on her desk. JJ would let her know if it was unreasonable. Anna mentally crossed her fingers that some of these could be completed in timely fashion. Most of it was holdover from before Reaent went looking for the Proxima.


Jon enters her office. “How’s the new position treating you?” He seemed relaxed from first glance, mostly due to the Reaent’s course change.


Anna looked up with a grin, happy to see him, and more than willing to be interrupted. "Well, let's just say it's pushing and I'm still trying to figure out how to push back."


“The key is to set the easy ones aside for later while working on the hard ones periodically.” The way he said it seemed to make Anna think that Jon was a department chief at one point in time. “I take it you also noticed the course change to the Cestus system? I’m guessing our new CO had something to do with this.”


Waving to the surface of her desk, Anna answered, "You're talking like you know," and then she motioned to one of the chairs in front of it. "Please sit down and say you'll stay awhile, and yes, I definitely noticed the course change," she added with a lopsided smile. "If you'd been in McQueen's staff meeting, you would have enjoyed the 180 degree turn the mood in the room took when he said we were not going to be patrolling the Romulan Neutral Zone."


Jon smirked as he sits in a chair “I was on the bridge when he issued the order. As for his reasoning, I am guessing he viewed the reports from the last mission and pulled some strings with the rank he possessed. Am I somewhere in the ballpark?”


"You're batting 1000. from where I sit. Of course, he's read the reports and he understands how difficult is for this crew to lose Captain Michaels after going through what it just did." Standing up, Anna walked to the replicator and ordered a hot black tea with plenty of sugar. "Can I get you something?" she asked, looking over to where Jon was sitting.


“I’ll have a root beer,” he replies. “One thing that has me wondering is what’s going on in the Klingon area of the Neutral Zone, since that appears to be where we are going.”


"One root beer, coming up." Anna ordered one in a frosted glass with plenty of foam, and set it in front of him, before setting her own mug on the desk and reseating herself. "I don't know. Captain McQueen didn't remark on any expectations and there was no further discussion. We've now got an Ensign named Tobias Jaren aboard who says he was specifically assigned to the science department with regards to the scanning project for that area of space." Anna shrugged and wrapped her fingers around the mug, absorbing its heat. "Whatever is waiting there, I'm just as glad it's far, far away from the Romulans."


He grins as he picks up the mug. “Ah yes, the newbie, although I doubt he liked being called that. In my opinion, it’s better than the other term,” he laughs a little before taking a sip. “I’m glad we’re getting away from the Romulans, I know most of us had enough to last for a while.”


"Hmmm, newbie?" Anna answered thoughtfully. "He sure seemed to know his way around the equipment and seemed quite familiar with the Ambassador Class. I didn't notice anything wet behind the ears about him, but Trills are like that. Once they are joined, they can seem like very old souls, indeed."


“I only meant that in a new to the crew sort of way. Speaking of new crew, what did you think of Captain McQueen?” he asked.


"He's..." Anna took another sip of her rapidly cooling tea and considered how to answer. "The meeting was pretty short, as I'm sure you noticed. He went to the trouble of providing refreshments, although maybe that's normal at these things, or else he was trying for a convivial atmosphere. Captain Michaels never bothered, but then again, the few meetings I was part of under Michaels' command always took place during the Proxima mission and cookies were not really conducive to a discussion of how to make a ship invisible when it has no cloaking device."


Anna returned Jon's gaze and simply stated, "He was pulled away from his own ship with no chance to say goodbye and put here where the crew misses their own Captain and has every reason to be suspicious of why they were sent on that awful mission in the first place. He was able to change our orders and it's my impression that he answered the questions put to him during the meeting honestly."


He takes another sip from his drink, “From what you’re saying, it seems that Captain McQueen has been around enough to know when the situation stinks. I’ll have to see it for myself so you would have to forgive my skepticism.”


Anna leaned back, mug held between her hands, although its comforting warmth had dissipated. "No doubt, I would forgive you much, Jon," she answered evenly, "but in this case, I could never hold your skepticism against you. I have no experience when it comes to Fleet politics, but if it's anything like Clan politics, or politics anywhere for that matter, there's always a lot hidden below the surface. I think 'wait and see' is probably the thought of the day."


“Word of advice when it comes to politics of any kind, avoid digging too deep. I found that out firsthand.” He sets the mug on the table. “Did you find out anything else when you were in the meeting? Who we are going to be dealing with?”


Anna smiled sardonically, answering, "When it comes to that sort of thing, Jon, believe me, I am wise beyond my years. I grew up around it, and as for who we're going to be dealing with? McQueen didn't say."


He nods “I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Maybe we could talk about something that’s not mission related.”


"Especially since we've exhausted our scant knowledge of what the current mission entails," Anna laughingly agreed and looked at him enquiringly. "What do you want to talk about and I'll tell you right now...I don't want to talk about the Science Department!"


Laughing at the work comment, “That’s the last thing I talk about. Aside from what we talked about on the starbase, I don’t know much about you. What are your hobbies?”


"Well, for the last couple of months, it was just staying alive, like everyone else," Anna answered with a grin, "But when I'm not trying to avoid the Grim Reaper, I enjoy metal craft. Remember the knife I showed you during the phaser training? I made that. I'm a journeymen level crafter of small edged weapons. I also work with precious metals and create and design jewelry. It was my job; was supposed to stay my job but I was accepted into the Academy." Anna smiled as she leaned back against her seat. "I didn't have the patience for sewing."


Remembering the knife, “Ah yes, it was a well crafted blade. Perhaps, I could show you the weapons and armor I have. Granted, the forging methods are different, but the quality is about the same. As for the sewing, I’m not that kind of person either.”


"I'd love to see them, Jon," Anna answered, with interest. "Are they very old?"


“Ye, but I keep them in pristine condition because you never know when they might come in handy. The armor, of course, is a different story since it’s self-contained and the systems need to be updated every century or so.”


"I'm thinking our idea of body armor is a little bit different. Yours is mechanized?" Anna asked, not quite sure what he meant.


“More along the lines of a mixture between bionics and nanotech, but the suit is designed for effectiveness and freedom of movement. Technically, if you saw it you’d be quite surprised. Although I doubt it will see any use unless it was absolutely necessary.”


"Well, I don't like to think of the situation that would require it but I'd like to see it when you have a chance." Anna logged off her workstation and folded it down before getting to her feet. "I'm done for the day. I can't look at another report at this point. Have you already eaten dinner?"


As he stands up, “I haven’t yet. I was thinking along the lines of spaghetti with french bread and salad. How does that sound?”


"I think that sounds perfect. Is that the special in the mess tonight?" Anna asked, picking up their empty mugs and tossing them in the recycler.


A smile on his face, “Only if you consider ‘special’ made by me. Granted you’d have to give me a head start to get everything prepared."


"I do consider that pretty special, and you can have all the time you need," she replied with a smile, pleased by his thoughtful invitation. "Want me to help with anything?"


“Just show up with an appetite and a smile. I’ll take care of the rest.”


"I can handle both of those."

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