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STSF Seiben

Hot off the press


Spreading the news as it happens



"Good evening. We begin with our top story. After weeks of extensive searching, the order to call off the search and rescue mission of the USS Jenolan was given by Starfleet Command. The vessel is presumed lost, along with all of the crew and passengers of the Jenolan. Among these passengers was Captain Montgomery Scott, better known as 'Scotty' by his friends of the original Enterprise and the Enterprise-A. About one hundred people, consisting of family, friends, former Enterprise crew members and the public attended a public ceremony in Aberdeen's St. Machar's Cathedral to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Captain Scott.


"In a statement released by the President's Office, the President offered his condolences to his family and friends personally, and was 'saddened' to hear of Scott's loss. His loss marks the second original Enterprise crew member after Captain James T. Kirk to die in space. Captain Kirk lost his life after an explosion on the USS Enterprise-B last year. The acclaimed engineer, played vital roles which literally saved the Earth and the Federation on numerous occasions. He also helped develop the Trans-warp project.


"Captain Scott was a passenger on the Jenolan and was due to arrive at Norpin, a tranquil retirement colony after retiring from a long and illustrious career. The cause of the loss of the Jenolan and all onboard is unknown and a full investigation is underway. No distress call was received from the Jenolan and numerous communication to the vessel went unanswered. A dozen ships scoured the area of the last known whereabouts of the Jenolan scoured the area for weeks. But not everyone believes that he is truly lost. In an interview with Captain Spock, the Vulcan has stated that he does not believe that he is truly dead and 'out there somewhere'.


"In other news, a new mysterious outbreak on a small colony in the outskirts of Federation space is devastating the colony of Obi V. It is unknown how or when the outbreak started, but the outbreak has started on the northern part of the colony and is quickly working its way south. In a bid to help stop this outbreak, the USS Challenger was sent to assist. The colony governor is confident they will be successful in finding a cure. FNN has obtained exclusive pictures of the affected area. We will bring you more information as these events unfold."


USS Challenger, Ready Room


Captain Seiben frowned at his screen. Yes, he too was shocked that Scotty had been presumed lost on the Jenolan, especially considering that he just had dinner with them prior to boarding, but also that the news of the outbreak leaked so fast to the mainstream press. Looking at the pictures of the affected area of the FNN broadcast, he wondered who could have sent it, but thought he knew who. He sighed as he took a sip of coffee. Time was now against him and his crew to find a cure and keep the area secure.

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