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(Note: These log entries were made prior to the Manticore being relocated to the Andromeda Galaxy.)


Stardate 50799.14

…per orders from Starfleet, I have been recalled into active duty. Although my detached leave was supposed to remain in effect until I finished my research at the Daystrom Institute, it is logical to conclude that I am being recalled because of the current status of the Peregrination Project. The investigation of recent events, and my recommendation as the only remaining specialist in the field, has reassigned the project status from active development to theoretical modeling. Due to the volatile nature of the technology, as demonstrated by the catastrophe aboard the Wanderlust, caution, careful evaluation, and extended study are warranted before another prototype is attempted.



The fact that Starfleet objects to the status change could perhaps explain why I am being recalled. In my interviews with Admiral Vechnesk, it was clear that he wishes for the research and development to continue. The motives of humans, who are still ruled by their emotional impulses, are sometimes unclear to me. However, I cannot be sure of his motives, since the orders I received were not for the Advanced Technologies Division of the Science Corps, but instead to report to the starship USS Manticore, as an Assistant Science Officer. This would suggest that the Admiral has not transferred me for the purpose of continuing the project under the direction of Starfleet. Perhaps he believes that I need to gain experience serving aboard a starship, to aid in my understanding of their practical functionality, as all my previous assignments have been research related, before I return to the Daystrom to continue the project. Inexplicably, however, he has made it clear that he wants me continue my doctoral work while stationed aboard the Manticore, using the assignment as a work-study program, a goal which seems incongruent with the Manticore's current assignment. From the information provided with my orders, it seems that the primary mission of the Manticore is to serve as a recovery vessel for damaged starships, a proverbial tugboat as Dr. Kosinski would have called it…




Stardate 50805.10


…reported for duty aboard the Manticore this morning. In a departure from the standard protocol, I was ordered to report directly to Admiral Atragon-9, rather than the Head of the Science Department. It seemed however, that the Admiral himself was surprised by my orders and the breach in protocol. He instructed me to report to Lieutenant Commander Escher, my superior officer, for further direction. As I was leaving, I overheard the Admiral mumbling to himself about officers being "pushed" on his crew by the Squints in Special Ops. Because I have been unable to devote an appropriate amount of study into an understanding of human colloquialisms and how they apply in this particular vernacular, his meaning eludes my comprehension at this time. That he is referring to my transfer orders is unmistakable, but as I am not working for Special Ops, I am unsure of how to apprehend his context. When I next contact Admiral Vechnesk, who has requested regular updates on my assignment, I will discuss the situation with him…

Edited by T'Prise

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