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28 Hours

28 Hours


The past 28 hours had been quite eventful for all aboard Sky Harbor Aegis, and especially so for Chirakis Kirel. Her nomadic existence had come to an abrupt halt as she received orders to assume the position of Executive Officer for Sky Harbour Aegis. Though the assignment was brokered as temporary, she had her doubts, and as the political situation escalated her doubts increased, increasing her ire exponentially.


The source of her indignation was two-fold. Because they worked on the fringes of galactic society, monitoring various groups and situations under the radar, SI-5s enjoyed a great deal of independence. It was taken for granted that, unless otherwise directed, her contact with headquarters would be minimal. Operating procedure was left to her own discretion and oversight of superiors was nominal. Being placed in a command position on Sky Harbor Aegis put her under the scrutiny of her superiors, the Federation, the allies, and one Muon Quark. Which brings us to the second source of her malcontent.


Before coming to Sky Harbor Aegis, Muon Quark had worked as an operative for SI-31, also known as Section 31. Kirel's personal assessment of SI-31 aside, she had come in contact with Muon Quark on several occasions. Their missions had overlapped, their paths had crossed, and the results had been less than satisfactory for all involved, not to mention extremely eventful. Suffice to say, Kirel and Muon did not see eye-to-eye, and the less they saw of each other, the better off the station would be. This, of course, would be quite impossible since they had been placed in joint command.


For these reasons and for a few more that are not worth mentioning at the moment, Kirel did not hide her indignation during her report to her direct superior, SI-5 Director Torak, which she was now concluding from her newly-assigned quarters.


"…and you may make secure contact at Sky Harbour Aegis, as I now occupy the quarters of the Executive Officer." Kirel's tone bordered on insubordination, but at this point she didn't care. She relaxed into her chair at the console, her face impassive, staring at the screen.


SI-5 Director Torak bristled, planting his hands firmly on his desk. "Dammit! It was none of my doing." His face filled the screen as he leaned in. "There are those above who believe that we exist merely for their…." He stopped short, his dark eyes, imbedded deep within his olive complexion, darted off-screen and his outstretched hand received a padd, which he took several minutes to read. Then came a scowl, a deep sigh, and a few choice expletives in his native Xhosa.


The product of a South African diplomat and a Vulcan sociologist, Director Torak was known to slip into his native tongue when under pressure. He seemed to do that more often lately, during which times his office personnel tread lightly. Whether for fear of his rage or the shocking click of his language Kirel did not know, neither did she care. His position was hard-earned during the Dominion conflict. Though they often disagreed, Kirel never questioned his final judgment. She waited patiently, staring at the screen, the fingers of her right hand resting thoughtfully against her chin. Evidently something had transpired since last contact.


"We have lost contact with Bianca. Again."


Not good. Definitely not good. Code word Bianca signified the Federation's current top priority. Torak's agitation and concern seemed to Kirel to be approaching that which he exhibited during the Dominion War.


"How long?" she asked.


"Approaching 30 days."


Longer than before. Significantly longer than before that. Contact intervals were becoming more and more sporadic.


Torak placed the padd gingerly on the desk and stared at it while he spoke. "We've had no word from her base ops, nor from her ship. I can see Johansen's wisdom in your situation now. You are well placed, Kirel. And to this end," he snapped his fingers and another padd was placed in his hand, at which point he looked to the screen, "I want you to make contact with one of the ambassadors – Joy Two of Mudd. She may have had contact with your former ally, Joy Ten. See if they have any information pertinent to the situation."


"Ambassador Joy has requested transfer from Aegis," said Kirel evenly, more concerned with their current situation than with the director's reaction.


"Let me guess," Torak began slowly, a tinge of sarcasm creeping into his tone. "Her Asimov processors are at odds with Federation control of the station."


"Her point is valid. Starfleet is in violation of the Treaty of 2376."


"The treaty is of another time and another circumstance. It needs revision," he growled, his face flushing.


"The fact remains…"


Torak's hand flew up. After a long pause and what appeared to be a slow cleansing breath he said, "I swear your contact with those androids has addled your brain. Talk to Two. See if you can dissuade her. Keep her there. Find Ten. Get information. Do it."


"Yes, Sir," Kirel answered to a blank screen. Torak's customary abruptness, his disgust, his obvious lack of sleep, or perhaps all three had cut the comm. She would talk to Two, though changing a decision of a diplomatic android with Asimov processors would be no easy task. Perhaps Ten would help? Kirel doubted it, but it was worth a try.

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