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Fact Finding Mission

I am frightened. And I’m praying they can na tell.


Oh Elements. Who am I kidding? I’m sure they can smell my fear. The sooner I am off this blasted station, the happier I will be.


Two Talon senior officers have been deployed on a goodwill mission the Lloann’na and Bah’jorann space station named Deep Space Nine. The assignment is to gather as much information about the celestial navigation pathways and the medical hazards the Romulan crew may encounter in the year long exploration of the Gamma Quadrant in hopes that said information will make the yearlong mission run smoother and with a minimal amount of causalities in the process. Provided, of course, that these beings are willing to share with the Rihannsu people.


And t’Rexan sent me to gather the information? What was she thinking?


My experience with Lloann’na is very limited. Na, let me rephrase that. Extremely enormously limited. I can count on io hand how many times I’ve had contact with Lloann’na personnel. Oi: an alternate universe (the Eagle’s Claw debacle). Re: the abduction of the Arcadia first officer (the Squid people debacle). Notice how these are both disasters? I live in fear that history will repeat itself.


So far I have scraped by with minimal damage to Talon or my own reputation, mostly by keeping opinions to myself. A difficult task. I’m very opinionated. But if I’ve learned anything from my youngest sister, it is how to be diplomatic, careful and thoughtful in my responses to these individuals. And most importantly, how to listen. The cause and effect seems to be the quieter I am, the more these Bah’jorann and Lloann’na officers talk. It is as if they are eager to please. Or perhaps they are enjoying the challenge of trying to forge a friendly alliance with an aloof Daise’Maenak. For good or for bad, I am learning a lot just by keeping my mouth shut.


I will return to Talon with valuable medical information, samples of antitoxins and antiviral medications, and descriptions of biological hazards to avoid during our mission. I will also have a good psychological analysis of the Lloann’na people to compare to our most recent exposure with the Arcadia crew. I know it will na be completely accurate, because like the Rihannsu people, io can na judge io individual against the stereotypes io has of au’s race. If au did, then au would assume I am like every other Galae maenak who will conserve resources rather than treat any patient they deem beyond salvage. But at least the information I gather may help us navigate the turbulent space between conversely different ideologies.

Edited by m_k_tksa

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