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Capt Muon Quark

Incoming Tranmission



FROM: Starfleet Command

TO: Commanding Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis


RE: Sky Harbor Aegis

Captain Quark,

As you are no doubt aware Commissioner Sorehl, after an extensive 6-month investigation, presented a report to the UFP on the current status and mission of Sky Harbor Aegis. Included in the report were recommendations as to the future of said mission. In addition the UFP has been looking at Sky Harbor Aegis for the past year to determine if its mission needs to be revised.


After extensive research, interviews, and after reviewing Comissioner Sorehl's report, we believe the time has come to let Cardassia "stand on their own feet". To that end, the decision has been made to relocate the station to a more suitable location. The exact location has not yet been determined but a decision should be reached within the next few weeks. Once the decision is made it is imperative that you begin preparations to move the station at once.


We realize that an addendum to the existing treaty will be required and said addendum is being drafted as we speak and when completed will be forwarded to all interested parties, including the Ferengi Commerce Authority and its representative. Let me be very clear that we do not wish to withdraw from the treaty, only alter it. We are confident that an equitable compromise can be reached between all parties.


Support for this move will be provided by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and various other agencies. They will arrive on station shortly after all necessary paperwork is completed. I strongly advise, however, that you begin talks with the Cardassians immediately. The UFP has been in contact with them already and the Cardassians are more than willing to discuss the terms of this move with the staff currently on Sky Harbor Aegis.


Please do no hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have. The UFP and Starfleet are here to help you make this transition as smoothly and efficiently as possible.



Rear Admiral Johansen

Starfleet Command

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