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Erein Vor'Tic

between plots

Note, this log also is describing what has happened to me, and my platoon between the times of the two plot lines.



Computer begin log, Lt James Black, Alfa platoon commander

Beep beep


After receiving a few new marines on board I look over my list of the few new ones join Alfa platoon. A few of there bios look, shall I say interesting, but for the few that look interesting, the same amount I wonder how they got here. As I finish reading over the bios, and assigning the new marines to there groups, I get a call telling me that they are ready for transport.


“All Alfa platoon personal, report to holo deck 1 for welcoming are new members. That is all except the squadron leaders, report to my quarters to receive you’re new recruits”


As a few minutes pass, Ghost, Hawk, and Iceman all walk in.


“Hear are you’re the list of you new marines. Report to Transporter room 3 to pick them up, then report to holo deck 1. Dismissed.”


After giving out the new orders for the crews I walk into the hall, then the turbo lift. “holo deck one.” A few minutes latter after arriving in the holo deck, I change the room form the grid to a section of Star Fleet Command.


“PLAAATOOON AATENNTION. PLAAATOOON RELEX. What you will hear when the squad leaders arrive is something what you have all heard before.”


After a few minutes, what seamed like hours of waiting for the new marines, I, and the other marines just stood there, silent, waiting. After everyone fell into there squadron.


“Welcome to all of you new comers to the…” I started


“…The best platoon in the galaxy,” everyone chanted


“O.K, to all of the new recruits, today is no sit on the beach. The way we determine were people are in the pecking order is by simulated war games. You all have 30 min. to change into camo, and report back here. Dismissed.”




==========30 min. later==========




“Today’s mission is to infiltrate the Cardassian sensor outpost. Capture their most resent readings, and get to the extraction point.  Expect heavy resistance. We leave in 10.”


“The point system goes: 2 points for a kill of a hostile enemy, 1 for killing a team member who is helpless, -2 for being killed, -5 for killing a none hostile enemy or friendly, and 1 for dieing when trying to save a friendly who needs help. I will pause the battle at times to assist you in your combat skills, not like I usually go through it after in the briefing room. Let go!”





==========15 min later, on planet==========




“There’s the target, 50 meters north, north west. I am detecting multiple Cardassian patrols. LETS MOVE!”


As the weapons fire from both sides, many Cardassian’s but none of the Alfa platoon leaders fall.


“Computer, pause sim. The proper way you should have taken out the last patrol would have bean to snipe them. Even though we had no casualties, it was still risky. They could have lead you to an ambush, or a mine. When we are done, expect a sniper lesion. Computer, resume sim.”




===========End of simulation==========




“Good job everyone. A for the new recruits, this is what will happen every couple of days. As for now, relax, until I tell you otherwise. Dismissed.”





Sorry about the wierd story dialog format thing

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