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Trichon opened his tricorder and started taking readings looking for the Water Reclamation Plant.  Hopefully this mission shouldn't take to long.  Trichon still had a lot of work to do on the Arcadia.  He had almost finished going through his fathers logs.  He had scoured them in hopes he would find some mention of what he was running from.  Lo'Ami seemed to be avoiding him as of late and who could blame him.  He had found out that the whole relationship between his father and a previous host had been nothing more than a charade to hide from someone or something.  The question that had been bothering Trichon was what?  He was sure the answer laid somewhere in the logs. Maybe sending copies of the logs to Lo'Ami so he could look at them and maybe find the answer.


But all that had to be put on the backburner for the moment.  Trichon had to focus on the mission to the Lodi colony.  So far one good thing had come out of this mission.  On the way down in the shuttle he had a chance to talk a little bit more with Ensign N'etani.  She was a remarkable woman, charming, and beautiful.  He looked forward to getting to know her a bit more.  Hopefully when the work permitted he could give her those shuttle piloting lessons he had promised her.


"Mr. Light."  Trichon shook his head and looked back.  Lt. Jaruq and Lt. Seiben were there.


"Yes sir."


"Have you been able to locate the reclamation plant, yet?"

"Its just a few meters this way sir" Trichon pointed in the direction of the water reclamation plant.  He started heading towards it and hoping that they could find the problem soon and help these people start to get on with there lives.

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