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Capt Muon Quark

Convening Authority Deliberation

Nelar enters the deliberating room after the scene with Captain Savage and takes a seat at the table. “Well that was certainly interesting.”


NIckles follows Nelar into the deliberation room as well. "It was. I was certain she was guilty when this all first started. Now I’m having second thoughts.” He pulls out a chair next to her and sits


Talsia Sundown as well made up the third member of the convening authorities, and her attention was divided between the other two JAG officers as well as her own mental thoughts. She settled into a chair facing the other two officers, her expression a combination of concern and confusion; the days’ events had indeed been unexpected.


Nelar reads thru the transcript a bit and sighs. “There is more going on here then meets the eye. Something is not right with Section 31. Specifically, Admiral Forester.” Nelar says, glancing up from the transcript.


"I agree. I would like to get this Forrester in the witness chair.” Nickles replies. “He seems to be the perpetrator in this entire thing. Not Muon as we were first led to believe."


Talsia snorted, the sound undignified but very apt to describe the Forester situation. “Shadow organizations are always a headache waiting to happen, exacerbated even more so when a high ranking official is involved.


Nelar nods in agreement. “I think we'll have to start an investigation into Admiral Forester. We'll have to be careful though, this is section 31 we're talking about.... and an Admiral.


Nickles nods his agreement. “Section 31 is a delicate area all its own. But what do we do with Muon? She was in the wrong but not as we thought in the beginning." He picks up a glass of water and takes a drink from it, then sets it back down on the table. He turns in his chair to face Nelar awaiting her answer.


Nelar grabs a glass and fills it with water from a nearby pitcher. “Rumor has it that Captain Sorehl is onboard and will be assisting the Diplomatic Corps on Aegis. Also, Ambassador Joy Two has been assigned to Aegis as well. There are other rumors that more diplomats might be coming to Aegis in the near future. ::grins:: I think we can add a letter of reprimand into her permanent record and then give her the worst punishment she can imagine.... We can let her stay on Aegis and deal with the diplomats...”


Nickles grins and replies, "That might work. She has always hated dealing with diplomats. What better punishment than to make her do so. I agree that will be her punishment."


“You both are sadistic. Oh wait, that’s probably why we are all so good at what we do.” Talsia smirked at her own gallows humor, and then continued, “I do agree with the permanent reprimand as well as maintaining he current posting as the commanding officer of the station.”


Nelar continues, “And perhaps, we can ask Captain Sorehl to make it.....interesting for her? She does need to work on her diplomatic skills, does she not?”


"Agreed, she does at that. Sorehl is a good one at it also.” Nickles replies as he lifts his glass again and downs the rest of the water inside. "Joy 2 can give assistance as well."


Excellent idea.” Nelar replies as she nods her head. “And we must make it very clear that she is on a "probation" of sorts. If anything like this happens again, we would have to take more serious action. Agreed?


“Aye, no arguments here.” Sundown nodded and fiddled with her personal padd, entering a few notes regarding the JAG offcers’ joint decision regarding the Ferengi captain in question.


"Agreed. Shall we return to give our verdict?" Nickles responds.


Nelar nods her head. “Yes, I'll have my assistant type up verdict but I think we can let the Captain know and reinstate her as Commanding Officer of Aegis.”


"Agreed, although letting her sit a stew about it a bit would seem to be a good thing as well. Let’s not tell her until its typed and ready to deliver. Also, let’s call Sorehl and Joy, to make sure they can stay around a bit. Then tell her."


Sundown gave a quick nod of agreement and jumped into the conversation at that point. “Well, despite dealing with Forester – who of course we all realize has his own demons that no doubt whisper in his ear – Quark did go all ‘firebrand’ with regard to this whole situation. I agree that some waiting might do her good, teach her some patience, that sort of thing. These new captains always have an adjustment period, you know?”


Nelar nods, satisfied with their decision. “I'm in no hurry.... Have you had lunch yet? I hear Drankums serves a really good lasagna.” Nelar pushes a a few buttons on the computer terminal and sends a memo to her assistant.


"I have not, lets go try it out. I hear Drankum’s lasagna is the best in the quadrant." He stands and motions for the ladies to exit the door first, being a gentleman.”


Talsia exited the deliberation room, looking forward to a change of venue, even if it was a hole in the wall restaurant. . “I could definitely use some chow, and I’m sure we can all use a bit of a break.”


They all file out of the deliberation room and head over to Drankums for lunch.


Muon is off the hook….for now.

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