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Capt Muon Quark

Muon Quark - 010108

Muon sat in the dark thinking. She was thinking that it was going to be near impossible to resolve the current situation she found herself in.


She had disobeyed orders, lied to a superior officer, ordered an illegal time travel, and probably a few other things she couldn't think of at the moment. Yes, she was definitely in what the humons would call a "pickle". Yes, a pickle indeed.


Fortunately, Starfleet wouldn't be able to make it out to the station for another week or two so she had a little time. Time to figure something out. She was Ferengi after all and aren't all Ferengi good at getting out of "pickles"? Above all, she did not want to involve any of the crew and risk getting them into trouble as well. She alone was responsible and would take the blame, thereby keeping the crew safe.


What was that rule? "One person's secret is another person's opportunity.." The secret here was a small portion of Starfleet trying to keep the Cardassian's beaten down. The opportunity was... Muon smiled. Yes indeed. The opportunity was to expose them and at the same time ensure the future safety of the Cardassians. And she would do it playing by their rules. Now Muon grinned.


She would need a little assistance after all...... Muon turned on the lights in her quarters and headed to her console. There was one person who could possibly help her...... She activated the comm and put in a call.

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