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Aidan Driscol

"Black Ops"

"Black Ops"

A joint log by Lieutenant Commander M'rrrett Sh'aow JoN's and Ensign Aidan Driscol



Aidan walked down the corridor towards the brig, just as he was about to enter he almost ran into two goldshirts that apparently were in a hurry. He wondered about that for a short time but just shrugged it off and entered. He was on his own mission here, he needed samples, especially since it had become a possibility that the Colonels would decide to get rid of the Soltans. Even though immediate danger had passed with the two Gareem he still wanted to find a solution to all of this. Who was to say nobody else would get infected.


The offices were in a state of high alert, and rightly so with an internal security breach in the form of a rather ticked off Vulcan; Lt. Commander JoNs had returned to the offices, and now stood behind Lt. Mical, observing the monitors along with the Andorian woman.


The doors swooshed open in front of Aidan and he entered. Cautiously he looked around for someone, he knew he would need the clearance from the Chief of Security for this. He knew she would be easy to find, he would just have to look for a tail. Somehow he felt a bit thrilled about this, finally he was in the midst of it all and not stuck in a lab, or looking incompetent manning OPS.


The feline chief's gaze immediately latched onto the blueshirt; not threatening, just curious. "Something I can do for you...Ensign?" She tried to place a name with the face.


Smiling Aidan walked towards her. "Ensign Driscol, ma'am, and there actually is. I need samples of the Soltans' blood and I somehow doubt they're going to just let me take it." Inwardly he hoped the Chief wouldn't ask too many questions.


Kansas flicked an ear back. 'Samples? More? I was under the impression that the initial testing and samples had been taken care of?" The feline moved a bit closer to Driscol, so as not to distract Mical with the conversation.


This wouldn't be easy, after all he was dealing with someone who made a profession out of being suspicious. "Yes ma'am, but you see there are only so many tests that can be done with a sample before it becomes unusable. And as we're not closer to finding a cure we need more samples."


"I mean no offense Ensign, but do you have any orders you can show me? This is a somewhat 'out of the blue' request. Better yet, let's start with this - who has made this request - sciences or medical?"


Questions, but he had expected this and he was prepared. "The orders are from Doctor Levy, as the resident xeno biologist I am presently working closely together with medical, that was cleared with Chief Condacin. I have just talked to Doctors Levy and Tordai and all three of us agree that this is necessary." He stood straight and looked directly at the CSEC, he wanted to make it clear that her questions were expected and did not make him feel uncomfortable.


The feline lieutenant commander nodded and purred, coming to a decision. "Fine. But I go with you Mister Driscol, and of course we are both suiting up in the bio-gear.' She pointed a paw to a small alcove off-set from the main area. "The suits are in there. They're clean, and there will be one or two in your size. I keep mine in my office." She started to head in the direction of her inner sanctum to retrieve what she needed.


Aidan smiled. "One should be more than enough for me, and I would have requested your company if you hadn't offered it. Mind you, despite being a blueshirt I know how to defend myself." Well, that hadn't been too difficult now. Aidan walked over to the alcove, got a biosuit and started to put it on. When that was done he patiently waited for the Chief to return.


JoNs returned a few minutes later, wearing the outrageously bright 'shoot me! I'm a target' orange protective gear. She was toting a phaser rifle as well. Her purred voice came out tinny over the helmet's comm link.


"You look lovely in that suit, Chief." Aidan grinned, everybody felt uncomfortable in these suits but there was no other way to do this. "Let's do this then, shall we?"


"Aye Ensign, let's do this. I will go first, stay behind me, and I will be keeping a close eye on the detainees while you get the samples you need."


JoNs walked over to the brig entrance door, inputting the proper coding. The guards posted to either side of the doorway remained ramrod straight. She entered the cell block.


"After you, Chief." Aidan sighed and shrugged; he wondered what he'd have to do to get a smile out of a woman on this ship. While the Chief took care of things he checked that he had everything he needed.


Kansas moved cautiously into the brig, preceding the science ensign, her body language tight even through the layering of the suit. She spoke without preamble to the Soltan brig occupants. "We have a guest. He will be taking some samples from a willing volunteer. There will be no misbehaving, or I will take action."


The Soltan who had spoken for the detainees before, recently ID'd as former crewmate Burne, chose that moment to speak. "You are in violation and you will be dealt with..."


Kansas, loosing control for a moment, snarled. "Stow it Mister Burne or whoever the hell you call yourself now..."


"Uncanny, don't you think? I'm waiting for a 'resistance is futile' myself. But don't worry, I know several ways how to kill people with my bare hands, unlike other people I don't need a knife for that. " Aidan wanted to make clear that despite only being a scientist he was not helpless.


The Caitian lieutenant commander swivelled her head to look at Driscol. "...you don't need a knife for that...Ensign, do I detect a jab at your chief there?" Through her faceplate, a happy fanged smile was visible.


That made him grin. "Oh, I bet she doesn't need a knife either, she just wants to look dangerous, see us blueshirts are usually underestimated." He got what he needed and moved towards one of the Soltans. "So, with your permission, may I?"


"By all means. However, if they so much as twitch the wrong way - even Burne..."several emotions - fear, anger, sorrow - flitted behind the Cait's eyes. "...just, ah, duck out of the way Ensign. All it takes is one moment of contact, and I do not plan on missing."


Aidan heard her voice becoming a bit emotional at that point but chose to ignore that fact. "I have no doubt you're a great marksman." He went to work and got his samples, he knew he would have to be careful with these, if the virus infected someone else before they were able to find a cure... no, he didn't allow himself that thought, it just wouldn't happen.

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