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Trichons log

Trichon wandered around his quarters and walked over to the replicator.  "Milk, warm."  The replicator came to life and a glass of warm milk appeared. Trichon picked it up and sat down on the couch.  "Computer begin recording Log for stardate 10306.29"


"Ready to Begin Recording"


"Well, I must say this ship continues to impress me every day.  The dilithium crystal itself is a mystery to me.  A perfect crystal.  Not even so much as a hairline crack on it.  That honestly should not be possible.  The crystal itself has been in the chamber for over 2 months and it show no signs of any detoriation.  I am simply waiting for Lt. Jaruq's approval to run stress tests on the crystal, but I have a feeling that the Lt. is going to be busy for the time being.  I can honestly say that I feel sorry for Thomas.  Its very true he is not a diplomat at all but yet he is being assigned to the negations that are to take place in the next few days.  I am just glad its not me.  I hate dress uniforms."  Trichon paused and let out a huge yawn.  


"My insomnia is letting up a little and hopefully with Dr. Telano's advice I should be able to get a good nights sleep.  I just wish I could talk to someone about all that has happened to me in the last week.  I mean its bad enough my father a man I hardly knew died, but then on top of that I find out that I am half El-Aurian.  I have tried to find out all I could about El-Aurians from the Federation database.  There's very little in there.  It says El-Aurians are a race of listeners and have unnaturally long life spans.  That dosent really help me all that much.  What I really need to do is find another El-Aurian and find out all I can, but that's going to be difficult.  After the Borg destroyed there homeworld they became scattered.  There's also the small matter of Lt. LoAmi's zhian'tara.  I don't even want to talk about that.  I am still trying to piece that whole experience together.  Maybe I should schedule an appointment with the ships counselor.  I can just hear that conversation. 'What seems to be the problem.' 'Oh my dad died and I also found out he was over 350 and an alien but other than that I am just peachy.'  I am just going to have to work through these problems on my own.  End Log"  The computer chirped and let Trichon know that the recording had ended.  


He walked into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, "Computer, play some music.  Something relaxing."  The computer began to play some soft music.  Trichon looked at the ceiling for a bit before he finally started to feel drowsy and finally fell asleep.

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