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"The Limit?"

Odile sat on the edge of her/Kroells' desk, leaning forward to examine the consoleful of findings from Stellar Cart. While far from completion, it was shaping up to give her a general idea of their surroundings.


Different patches of color showed around their current location; various systems and voids being claimed by the species of the region. But, despite each alien's firm assertations that they indeed were masters of the system, the Xenexian woman was starting to realize that they were still in completely unexplored territory.


It was an exciting, if intimidating, thought. With unknowns came dangers, and with danger... well, with danger came bad things. Things that put a deep laceration in Kroells' already lacking competance. Ghosts -- er -- energy beings that came around to terrorize (or was that help/befriend?) the crew. Giant birds that looked like they came out of an children television show's episode gone wrong. Scary jellyfish that attacked with tentacles. Giant jungle cats running amuck. Alright, those two dangers were ever-present, but the earlier ones...


Still, O'd'yl appreciated a good hazard now and then, especially when it wasn't something mundane, like clan warfare on her homeworld, or venturing into the territory of angered Marine. No, she'd rather have something that might actually strike terror into the heart -- something in the vein of her first posting as a wide-eyed little trainee. But even in comparison, giant stingered arachnids weren't as frightening as the prospect of being in possibly (more like probably) in unfriendly foreign space without a hope of getting out.


Was it what she had really signed up for? It wasn't as if she were your typical nerdy little scientist who was more interested in monitor botanical experiments than get out there. But to be in a such unfamiliar place? Was that any better than leading a boring existence on some backwater little station? Glancing out the viewport, she sighed.


None of the stars even looked vaguely familiar, even after her hours pouring over scans of the region.


A voice tried a final reprimand with his daughter. "The sky is our limit, O'd'yl."


"Not even our stars are my limit," the enlistee corrected, submitting from her Xenexian abode the paperwork which would end her hiatus from Starfleet.


"Not even the stars," she said quietly, glancing down at her blade out of habit.


Not even.

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