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No Sunday 12:00 Academy tonight, 7/16/06

KBear and Precip will be unable to make tonight's Midnight (ET) Academy as they are still recovering from ShoreLeave (well, they are just stuck far away from a keyboard). Thanks.

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KBear and Precip will be unable to make tonight's Midnight (ET) Academy as they are still recovering from ShoreLeave (well, they are just stuck far away from a keyboard). Thanks.


QoD Messnr was kind enough to run an Acad for those of us who didn't make it to the message board to see this, and much thanks! And it was a good night to die... the Romulans found that out! :D

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Hey, wait a minute! Messner is still in Orlando, and I don't think he had a laptop with him. How the heck did he run a sim?

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Hey, wait a minute! Messner is still in Orlando, and I don't think he had a laptop with him. How the heck did he run a sim?






I'm sure he had access to a PC. If it wasn't him, it sounds like someone was pretending to be him, but they did a good job of kil... training cadets.

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