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The man’s eyes stared hard at a display of the USS Ardent’s interior sensors. He didn’t move, he didn’t even blink, if one were to gaze upon him they would think him a statue. Like a schoolchild’s repeated taunt, a pair of blue dots flashed at him over and over again. They represented the location of the two Vorta onboard the defiant-class vessel, staying in what was laughingly called the guest quarters even though it was the same as all the other rooms. Atticus, for lack of a better phrase was reaching a boiling point.




There was something about the Vorta that left Atticus uneasy. Like his own people, the founder’s children did not see death as an ultimate end. Both species could be reborn indefinitely, the memories of one “host” passed on to the next. But whilst it was customary for Joined Trills to make each new life distinctly different and better than the last, each incarnation of a dominion servant would be exactly the same as its predecessor. And for some reason it just seemed unnatural. What was the point of eternal life if one never learns to grow beyond what one started with? Furthermore, why create a sentient being that can scheme, betray, murder and deal but cannot understand the concept of beauty and has eyes so weak that they can barely see the stars? Atticus almost pitied the creatures…almost.




As he kept his stone gaze aimed at the console, the USS Ardent was speeding at warp speed on its return journey home to Camelot Station, its mission an apparent success. Even now, Atticus had no idea what the ultimate goal of the mission had really been since Commander Corizon had been less than forthcoming with information but the episode as a whole had been bizarre to say the least. From the use of this unfamiliar vessel, to the crushing of the Commander’s leg, to arriving at a long-deserted dominion facility, to seeing rows and rows of ancient Vorta in stasis, there had certainly been no time for inquiries. Just staying alert and alive had taken up the use of all his faculties.




But now, now his mind craved answers. He wanted to know why they were transporting this old clone to Camelot. What important knowledge did she have that the founders didn’t? And for what reason was that pair of sneaks being treated like guests when it was an obvious danger to ship security? It made no sense. It was extremely dangerous to underestimate them, even if they seemed harmless. Looking harmless is a Vorta’s greatest skill after all. After five more blinks of blue light, he decided he’d had enough. It was time for Atticus to take matters into his own hands.




He nodded solemnly and went to the nearest weapons locker. He entered his security code and took out a heavy phaser rifle. He checked that it was operational before returning to his console. A dark smile crossed the Starfleet Officer’s lips as he saw the Vortas hadn’t moved an inch, a pair of blue flashes being the confirmation he needed. “Excellent” he thought to himself. He’d scratch this itch.




He moved quickly across the ship having memorized its layout. After encountering no-one en-route to his destination he stood in front of the Vorta’s room and rang the doorbell and expecting it to open in a moment he gripped his rifle tightly.




As the door slid open, he nodded at the figure in front of him and did the job in one powerful blast…




A blast of words that is.




“Sir, madam, pardon my interruption of your rest, it was most impolite of me and I apologise profusely but in the Federation’s genuine interest of your safety, it is my privilege and dare I say it, an honour as the Ardent’s acting chief of security to announce that I am to make sure of your well-being while you relax. Please feel safe in the knowledge that nothing shall harm you while you recuperate from the rigors of travel. If you have any need of me, I shall be right outside, do not hesitate to call. I am very glad to be of service and I assure you no problem of yours is too small to be seen to. For further reference my name is Ensign Atticus Segami. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Good Evening.”




The Trill then saluted sternly and promptly stepped to the left of the doorway taking a sentry position outside before even a single word of reply could be given, the Vortas faces were full of puzzlement before the door closed again, the powerful level of bootlicking had been positively startling.




Atticus grinned a cheeky grin to himself, proud not to have lost all the brown-nosing skills from his previous host’s very different life of a diplomat whilst being very happy in the knowledge that he could watch the Vortas movements closely the whole trip back without having to look at those damn blue dots flashing any more which frankly, were getting on his nerves.

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