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Daise'Erei'Riov t'Ksa

RES Talon


By fire, how did I find myself in this mess? I knew I should have stayed down in medical or escaped while I had the chance.


The Daise'Maenak (Chief Doctor) glanced warily at the Galae soldiers who had been posted sentry on Talon. All ready, Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa could predict that filling the role as Talon's temporary Commanding Officer was going to be like trying to juggle weights while standing on one foot atop a very unforgiving pivot point: One mis-step and the lot of them would be thrown into the brig to rot. Or worse yet, killed without a second thought.


She sighed heavily. Elements. If I survive this, with or without my career intact, I think I'm going to seriously look into a change of vocation.


She began to silently pray for a smooth trip to the repair station. Her duty required that she ensure the Talon and crew arrived safely and without incident. It was the only way she felt that they could win brownie points with Galae Command and prove that the Talon crew had the best of intentions. They were na traitors. If they reacted in a suspicious manner, they surely would be branded as such. So the least amount of trouble they caused, the better. She only hoped the others realized the gravity of the situation and remained level headed while the Galae soldiers were on board.


Na that Morgana wouldn't relish the pleasure of seeing Destorie N'Dak tossed in the brig for a minor offense. Maybe for breathing too loudly? Or perhaps blinking too rapidly? A part of her was just begging for him to offend the Dheno officers so that she can watch him hauled off like trash. It would give her such great joy. Such satisfaction. Oh, such sheer glee! Oh, she would surely do a happy dance if he disappeared from her little corner of the universe.


The Daise'Maenak allowed herself a minute or two -- or perhaps ten -- to daydream through several satisfying scenarios, all resulting in N'Dak's untimely demise. In fact, the thought had crossed her mind that she could take advantage of her current position and launch N'Dak into space without the benefit of a space suit. It could be easily done. With a flick of her wrist, she could have his life extinguished just like that. She knew there was na love lost between many of the crew and the disgraced former Daise'Dheno (CSEC). She understood now why so many commanders before her became drunk with power -- after tasting it once, they pursued it with reckless and malicious intent.


I don't believe this is what Maec had in mind when giving his advice. Morgana t'Ksa scolded herself mentally. If au's thoughts aren't demonstrating his Pickle Theory, I do na know what better example there is.


These feels were na ones Morgana could or would have act on. As much as she hated N'Dak at the moment, she would na react in such a barbaric way. It was beneath her. Better to ignore his existence than to react in such away that would overstep her own personal value system and disgrace her own honor. And truly, Morgana's ambitions and aspirations for power did na stray far beyond the Medical bay doors. She preferred the stresses of the surgical bay to the stresses of command.. She had na wish to make this temporary position of command into a permanent one, lest she become victim to the Talon's command curse. She would deal with N'Dak in her own time and on her own terms.

Let's just concentrate on getting us back to Galae Command in io piece, and na disgrace the honor of the Talon crew, and the Khre'Riov (Admiral) in the process, ie?


Morgana glanced at the oira (bridge) crew, hoping they saw the value in cooperation and diplomacy in dealing with the soldiers. If there was a way to communicate her urging to the group through body language, she hoped she was communicating it well. She could juggle the responsibilities of the command, the crew's safety, as well as her own freedom and honor without tipping the scales to their certain doom - if they cooperated. The thought that some of them may over react and cause problems turned Morgana's inside into a quivering pile of j'Ello. She hoped that if she remained calm, cool and collected, perhaps she would achieve the balance necessary to keep the Talon out of any more trouble. In this way she could provide an example of how a Galae officer should perform their duties in such adversity.


Although she did continue to wonder why she had na been quicker to the lift or why had she been tempted to leave the Medical bay in the first place. And did she now bare the mark of the Talon's Command Curse…io that most certainly lead to her own interment in her very own stasis unit?


By Fire, maybe it's time to consider a new career. I hear they have an opening in waste management now…

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