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Cptn Corizon

Alpha Sigma VI


Dr. Tabor Joh

Starfleet Anthropological Dept.

Stardate 0403. 14


>Begin Report<


Native Race: Dactri

Affiliation: Dominion

Class: M

Race Classification: Humanoid

SD of Last Survey: 10456.21




The Dactri joined the Dominion some five hundred years ago and have been in good standing with the Jem’Hadar and the Vorta ever since.


Additional Notes:


Alpha Sigma VI is the home of several important Dominion facilities, including three dilithium mines, ship yards, and several weapons manufacturing facilities located on the third and fifth moons.


Additionally, a large Dominion research hospital is located near the center of the largest city, Omirca, as well as several important research facilities.


Alpha Sigma VI is located on the backbone of the Dominion CommNet, and possesses a regional communications relay hub.



>End Report<

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