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The brig. I can’t believe I’m in the stinking brig. I swear, it must be a curse that every male member of the Marx family must bear at least sometime during their career in Starfleet. Dad told both Chris and I about the time he spent incarcerated before the courts-martial dealing with the attempted mutiny on the Riyadh; although digging through the Starfleet legal archives while I was in the Academy, just for chuckles, showed that both Dad’s records and that of his captain, Captain Rei Satomi, were expunged after the Captain was exonerated.


Chris spent time in the Arcadia-D’s brig for suspected espionage charges. Hell, he was even promoted in the brig, although I have no idea how he went from Chief to Junior Grade while incarcerated could even happen. Of course, he wound up working for his jailer anyway.


And now I’m in the Arcadia-E’s brig. For self-defense. That damn Changeling was attacking me, and I had no recourse than to respond with deadly force. Of course, I acted like any trained Starfleet officer, or, hell even a civilian would if their life was threatened. Eye for an eye, and all that.


But it needs to be, very simply this: I WANT A LAWYER!!!!!

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