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Revelation, Thy Name is h'Ubert

Revelation, Thy Name is h’Ubert

Personal Log of Morgana t'Ksa


I have a fish named h’Ubert in that office over there.


Yes, that office. The one in the center hallway with a dominating view of main medical and the imposing tinted windows. Yes that’s right. The office with a full set of g’Olf clubs kept in the far corner, partially hidden by a hideous Galae requisitioned imitation potted tree. (Like that’s really suppose to resemble a real tree anyway? Who exactly do the quartermasters at Galae command think they’re fooling anyway?) The Daise'Maenak's office.


Do au want to know something else? That office there is mine. I know it is. I remember that too!


h’Ubert sits on a corner of the bookshelf in that office in attempt to ‘warm’ up it up. Make it look friendlier. Less…well…I guess the word for it would be …harsh for a maenak’s office. Galae HQ’s concept of interior decorating does na sanction ‘warm’ and ‘friendly’ fixtures, so it is up to the maenaken to incorporate such concepts if they so desire. And in my case, it was io friend who made the decision for me. Kotah gave me h’Ubert as a congratulatory award for a promotion and a ‘remember me’ gift prior to her departure from Talon. Kotah. I haven't thought of her in a long time, she's been gone for what seems to be an eterinty. It is more for Kotah’s sake than for h’Ubert’s sake that I kept that fish.


I can say he is much better than the tree frog I had before in another time…and another place. What was his name again?




My most recent ISD entry says we, the crew of the Talon, have suffered some sort of memory lapse. What could make an entire ship of Rihan turn into amnesias victims? My gaps in memory confirm that prognosis. I remember working on a serum to counteract the effects of a chemical imbalance, the chemical formula of which is now stored in my ISD. And I remember the awful taste of it. But I do na remember much more. Or what I do remember of what happened seems to be fading into the background while my thoughts of the past resurface. It’s making it rather confusing to determine what is real and what is na.


When I force it, I can na make the memories come. They elude me. Hovering just out of my reach. Taunting me! Faces with no names, names with only shadows associated with them. They only allow me to get so close. So I can brush against their wispy trail as they scatter again. The great fissures of missing memories are only filled when I do na try to remember at all. If only I could….just….


Argh! I am aggravated!


Whether my other test subjects, t’Rexan and tr’Psichore, are feeling the same effects, I can na say. I have released them from medical to deal with their own re-surfacing memories and will be checking in with them shortly. Until then, I am following t’Rexan’s advice that we play along with the ISD descriptions that N’Dak had assigned us earlier. Although I must confess, I am having a hard time with these assigned realities. t’Rexan in waste management! Ha! That certainly does na seem right. And I am to be N’Dak’s bondmate? That can’t possibly be true; I can feel it in my heart. And if it is, would someio tell me exactly which deity have I offended that I may make immediate amends?


This is almost as bad as being insinuating that I was to be bonded to Dim tr’Whitt, that spotted, spoiled, temperamental, unstable, deranged Lloann’na verrull who………


Ah ha! The frog’s name! Cha Cha!


See! When I do na try so hard I can remember. I just need to relax and na try to force it. Then maybe I can remember who belongs to this Rihan male’s voice and face I can na seem to stop thing about…but I can na recall his name….hmmmmm…….

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