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Joe Giliberti

George Takei?

oh..well.we live here in a brand new society. i may not agree with his lifestyle

both for personal.....and releigous reasons....but you have opened the bottle

of this genie......not me...on a personal note i do not agree or partake of the

gay lifestyle...it is my beleif that if our god deems otherwise they that do ..

follow the lifestyle..it will be revealed to the parties in question..does this mean i support or oppose this forum.....by all means let me clarify.. NO..

is that clear enough i just beleive we are all entitled to seek out the true word of god and act accordingly to our own beleifs...and seek salvation accordingly..it is not to be judged by man.but by he who made us..

i do not and will not sit in judgement of another..for if i should.....i know

and do in fact will be held accountable to a much higher court and a judge master more awsome than i ever could imagine..thank you



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Well I strongly disagree with Eagle, I believe the right to choose your own orientation is a biological right. No leather bound book should tell you what is and isn't right. It's basic human morality that decides that.


Alas, I dont want this to get into a debate about sexuality, so I'll close with the fact that I'm happy for George, and hope that he and his partner have a happy and unashamed life together.

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A very general reminder about contraversial topics, try and stay on topic and not delve into side flamings. If a topic becomes too heated it will be closed. Thank You.

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Well I strongly disagree with Eagle, I believe the right to choose your own orientation is a biological right.  No leather bound book should tell you what is and isn't right.  It's basic human morality that decides that.


Alas, I dont want this to get into a debate about sexuality, so I'll close with the fact that I'm happy for George, and hope that he and his partner have a happy and unashamed life together.

apparently travis you didnot read the entire post.....or you would have logically

arrived at the conclusion that i did not infact judge...or make a statement that did

judge or rather make a judgemental call....as did your post on my comment.any

way this is a potentially explosive topic...i do wish "sulu.....and his signicant other

the very ,very best that life,law, and god will provide...and allow..he has earned it :)

Edited by eagle

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I suspected all along. I'm glad we live in a climate where he's comfortable. Though late night TV is going to have a field day with it... lol, oh well.

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A very general reminder about contraversial topics, try and stay on topic and not delve into side flamings. If a topic becomes too heated it will be closed. Thank You.

Always preheat the oven to 425. :)

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I wasn't surprised by that article / Mr. Takei's revelation. I can't tell if it is because of the world we live in now where it is "okay" now to come out and I'm not in the least fazed by people "coming out", or if I too always suspected as did Captain Huff.


Either way, I hope Mr. Takei is happy and he and his partner are happy together. :)

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Having read the article, I'm always surprised when the natural rights argument is thrown around regarding this subject. I find it strangely ironic.

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Having read the article, I'm always surprised when the natural rights argument is thrown around regarding this subject. I find it strangely ironic.

Yeah, true that. Though I'm not very surprised by his coming out and wish him all the best. :)

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Eagle, you may want to check your caps lock key and some of your punctuation keys. It appears they may not be working at the moment, as all of your posts seem to be lacking in both of these areas. You may wish to look into a new keyboard.



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As much as Howard Stern likes to goof on Takei I'm surprised they didn't have a field day with this one.

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He can be funny, and plus he's on Sirius now. You have to pay to listen

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If there is one candidate for burning at the stake, it's Howard Stern.


The FCC should ban him from the airwaves.

they did.




Anyone think if this had come out when the Tv show or any moives where being made, would that have been a problem with his job.

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Two notes:


1. To Eagle, I honestly didn't know what you were saying. All I was able to discern were mentions of bibles and other junk.


2. In regards to Stern, love him or hate him, this is America, land of the free, home of say whatever you feel like.

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Ahem...I'll make the reminder once more, please keep to the topic.


If you want to discuss whether Howard Stern should be on the radio, please do so in another topic.



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Anyone think if this had come out when the Tv show or any moives where being made, would that have been a problem with his job.

Hey there,


Given my experience and what I learned about the performing arts over the years, no...I doubt it. There is a solid percentage of those who work in front of the camera and on stage who are homosexual. In addition, an actor must play whatever part they are given. For some, that means needing to play a homosexual when they are straight or the other way around. Even if this had come out a decade or two earlier, I'm not certain you would have seen the character of Sulu vanish from Trek movies.


Now, that being said, two decades ago I'm not certain what the society opinion would have been of Mr. Takei. Personally, given my times seeing him at conventions, I think he's a very funny guy and a wonderful individual. I do wish him the best. Does this mean I agree with his lifestyle or political views regarding marriage? No...but that's what makes America great. He can think his way, I can think mine and neither of us will be executed because of it.

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Eagle, you may want to check your caps lock key and some of your punctuation keys. It appears they may not be working at the moment, as all of your posts seem to be lacking in both of these areas. You may wish to look into a new keyboard.



This isnt on topic. Couldnt this have been put in an EMail?

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Personally, given my times seeing him at conventions, I think he's a very funny guy and a wonderful individual. I do wish him the best. Does this mean I agree with his lifestyle or political views regarding marriage? No

I agree, Fred. I have listened to his autobiography on tape and he really has an interesting past. His family has been through alot. Im surprised he even wanted to stay in the US, but I am very glad he did. I dont agree with his lifestyle either, but that doesnt mean he is a bad person. He is a fine actor and I absolutely love his voice! =0]

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I don't understand why everyone keeps posting topics like this. It's all over startrek.com and it's here and it's on half a dozen other sites I'm on. Why does it even matter what the man's sexual preferences are? He's a wonderful actor and I still enjoy his work. So why bring it up?

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Even if this had come out a decade or two earlier, I'm not certain you would have seen the character of Sulu vanish from Trek movies.

Yeah, especially since except for that one Voyager episode he hasn't had any acting roles since The Undiscovered Country anyway. :P


But of course we could have suspected it all along. Just look at the atributes of his most famous character:


1) from San Francisco

2) enjoys gardening/botany

3) enjoys fencing with no shirt on

4) doesn't like being called "Tiny"

5) we still have no idea how he borrowed that Huey in Star Trek IV (also in San Francisco)

Edited by V'Roy

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It's really not news that any of us should care about or need to discuss. Topic closed.


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