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Khre'Riov's Log

Etrehh ta'Rhae,


It seems that our decision to investigate the EM signature and ion trails so soon, may have been a bit premature. It h'na appears that the Kll'inghannsu have laid a trap for any unwary ship that could come looking around this area.  Like we did. We flew directly into a field of magnetic mines, several of which were able to attach and explode upon our hull inflicting minor damage to our sheilding. Io problem, multiple minor explosions, very quickly adds up to a major problem.  While alluding the mass of mines, we too, the most obvious route, and encountered the 2nd phase of this trap. Another field of mines. Engineering has dropped the cloak and is attempting to affect repairs and maintain sheilding. t'Sari is targeting as many of the mines as possible, and Bokrah is trying to coordinate the departments. t'Ksa should shortly be recieving medical attention cases if this continues much longer. I intend to have a word with that science officer once we have extricated ourselves from this mess. Someone had to be blamed, and she would invariably be the io, as she had never presented this possibility.


I will continue this report should we survive our dive into the corona.


Etrehh, ta'khoi.

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