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Orders: High Priority

From: Admiral Erik Gaffney, Starfleet Head Quarters

To: Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Robair, Acting Commanding Officer

RE: Immediate Orders, Priority One.


<<Note: This communiqué is received three hours after the explosion reported at the VDC>>


Lieutenant Commander Robair,


Starfleet Intelligence, in its initial investigation on the attack carried out on the Versailles Diplomatic Center, has discovered that just prior to the attack a Romulan vessel was cleared to break orbit. Transcripts indicated that the Commanding Officer of the Romulan vessel told Starfleet Flight Operations that an urgent situation on Romulus that required immediate departure. Given the nature of the event on Earth and in effort to maintain fragile ties, the vessel was cleared.


Unfortunately, sensor logs indicate that the course laid out by the Romulan vessel were not towards Romulan space, but rather quite the opposite. We have determined that the vessel’s course places them near 0967 mark 25, the southwest corner of the Federation. It is your orders to pursue this vessel and should you find it, promptly disable and take into custody on the grounds that the vessel has violated the military protocols established within the Versailles Treaty.


We will update you with any additional information that we might come across. Recall the rest of your crew and get underway as soon as possible.



Admiral Erik Gaffney

Starfleet Head Quarters

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