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Ramdar Goftar

Character Change

Okay as all of you know I have pretty much established the fact that I am a Bolian I mean just look at my avatar and sig but I have been thingking about changing my character seeing as it doesnt have to be established being in the academy and all I would like some suggestions if you have any I have already thought of Betazoid and have crossed out Klingon

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That's an intresting choice.. but while you're a cadet, you really shouldn't be worrying about what kind of character you'll play, there will be time for that after you graduate. Right now, you should try to hone your simming skills first. Also, for some academies, it is assumed that all players are humans.

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I am just thinking of changing this for informal events when cadets can be other things such as in the red star night club and such

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You could go with a lesser-known canon species, like the Caitians...or you could play any of the more common ones...

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You're not held in any way to the "character" you choose in the academies. Actually, in academies, it's usually best to just play a human (or Romulan on the occasional Monday night Rihannsu Retor), or at least not to get too involved in the intracacies of a character's species, because there just isn't enough time in an hour to do any real character development without interfering with the plot.

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Heh, I went through no fewer than 17 species in my academy days.. I even swapped species once on an advanced simm ;) Don't worry about race just yet, that comes later

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(Focus) I can't wait till you graduate Ram, I'm really pulling for ya! ;)

why thank you George I am excited myself

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Okay as all of you know I have pretty much established the fact that I am a tighty-whitey wearer I mean just look at my laundry and dresser but I have been thingking about changing my underwear seeing as it doesnt have to be established being in the advanced sims and all I would like some suggestions if you have any I have already thought of Depends and have crossed out Underoos

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You could go with a lesser-known canon species, like the Caitians...or you could play any of the more common ones...

Yeah that's right. On Thursday nights I play a Caitain and Fridays I play a human.

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I decided to be a human for my first character, simply because i wasn't experienced enough to sim a different species. As was said, it really doesn't matter in the acads, however, when you've graduated, are putting together a bio, and come to this identity crisis, we would all be *happy* to help you out ;)

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I gotta admit...it's hard to stay in character for a Vulcan in a chat sim. But it's fun too because people laugh at my character....lol...

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I was wondering...T'Linna, do you play your vulcan character the normal, emotiotionless way? I couldn't tell while simming with you. Also, I would like to praise the vulcan-playing abilities of Ensign T'Vin of the Arcadia, I'm always impressed by her vulcanness, ::raises a glass::

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Usually I try to play her normally. But if Eagle and I are both simming in the Red Star (or on some kind of date at a party or something), she's not going to be quite so cold and emotionless because she's with her husband.


On the Republic, I play her as close to unemotional as I can...it's hard on that crazy ship, but I love it.

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Okay its official I am now a Betazoid now to get rid of this avatar and sig ;)

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