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A Sight to See

“A Sight to See”

Stardate 0509.03

Lieutenant Arthur Dent



Dent watched as the Federation starships broke orbit of Cardassia. The vessels each left their geosynchronous positions and slid into a new formation, silently and quickly, without so much as extraneous chatter over the comm frequencies. Then, still as quixotically quiet as before, the entire fleet accelerated and jumped to warp, disappearing in bright white flashes of light.


Where once the skies of Cardassia were occupied by many starships, now it was empty and devoid of activity. The ships were gone, but the tension was not. Dent wondered why the ships had left in the first place, considering the situation, and also why they had not bothered informing Aegis. After all, it was the Starfleet base of operations in this sector, informing it of these events seemed like a good idea.


Starfleet’s bureaucratic responses were vexing to say the least. Those in command debated the theoretical political ramifications of the issue while Dent and the rest of Aegis were here, in the middle of the very “theoretical ramifications” and they had to wait! Never a one for action, Dent was surprised by this sentiment, but chalked it up to the fact that the situation was starting to get on his nerves too. The constant threat that civil war would break out on the planet below him wasn’t the most comforting thought in the world.


He only wished that something soon could be done, not discussed, but actually done, to temper the boiling pot of intrigue and dampen the fires that lusted for power. In reality, Dent was aware that there would never be a “100% safe mark,” even unrest existed in the Federation. What they needed to do was dig deeper and start finding the last links of the chain, then sever those links. The hardest part was deciding where to start, and of course, when to stop.

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