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Karaoke Night

"Karaoke Night"

Joint Log: Vectra & Miranda

Stardate: 20508.22




After T'Vin's song, Miranda leans over to Vectra. "that was

interesting, never heard a vulcan sing before"

Vectra chuckled. "Yes, me neither. I didn't know they had it in them"

he said as he sipped on his drink.  "I wonder who's next?"

She takes a drink and shrugs.


"I didn't know you sang Vectra another betazoid thing. You have a ver

nice voice by the way"

Vectra smiled. "Well, thanks. I learned back in  England."

she gives him a sly smile "let me guess boys choir"

"Heh.. yeah.  London choir"  he chuckled.


she laughs "well they taught you well then, I am glad that you know

some good old musicals,not many people do these days"

Vectra did nod his aggreance. "Yeah. Shame really.  Almost a lost art,

these days. That's alright though.."



He looked and smiled at Miranda.  "Will you go up and do something?"

Her eyes get slightly wide "back up a sec, did you say it was alright

if theatre became a lost art? Theatre is a passion and as long as

there are the few who love it, it will never die.  And in my opinon

that is a good thing"



"Oh yes. I agree.. definately us.."  replied Vec

she laughs slightly "now your trying to cover up for that, its

alright I get a little crazy sometimes about it"

she takes a small sip of her drink "speaking of theatre, I have been

trying to recruite a dance partner"



Vectra raised a brow" Oh yeah? Whatever for?"

Smiling at him "just for fun, holodeck men have no passion, I guess

thats why they aren't real"

"Ahh.. well of course.  I'd be willing to lend a hand"  smiled Vectra.

It was gratifying to have someone who shared his like to dancing.



Her smile gets a little wider "oh goody"

she quickly glances down at the llist of kareoke "I don't know if I

should sing"

"Oh why's that. I'm sure you have a nice voice?"  said Vectra.



She continues to scan through the songs "I am to critical of myself, I

keep hearing my mothers voice in my head yelling at me to get it right"

She looks up at him "you know what I mean?"

He nodded. "Yes.. I do. I'm like from time to time myself"  Vectra

shrugged. "I suppose it comes naturally, eh?"


"Oh yes your a telepath, guess you hear it more than me " she laughs a bit

Vectra chuckled. "Yep... at least when your mother's voice is in your

head, it's from your sub-conscious" 

She starts to laugh a bit harder "alright you win that one"



Vectra smirked.  "Going to go up?"  he asked, in a change of subject.

She chooses a song quickly "alrighty her goes"

Vectra smiled, as he saw Mirnada go up. "Break a leg"  citing the old

theatre term for 'good luck'. She winks at him and makes her way to

the stage to sing.

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