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Sydney was sitting on a floor inside of a station that wed the organic and mechanical together. Her eyes sparkled as she looked over scans, giving a delighted “No…” whenever some random engineer asked her if she were done yet. Her fellow Agincourtians gave her odd looks as she hugged a random console out of fascination.


Even though her professors, parents, and peers had tried to explain the mechanical workings of a space station to her in terms that she would be able to process, she had never been able to grasp so much as she did whilst looking over how the organic areas communicated with the nonorganic. Whatever material this matter was, it was a splendid conductor. It almost seemed happy to have the electricity running through it.


When the engineers asked her what would happen to cause it to conduct incorrectly, she got side-tracked into what kind of matter it was, what it liked to eat other than electricity, was it plant like at all in the very least, and how did it transport the electricity instead of grounding it out at some point of the ship? That is when they had found the vascular-type tunnel system that transported the energy… That is when Syd decided it was more complex than just simple electricity. It was more of a fluid. With another delighted “No…” she continued looking at the scans…

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