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Gods and GM's

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In ancient times it was believed that if a person insulted the Gods they would be struck by lightning or eaten by a random grizzly bear and by random i mean random!


Guy1: Hey watcha doin'?


Guy2: Mooning the Gods.


Guy1: Umm won't you like get in trouble for that?




you see, these days our GM's don't quite have this extent of super powers (except Dac of course). But i've still found that lately there have been some people who's sole purpose on this planet seems to be to irritate other simmers (when they're trying to have a good time with their mates) and say derogatory things to our lovely hardworking GM's (who's work is not apreciated enough). What i was wondering was do the GM's have the tool to kick these peoples bums out of the holodeck? If they don't they should try to get it soon, if they do then they should take a stand and use their powers. These people have no right to ruin everything for everyone and they DEFINITELY cross a big white line when they even think of insulting the GM's. Anyway i guess what i really mean to say is that i'm really impressed with how much stress the GM's are put under with stuff like this and i'd like to say thank you and keep up the good work guys.


::raises a glass of wine::



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Images, you might want to check your history.  In ancient times people lived in southern Europe, northern Africa, and western and eastern Asia.  Grizzly bears are native to North America.

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You don't need super powers to battle room disruptors, or bear traps for that matter.  And everyone can help.  When a distruptor enters the room, here's what you do:




Whatever their beef, be it real or imaginary, disruptors want only one thing, attention.  Don't give it to them.  When they realize that we don't care, they go away.


Even statements like "Go Away" and "Set phasers to ignore" only prove to them that they're noticed, and every time you acknowledge them you earn another five minutes of their company.  Don't make eye contact, don't make comments about them, don't defend the group or the GMs, don't acknowledge them in any way.


The room has an ignore button.  If they're spoling things for you, you can turn them off.  But don't tell them you're doing it, and never, never, never let them know you've noticed them.


It's simple, but it works.


Images, thank you for the nice sentiments about the GMs.


Cptn Moose

Commanding Officer, USS Arcadia

Starfleet Academy Instructor, Sundays @ 11 pm Est

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::starts poking Images:: Who's being irritating??


::poke poke poke::

Any of you GM's got a spare bolt of lightning or a grizzly bear handy?

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I'd like to declare that tip from Moose as an unoffical Moose tip.  That approach  really  needs to  be preached...and I tip my  hat to the Antlered one for mentioning the best way to react to distractions in sims.


Ever been in the  Starfleet lounge and see people scream eachother over silly remarks? Or somebody screaming about spammers? The Starfleet Lounge is classic place  to see spammers and  "mentally challenged" individuals succeed in getting their attention because people  just dont hit the ignore button.


When Spammed Just ignore.



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Any of you GM's got a spare bolt of lightning or a grizzly bear handy?

::): Vex... be nice or I'll get the tuna net.  :(


~ Lightning who is back from holiday hiatus with family, and has plenty of "ignore" lightning bolts, courtesy of Moose. :)


~ STSF Lightning ~
Star Trek™ Simulation Forum Game Master (GM)

Saturday STSF Lounge Bartender

In the StarTrek.com Holodeck Chatroom

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Eastern)

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Pacific)

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SHould it be necessary, most, if not all, IRC chat rooms do have a 'kick' ability. This functino is normally based off of preset criteria such as 'scrolling' (sending numerous lines of text or no text to the room within a very short period of time), using vulgarity (you can set up certain words that when said will kick someone out of the room), using colors for text (if you really want to be picky) amongst other things.


There is also an option where room operators can do a /msg nickserv (or chanserv) KICK #channel nick ((or some similar wording).


Being unfamiliar with the Holodeck and other STSF rooms hosted by Paramount, I'm not certain if these functions are available for you hosts.


However, in a standard IRC environment, they are available.


Therefore, if these options are available, the GMs have the ability and may just not openly advertise it nor may not acknowledge it due to contractual obligations.

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Therefore, if these options are available, the GMs have the ability and may just not openly advertise it nor may not acknowledge it due to contractual obligations.

I ain't talkin!

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a 'kick' ability. This functino is normally based off of preset criteria such as 'scrolling' (sending numerous lines of text or no text to the room within a very short period of time), using vulgarity (you can set up certain words that when said will kick someone out of the room), using colors for text (if you really want to be picky) amongst other things.

The last thing I'd want is the Paramount chatrooms to have an automatic kick based on vulgarity.  Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail" = "drink a ****tail"

"the ship is hit" = "the ship i* ***"

"the enemy blows up" = "the enemy ***** up"

"at its breaking point" = "a* *** breaking point"

"it's a bit charged up" = "it's a *** **arged up"


These rooms are good examples of how stupid a badly programmed computer can be.

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Not to be crude for the sake of being crude but I will do it to make a point and maybe someone will take action on it.  


I noticed the room does allow some words like "ass" and "boob" and "######" but you can't even say "cockroaches"!  These words, and many others, can be said in the startrek.com room without having to get around the censors.


As you can imagine, not being able to say "cockroaches" is a real problem when you serve on a Klingon ship!

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Hey there,


There isn't an automatic kick feature. As to what options are available to GMs, as the Admiral said, I ain't talkin. :(


I will point out that the rooms we use are not IRC based/functioning rooms. :)

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Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail"

You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!?  ****, I gotta check out THAT ship!

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Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail"

You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!?  ****, I gotta check out THAT ship!

You mean, they don't on other ships???  Bummer.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

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I remember the time I had bridge command on the Reaent and FredM instructed me to not "**** the ship up".  I'm still not sure what he meant.

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I remember the time I had bridge command on the Reaent and FredM instructed me to not "**** the ship up".  I'm still not sure what he meant.

I think he meant "Don't **** the ship up."  :-)

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I'd like to buy a vowel please.


~ STSF Lightning ~
Star Trek™ Simulation Forum Game Master (GM)

Saturday STSF Lounge Bartender

In the StarTrek.com Holodeck Chatroom

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Eastern)

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Pacific)

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I think he meant "Don't **** the ship up."  :-)

Uh, Deb, that still didn't help much.

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I noticed the room does allow some words like "ass" and "boob" and "######" but you can't even say "cockroaches"!  These words, and many others, can be said in the startrek.com room without having to get around the censors.


Perhaps this has some similarity to the word, 'balloon knot'?


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Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail"

You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!?  ****, I gotta check out THAT ship!

You mean, they don't on other ships???  Bummer.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

::opens the mini fridge that sits between the CO/XO chair::  I thought this was standard issue.  


Right, Moose.  Bummer.



Cheers  :o

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Booze on the Manticore?  Why I can't believe it..nope just can't.



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Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail"

You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!?  ****, I gotta check out THAT ship!

You mean, they don't on other ships???  Bummer.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

::opens the mini fridge that sits between the CO/XO chair::  I thought this was standard issue.  

Time for an equation kids!

Ship destroying all-powerful goddess Dac + Alcohol


= A very worried crew! :o

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Think of all the punts that would happen because somebody wrote:

"drink a cocktail"

You guys drink cocktails on Arcadia!?  ****, I gotta check out THAT ship!

You mean, they don't on other ships???  Bummer.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

::opens the mini fridge that sits between the CO/XO chair::  I thought this was standard issue.  

Time for an equation kids!

Ship destroying all-powerful goddess Dac + Alcohol


= A very worried crew! :)

I don't even think it's a secret anymore that there is a still hiden behind a wall panel in medical.  Last I saw, there was an exemption for it for "medicinal purposes". Of course, it "was" placed there, by one of "Fred's relatives". Whole family is a lot of trouble-makers!!  (that's why I love them so much!!)


Blu :o

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I don't even think it's a secret anymore that there is a still hiden behind a wall panel in medical.  

On the Republic that is. Me, I never touch the stuff.....warm milk only for Blu.

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::opens the mini fridge that sits between the CO/XO chair::  I thought this was standard issue.  



Cheers  :o

Dac...I'll send a copy of the latest "Lazy Boy Furniture" catalog over for your bridge.  I say we just replace the command chairs with the special loungers they now have in the book....


The CO can have the chair with the built in Laptop in the arm that you just open the lid and fold it out, and the XO  can have the chair that if you open the arm, has a fridge capable of holding two six-packs!!

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