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Erein Vor'Tic

the new ensign on board

Computer, begin log Ensign James Black Stardate 03043.11


As I enter the Arcadia, I think it is quite, no Security Commander, XO, CO, the only preson was the Transporter chief. This quiteness ended untill I was told to come to the bridge, an odd order for the ASEC, but it still works to meet the Co and Xo.


I thought it was supposed to be Security, not marines, but it still works. The sift turned out to be at Tactical, because of 4 crewmen missing, including my commander in Marines, so I was CSEC, and TAC. It was interesting, especially with the explosion in the cargo bay, were I had to lead a rescue. All I hope is that we soon get the crewmen back, alive. I don’t want to command the old marine, Sgt Major Jackson; he thinks he knows it all. But then again, that might be how everyone acts around the temporary commander, even though I am a Second lieutenant in marine ranks, and he outranks me, he should be in command, not me, but I like the experience for the future when I do get a command of a security detail. But in closing, my first shift was a fun one, and I think my commander will be surprised when he hears the comments I think he will get.


::puts 200 “the new marine is very good” comments in: :he he he

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