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I can't feel my legs

Personal Log – I can’t feel my legs!

Miranda Porter, Medical Officer


Miranda felt the hover car pick up speed. She glanced around at everyone who had piled in. It dawned on her she was the only one who didn’t have any telepathic abilities. The odd man, or in the case women, out. She leaned in once more to check on Trichon. Well not really leaned more of maneuvered herself a little closer. She had been sitting rather awkwardly. Facing the back of the craft she was sitting halfway on her seat and halfway between the two front seats. One of her feet she had tucked underneath her and the other had gotten stuck on the restraint harness. Every time she tried to pull her foot out, it would lock keeping her let stretched across the seat limiting her movement. One of her hands was holding onto the headrest and the other was helping to keep her balanced while scanning Trich. She felt her leg start to fall asleep and thought how uncomfortable it would be when she stood up. The tricorder started to spit out readings again. Looking up she saw two water filled eyes that belonged to Merri. She didn’t know her well, but she could tell how worried she was. Miranda stared at the sobbing women for a second. She started to say don’t worry, but stopped. No words at a time like this. “Work” she thought, “do what you are trained for, save him.” She would, she had to.

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