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Jeff Gordon Wins Daytona 500!

Read All About It!


:) Still not much of a NASCAR fan, but.. well.. at the risk of getting skinned alive by Blu Tommorow, I must say.. I'd rather want Eanhart or Busch to win instead. I don't really like Gordon too much. Kurt Busch was 2nd, very close put not enough to pull out a win. :)

Edited by Seiben

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Grrrrrrrr.... Evil Gordon! Though it's always nice to see your favorite driver make it in top ten let alone 2nd so I'm ok with that. I hope Nascar does something to Johnson because what he did to Stewart was diffinately not cool.

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Gordon's a bum! :) ::runs away from Blu::

Edited by Seiben

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Oh look - many, many cars going around the track...again...again...and again...and here they zoom by...again. In one... big..constant circle. Unending. :) :)

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Oh look - many, many cars going around the track...again...again...and again...and here they zoom by...again. In one... big..constant circle.  Unending. :)  :)

Which is why I prefer The WRC (World Rally Championship) racing over NASCAR. At least there, drivers have to deal with snow, muddy roads, cliffs and spectator getting in your way. Not that's a sport that's fun to watch. :) Only posted the story since alot of people here are NASCAR fans.



Edit: Here, take a look at what the Rally courses consist of. I'd like to see Jeff Gordon do this!

Edited by Seiben

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Which is why I prefer The WRC (World Rally Championship) racing over NASCAR. At least there, drivers have to deal with snow, muddy roads, cliffs and spectator getting in your way. Not that's a sport that's fun to watch. :) Only posted the story since alot of people here are NASCAR fans.

I respect NASCAR as a sport, and I know it is REALLY popular - just never got into it myself (ZOOM....around...and around...and around).


I can say from experience - I used to drive a regular model 2001 Chevy Monte Carlo. That car could move! Those NASCAR drivers that deal with the souped up models? I give 'em credit. It is dangerous.


Congrats to Gordon and the 2nd and 3rd placers.


Oh look - around...and around...and around........ZOOM! :)

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I respect NASCAR as a sport, and I know it is REALLY popular - just never got into it myself (ZOOM....around...and around...and around).


I can say from experience - I used to drive a regular model 2001 Chevy Monte Carlo. That car could move! Those NASCAR drivers that deal with the souped up models? I give 'em credit. It is dangerous.


Congrats to Gordon and the 2nd and 3rd placers.


Oh look - around...and around...and around........ZOOM! :)

Yeah, so do I. Don't get me wrong.. it like all sports has it's dramatic moments.. But hey, at least Kurt Busch got Second, and Earnhart 3rd; two of my favourite NASCAR Drivers. :)

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You know, being the giant NASCAR fan I am. I'm angry. Almost as angry as I am at you Seiben.


Mayber something such as spoliers? Or mayber you could have started off with The Winner of the Daytona 500 is....


I've been gone all weekend, and I planed on watching the recorded race tonight. But now I know the end. I don't care if you guys want to discuss it. I would have simply avoided the thread, but when you put spoliers so glaringly in the title, theres no way I can miss it.


Thanks for ruining my weekend.

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::knows that somewhere Blu is not only doing her little happpy dance, but is decked out in full rainbow warrior attire:: :)

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Heh, my friend bet on who would win, she lost 7 dollars. :)

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Nascar......hmmm......haven't been the biggest fan of it. All I see when I watch it is guys with beer bellies and mullets (mullets are cool, but not when weared for real). But I really don't know.

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Nascar......hmmm......haven't been the biggest fan of it.  All I see when I watch it is guys with beer bellies and mullets (mullets are cool, but not when weared for real).  But I really don't know.

I've actually have never seen a mullet when I've watched Nascar...

Edited by Nemesis

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I've actually have seen a mullet when I've watched Nascar...

I didn't quite get that.

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Doesn't Jeff Gordon have a mullet? :)

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I've actually have never seen a mullet when I've watched Nascar...

I kid in my class has a mullet :)

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I kid in my class has a mullet :)

I've grown a mullet, but that was just for fun. :)

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First off, Jeff Gordon doesn't have a mullet. If you guys are going to discuss something, at least know what your talking about.


Oh, and thanks for completly ignoring my point about the rampant spoilers all over these boards.

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Oh, and thanks for completly ignoring my point about the rampant spoilers all over these boards.

Rampant. I dunno about that.

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Maybe not so much rampant, but people just go around saying whats going to happen on Enterprise. ENT is one of the few shows I like not being spoiled on whats going to happen. WxMurry ruined that for me.


And like I said about the Daytona 500, I dont care that you guys talk about it, but for gods sake, make a thread that doesn't say "Jeff Gordon Wins Daytona 500!" that way people can avoid the thread if they dont want to know who wins maybe?


I mean small things like that can ruin so many peoples days. Like I said before, it sure ruined my weekend.

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How did a Jeff Gordon thread end up on a Star Trek sim forum anyway?


Yeah, I know, I can just look and see who posted the first message, but I'm too lazy.

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That would be cause my crewmates know I'm a huge fan, used to work for DuPont for 17 years, know that I had met Jeff at work and the track many times, and they like to razz me about it.....That's why.


But Mr Kroells does have a point.....please don't spoil if you know the outcome of an event or show. Some people have to tape the race or Enterprise or other shows, due to work, school, travel, ect.....


Just a little consideration for our friends if you could. It was well worded request, which should be easy to accommodate.

Edited by STSF_BluRox

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Thank you! Finally someone who agrees.


It's not like I'm asking something on the scale of warp 10 here. Just something as simple as not posting the winner in such a glaringly obvious place.

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You know, being the giant NASCAR fan I am. I'm angry. Almost as angry as I am at you Seiben.


Mayber something such as spoliers? Or mayber you could have started off with The Winner of the Daytona 500 is....


I've been gone all weekend, and I planed on watching the recorded race tonight. But now I know the end. I don't care if you guys want to discuss it. I would have simply avoided the thread, but when you put spoliers so glaringly in the title, theres no way I can miss it.


Thanks for ruining my weekend.

I know how you feel. I didn't get a chance to see the Simpsons episode from Sunday until Tuesday, so I completely avoided news shows and the internet, since I was afraid AOL, O'Rielly, some of the people here, and the blogs I read would start commenting about it as it was happening.

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You know, being the giant NASCAR fan I am. I'm angry. Almost as angry as I am at you Seiben.


Mayber something such as spoliers? Or mayber you could have started off with The Winner of the Daytona 500 is....


I've been gone all weekend, and I planed on watching the recorded race tonight. But now I know the end. I don't care if you guys want to discuss it. I would have simply avoided the thread, but when you put spoliers so glaringly in the title, theres no way I can miss it.


Thanks for ruining my weekend.

Yeah, my bad about that, eh?

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