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The Special Patient

Cadet Fourth Class Jonathan Swane entered the medical labs on Molokai Station. He was at the top of his class at Starfleet Medical Academy. He had been granted the internship of a lifetime that would, hopefully, turn into a full time job once he graduated from the academy. But It wasn't just that.


Jonathan's grandfather had died from Calkins disease. Finding some kind of cure would be special to him. He had heard stories of the pain and suffering that his grandfather had gone through, and he wished it on nobody else. It was this passion for searching for a cure that had ultimately lead to him entering medical school, and getting him to where he is.


He had overheard some of the doctors talking about a "Special Patient" that was being transfered to Molokai. This would be his first real chance to see Calkins disease in action. Not a good thing, but a chance for him to do some research and make a contribution to the continuing effort that was happening at Molokai and other stations around the Federation.


While he was on the station, Jonathan was going to be under the direction and 'care' of a Dr. Myra Donatelli. She was going to be leading the team studying this "Special Patient". Many of the people assigned to the team were of all ages, sizes and species. This was a rare chance for starfleet scientists, and they weren't going to blow it.


John entered the lab and sat down at the table with the rest of the doctors, most of which were old enough to be one of his parents. Dr. Donatelli was about to start a briefing about just how "special" this new patient was going to be.

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