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"What has Happened?"

Ens. J. McCellan

Assistant Medic

Log Entry

Date: Dec. 4th 2154




"So, its all over." Ens McCellan said to the Commodore whose silently asleep on the biobed. She walked over to a desk where she and Ens Grey had discovered the remarkable similiarity between the mystery DNA and the Vulcan DNA. She laid her report on top of it. She notes that sickbay has been cleaned up, several patients fast asleep. She yawned.


She was tired, smelling obnoxious burnt flesh in the air, being shot at from the Klingons, racing against time to find the evidence, and smelling more burnt flesh in the air had worn her out a bit. She was that this incident was now over and every one on Challenger could now get some sleep.


"So, its all over." She sighed and sat down at a bio bed her self, grips the padd and started to read it for any grammatic errors.


Noting in her report that the Commodore has been treated for concussions, bruising, lascerations and minor swelling in the hea - she stops and scrolled with to the patients name.


"Oh wait, the last part belongs to Commander Moore." She sighed again, took another padd and corrected the mistake. Reading on. Soon, she fell asleep. The padd dropped from her hand to the deck plates with a sharp clunk.

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