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Saek tr'Vosh

Yy'a from Above...



Saeks shoulder smashed into the bulkhead of the tiny craft. It was obvious from the earlier acrobatics that Psi' was as skilled a pilot as he was a hunter. The manuever to get them on board was truly a thing of beauty.


However, since it was designed for four and there were now seven of them aboard, it was a tight fit. As Psi banked and turned back away from the mothership, Saek caught a glimpse of the battle field below. Whitish blue blobs bounced around like childrens toys covering the ground..streaming from the mouth of the vessel like a flow of tetreon particles. He also saw a couple flecks on green amidst the chaos...undoubtedly, Psi's zero yy'a requirement had been broken...Rihan blood had been spilled.


Suddenly, another ship began a straffing run, dropping nitro canasters followed by another vessel doing clean up with its disruptors. It was magnificent. All those little frozen beasties glittering in the sunlight io moment..the next...blown back to Vorta Vor.


" I love the smell of liquid Nitrogen in the morning.." said Saek..although it was mostly covered by the sound of weapons fire.


His thoughts went back to the mothership. The diversionary tactics they had planned were now shot. While NDak main push had preoccupied the blobs initially, the friendly fire incident along with the sheer numbers of the creatures had yy'a'd any shot at getting on the ship without the creatures knowledge.


It occured to Saek that the initial tunnel section would prove to be a fatal funnel..na room to manuever..na room to escape..the creatures numbers were simply too great. However, they could with some precise shooting, sheer the forward section off..then either disrupt the tunnel section or tractor it out of the way...shortening the distance to the Oira considerably...even with the main portion of the ship being underground...it could work. It definitely improved the odds of success.


The craft came to a halt as Psi began yelling at Saeks team to get out and get going to the rally point to regroup. Saek decided he would mention his plan to the XO..to get his take on its possible success.


Saek drew a deep breathe..." Rekkhai....io moment...I have an idea........"

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