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Halloween, in the TL....

Rok was having a bad day...week..month..oh whew knew how long whatever was happening would go on. Though getting set on fire was a totally knew experience. his arms didnt really hurt that bad..but he was not about to argue with the Admiral under the circumstances..she said go to sickbay...he was going to sickbay.


He stood waiting for the TL...with the white powder from earlier still covering much of his upper torso including his face. He knew he needed a shower more than anything..funny..he had been spending a lot of time needing showers lately...where was Holly with a bucket of water when you needed her...


The irony was blinding...the chief of security..acting, of course..but..anyway...inured..and not by the rogue AI he had been pursuing..instead by..himself....classic.


It was this thought that was making Rok frown a bit when the TL doors slid open and, much to Roks dismay the female ASCI inside...screamed....a little...


The young woman caught the cry in mid yelp but it was sufficient enough to reverberate down the hall..alerting anyone in earshot of a possible shock...

"Sorry sir....I...just......" the young woman looked down and suddenly became interested in her data PADD.


Rok said nothing...just slowly entered the TL. He turned amd cocked a brow as the doors slid shut. Although, he had the strangest urge to tap her on the shoulder and say "Boo.." Instead...."Sickbay" was the word of choice and the ASCI and Rok..silently slipped through the interior of the Republic.

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