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A little shooting, a little thinking...

October 24th, 2154. 1600 Hours


Ensign Jon Marks looked out into the target range as he fired off a final burst at the moving clay targets. "CRACK" "CRACK" "CRACK" went the plates as his Plasma Pistol ran out of ammunition. He smiled inwardly, looking to see he went 49 for 50 on the range. Replacing the pistol, Jon picked up his outer tunic and made his way towards the Security Office.


He had finally began to feel better after his talk with Dr. McCellan and decided that rather then let the pressure and mistakes get to him, he would rethink himself and become the best officer he could possibly be. He knew that sooner or later, Lt. Gamble would talk to him about the mishaps on Acamar, but in his mind he knew that everything would turn out for the best.


Stopping to put his tunic back on, Jon caught a glimpse at sickbay with Dr. McDaniel and Dr. McCellan inside. He seemed tempted to talk to Willow and apologise for being so forward with her down on the planet. He shrugged and just ignored it, figuring it wasn't the first time he had been rejected and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. Stiffling laughter at that thought, he rounded the corner to the Armory.


After gaining clearence from the computer, Jon gathered a Phase Pistol and checked it out from the locker. He stopped for a moment and took a breath before sitting down in a chair and waiting for Alpha Security patrol to return so he could relieve them...

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