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"To Bodly Go"

“To Bodly Go”

Personal Log

Ensign Jerry Graham Jr.


Assistant Engineer



Begin Log—

“We observe here today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end but also a beginning—signifying renewal as well as change.”

-President John F. Kennedy January 20, 1961


This is a great day for Starfleet, not only has the newest warp 5 vessel been launched but it could also mean that due to the fact that the Andorians were at the reception. This could mean a lasting peace between our people, and with Starfleet still in it’s infancy the more the Allies the better. I would just like to know how the Vulcans are dealing with all of this.

I had never been on a warp 5 vessel before, so this was bound to be quite an experience. I had spent the last week studying all the manuals to a warp 5 ship (Not an easy task I might add). The last two years I have been serving with Captain Ramirez on board the Intrepid. The Intrepid is only capable of warp 1. In essence I have never left the solar system.

There was only one other time that I had been this proud before. That was when I was a freshmen at Starfleet Academy, on that day when Enterprise left Dry dock. That meant to me that Humanity is finally taking it’s place in the Galaxy. This day I am very proud. I am part of the main core of Engineers.

When I left the Intrepid this morning I was only expecting a small reception. I left in a shuttle pod. I have been meaning to make a complaint to the Starfleet core of Engineers about the Shuttle Pods. They are way to small for my liking. There’s no room to stretch your legs, and believe me when I say I needed to stretch my legs. I had so many butterflies in my stomach on the flight over to dry dock. It took the pilot thirty minutes to get us there, he must have been new. Well the reason I didn’t go straight to Engineering during the reception was due to the fact that Commander Moore sent a communique to me earlier that day. It read:

‘Hello Ensign Graham, this is First Officer Moore, although you are not part of the main senior staff your presence at the reception later today before the launch of the NX-05 CHALLENGER is required. You are part of the main core of Engineers, there are four of you. Without you the ship would not run, so you are in essence the main core of the ship. Oh yes and when we launch try to give us a smooth ride.’

I never had any plans to join the party, but now I had orders from the first officer to attend. Well back to what I was saying, thirty minutes after leaving the Intrepid I arrived at Dry Dock. There was a bunch of reporters waiting right out side of the airlock. They all wanted to know what position was on board, what I was planning to do while on board, and how I felt about the ship itself. I plead the 5th. The 5th is an old saying from the 21st century, back when the United States had Amendments, the 5th Amendment stated that the people had the right not to speak if they wished. I found this very amusing because all of the reporters where left trying to figure out what the 5th meant, and let me go on my way.

When I walked into the room I felt like I was in the wrong room, it seemed like it was an Admirals convention. There were more admirals than anything else. I was looking for anyone that didn’t have Admiral pips on. The first person I saw was Commander Moore. I walked up to him.

Graham: “Hello Captain I am Ensign Jerry Graham.”

Moore: “Captain thankfully not, I’m commander Moore, nice to meet you Ensign.”

Graham: “Thank you sir, well lets hope that we give them a show to remember.”

Moore: “Lets make sure we do.”

Graham: “I’ll do my best to make the ride a smooth one.”

Moore: “Well I did a test yesterday, it wasn’t running quite as smooth as I would have liked.”

Graham: “Well it’s a good thing, they train Starfleet officers to compensate.”

Moore: Laughed

Admiral Atragon went to the podium to make a speech. No offense to the Admiral, but if Captain Moose didn’t step I believe he could have gone on for hours. The speech had the usual content that all the other launches in the past have had.

Well ten minutes later we were told to board the CHALLENGER, and prepare for launch. The Launch itself was rather smooth. The bridge reported that once we passed Pluto we were going to jump to warp 2 and make our way up to warp five. The reactor core kept having power drop offs.

Finally I informed the bridge of the problem. The ride started to become not so smooth. Williams, Westler, and myself were trying to work out the problem. I believe that the problem is in the Main Reactor. The only way to really check it out was to drop out of warp and have a look inside the Reactor. I plan on sending this idea to the CENG if he ever shows up.

I reported to the Bridge after much deliberation between Williams, Westler, and myself about the problem, we came to one conclusion to get a start on the problem we should stay at warp 4.


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