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A first assignment.

September 12th, 2154 2248 Hours



As Jon was introduced to his security partner, he could help but wonder how someone as small and petite as Ensign Warren ever made it into a Security force. He quickly shrugged that thought of, considering as long as she could handle a Phase Pistol, everything would be ok. However, if push came to shove, she was still partnered with a two time Acadamy Gold Glove champion who wouldn't let anything hurt her or anyone else on the crew.


As the two turned the corner and arrived in the security armory, Jon immediately knew that this was home. The smell of plasma and sterility filled the air as he unlocked the cabinet and produced two Phase Pistols. He couldn't help but smile at these new weapons. "My god," Jon thought, "how can these things stop anything?"


Jon really did know that their size and shape were but an illusion. With a setting for Stun and Kill, they were far more efficient then the Plasma Guns also stored in the ship, and were easily used by any member of the crew. A beeping of his communicator broke his line of thought. Picking it up, he heard the voice of his friend Aaron voicing his concern about something in Engineering.


With anyone else, Jon would of passed this feeling off as nerves or otherwise. However, Aaron had a gift, a gift of knowing when something was going to happen. Considering this, Jon knew it would be best if Engineering was their first stop on their patrol...


2300 Hours


"I will do the sweep, you two can do some catching up."


Jon said that as he could see the look in Ensign Warren's and Ensign Williams' eyes. Affection, or perhaps something deeper, existed between the two. Smiling a bit, Jon lowered himself down the ladder into D-Deck, making a routine sweep around. He turned his attention to the Warp Drive, taking a moment to gaze at its glory. "This is the pinnicle of Earth," Jon decided, "And I am proud to be here with it."


Shaking off his awe, Jon began a basic pattern, sweeping towards the back of engineering and into the storage corners. So far nothing except for the sounds of the engineers and the Warp Drive. Suddenly, he thought he heard another set of footsteps besides his own. Looking sharply and seeing nothing, Jon was forced to ignore it, placing the blame on an overactive imagination.


"Ensign Marks, Ensign Warren, Report."


Jon quickly filled in Lt. Gamble to the situation... Or rather lack of. Although he was forced to admit his feeling of uneasiment, Gamble seemed to half-heartedly suggest Space Sickness was the culprit. Jon acknowledged that as he made his way back to the ladder.


As Jon made his way back up the ladder to the top of engineering, he couldn't help but take a final glance around. He suddenly felt it too, a wave of uneasiness. Perhaps Lt. Gamble was right, it was just space sickness or maybe his own anxiety. Shrugging it off, Jon pulled himself up to Deck E and made his way back towards Ensign Warren...

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