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Agrie tr'Lahir

I will survive... Part I.

Agrie ran, he ran as quickly as his legs could take him. The small branches from the tree's kept smacking him in the race as he ran, he tried to use his Kaleh in an attempt to clear his way through the swamp, but it wasn't all that efficient. This mission was turning out be worst than Agrie expected. For starters he got stuck with landing in the swamp, the last place anyone would want to be in, and then he managed to be one of Psichore's first targets to be hunted down during the mission. Agrie was a Maenak, he was na a Dheno or anything of the sort, but he had something to prove. That even though he was a Maenak, he could accomplish any mission that any other crew member could do. He knew that he would give it his all during this mission, almost as if his life depended on it's outcome.


Agrie couldn't help but feel unfortunate that he had landed in the swamp, it was murky and humid almost all the time. And the two things that were constantly a nuisance were the insects and the bogs that lay hidden all through the swamp. The insects, for starters, just love to feast on Agrie, and the bites were starting to lead to rather nasty rashes that started to appear on his arms mostly, but after a while, and after landing in so many bogs, he started to smell so badly that not even the insects would approach him. The bogs were also another nuisance, at first they were difficult to detect and see and it often lead to Agrie falling into them, but after the first couple of days Agrie became pretty good at avoiding them, even though he would get caught in one every once in a while. The food and drink was also a bit of a problem, but not as major. He still couldn't get over the fact of him smelling so bad, but perhaps it was was a blessing in disguise...perhaps...


The food and water was another thing was proving to be problematic. Agrie had only received three days worth of hard tac, and an empty water bottle. He had managed to stretch the tac out so that it would last him at the very least five days. The remaining five days of the hike would require Agrie to hunt down some food in order to keep himself alive. The other thing was that the water in the swamp was probably the most disgusting that Agrie had ever seen, he would never dream of even drinking it without having it boiled first. Luckily the water bottle he was given was made of a heat tolerant material so he was able to boil the water directly in the water bottle. He thought that he was fortunate to have gotten the bottle, cause he knew without water he was pretty much a dead man.


So Agrie, with food and water in tow, hiked as quickly as he could towards the extraction location. After the third day of hiking, when Agrie was passing nearby a rather large lake, he could make out a splashing noise off in the distance. He didn't know if this was a trap that was laid out for him by Psichore, since it was the third day and he was probably out and about. But Agrie couldn't help but go and look. He sneaked over to a log in an attempt to see what all the commotion was, but before he knew it the trap had been sprung. He heard a strange noise from behind him and turned to looked and low and behold a log was rapidly approaching Agrie. He managed to jump out of it's way in time, but the only thing he thought of when he landed on the ground was that it would probably be a good idea to get the hell out of there.


He then sprinted off into a deeper portion of swamp, and Psichore, as he had suspected, followed. Psichore was firing his gun with it's strange bullets, and as Agrie ran he could hear them whizzing by his head. He dodged from here and there, doing rolls every once in a while, trying his best and hardest to avoid the bullets. But a moment afterwords he noticed that the shots had fired. When he looked behind himself, Psichore was taking aim at what was causing all the commotion in the lake, t'Aehjea. Agrie knew if he didn't do something that t'A would be captured by Psichore, he needed to accomplish two things, distract Psichore, and to give t'A enough time to run out of the lake and meet with him.


Agrie then grabbed a nearby rock and threw it towards Psichore's generally direction, and proceed to yell "t'A!! Get out of there! Psichore has you in his sights!" At that moment, Agrie managed to accomplish his two goals. Psichore had been distracted by Agrie long enough for t'A to run out of lake and to come running up to Agrie, with Agrie already back to running. It had begun, the two of them were running as quickly as they could to avoid the grasp of Psichore. Agrie continued running, he pleaded with the Elements to give him enough strength to escape from Psichore, but before he knew it, he heard a loud thud from behind him. t'Aehjea had been pelted in the back of the head with the same rock that Agrie had thrown at Psichore, and she was out on the ground behind Agrie. What could he do!...



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