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Ensign Angie5's Personal Log

Personal Log SD: 0408.10 Supplamental


Another busy day aboard the Qob. I do not have anything negative to say. I submitted my logs to the captain and my chronicles were found qualified for the ship's Starfleet Database. As the crew and myself were immersed in question as to our location, that question received an immediate response. We had succeeded in returning to Klingon space in the 24th Century. I was relieved along with the rest of the crew, to learn this information. My cordical implant is functioning adequately. I am glad to see Kwalus back on duty after remembering nothing prior to this time. I was a little confused as to our status aboard the ship, but clarification was most helpful in my understanding of the present events unfolding. I am, however, wondering if there is a connection between Chancellor's officials and the fleet of Klingon Warships we have encountered. The crew is on standby battle mode and weapons manually, not to mention, intentionally offline.


I am gravely concerned for Bch and the rest of the crew. I realize the situation only appears to be "fateful", but I am maintaining a more posative outlook. Kain, Kroells, and Koralev were released to their posts. I have aspirations of Kroells being more "composed". I would assume that for him, his spontaneous actions of zeal are normal. Pleasent at the appropriate time perhaps. Daryus seems to have that glean in his eyes towards the Lt. Sg. Perhaps he sees as I do, something that reminds Daryus of himself only in Kroells. Hmm, this assumption is only a matter of observational opinion. I am not certain, but there is something rather intriguing about that feline twitching his tail. It seems rather cute, on a more personal note, I have become rather fond of it.

<-----END LOG---->

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