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Dr. Maxwell

Beyond Expectations

"How did this happen??" was the only thing that Joe was able to think during his time in the Medical Lab. He was looking at one of the displays as it showed this mysterious virus that had infected so many people on the ship. He watched the computer's visual 3D rendition of how the virus operated in one of the samples he had taken from an ill crew member. He watched as the crew members immune system attempted to fight back the virus to no avail.


Joe sat in the lab, with vials and test tubes here and there, rubbing his temples. Over the last few hours he had developed a slight headache, sure it wasn't anything major, but it was starting to become a nuisance. He thought it would be probably wise to give himself a check-up, so he did.


Joe ran the tricorder over himself, and to his surprise, found that he was in the early stages of the viral infection. He looked over the results from the tricorder and found that the vaccine, that he himself created, had done nothing to impede the progress of the virus, in fact, had he not know what to look for, he would have completely passed over the virus. He then thought it would be wise to look over Commander Seiben and Commander Kwai's status.


He saw that they were progressing, but when he looked into it, he found that all the vaccine had done was slow the virus down, it was still multiply and growing, but not at the rate it would in a non-infected crew member.


"The vaccine is a failure...", he thought, "...all it's done is mask the virus...I've done all that I can, this thing is out of my hands now. We have to get back to New Bajor and find a way to cure everyone, befpre this 'thing' kills us."


He knew that if they didn't move immediately that it would result in the deaths of several crew members, and the way it was going Commander Kwai would be first casualty. Captain Kwalas was still on her away mission to Yaderna II, so he knew he'd have to report his findings directly to Admiral BluRox.


He quickly dodged out of sickbay and ran off to a turbolift and quickly proceeded to the bridge. Time was of the essence, but the moment he stepped off the bridge he saw that Lieutenant Ki'rok was talking to someone, a Dr. Moreau, the head of the Medical facilities on New Bajor.


Joe tried to interrupt Ki'rok, as he understood the problem that was happening on New Bajor, but Ki'rok ignored him and simply carried on with the Doctor. When Doctor Moreau told them of there problem, Joe knew that Admiral BluRox should be informed immediately, and Joe even told Dr. Moreau that they would proceed back to Bajor as quickly as they possibly could, but Ki'rok closed down the communication.


Joe couldn't help but look at Ki'rok, he wanted to know what the hell was behind his irrational behavior, especially towards Dr. Moreau's call for help, which the Republic should probably respond to soon, if not there is going to be a lot of dead people all over the place...

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