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New Cadet

I know I have to attend the Academy SIMs, but I read something about creating my character. Where do I do that?

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First, welcome to STSF! I hope that you enjoy your time here with us. :D


At this point, I would not worry too much about creating a character yet. That will come later when you complete the Academy program and are posted to an Advanced Simulation.


For now, I would suggest you attend our Academy games. (You find find a list of days and times on our schedule page.) The only thing you need to do to participate in those is check the schedule to find when the next one is supposed to be and show up to it about 10-15 minutes before the start time. The GM in charge of the room will eventually begin taking posting assignments and give you instructions on how to recieve a post for that event.


While you play, our GMs will watch your development and try to help teach you the basics of what it takes to be sucessful in our advanced games. Once they think you have it down pat, they will promote you and then you will be able to join one of our advanced games. (Our advanced games have storylines that run multiple weeks and months as well as a set roster where each person plays the same roll each week.)


You do your character development in your Advanced sim, but while in the Academy, you don't have to worry about that. Just focus on the mechanics and such for now. :D


If you have any questions, please feel free to post them. We have a large community for you to draw expierence and knowledge from. You can also feel free to contact me directly via either Private Message here on the message boards (Click on the New Messages link above just below the members link) or you can e-mail me at [email protected].


Again, welcome!

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Hey there,


First, Jolan Tru and Welcome to STSF!


Well before you can create a charcter, you should prolly focus on graduating the Academy system. Then once you get posted to a adv. ship worry about a charcter.


I recomend the Help page as well as Tips from the Moose! section (they really work :D ).


Once again welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy your time here.

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Yea, what they said. ::grin:: Hello and welcome to STSF. Hope to see you around academy. Tip's from the Moose is a great way to get pointers, and the help section is really helpful. A great place to meet other's in the fleet is at the Redstar Nightclub. It meet's at midnight eastern on Saturday's in the holodeck. Anyway's welcome again and have fun.



"Meow is not just another four letter word."

"Of course neither is purr."

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A great place to meet other's in the fleet is at the Redstar Nightclub. It meet's at midnight eastern on Saturday's in the holodeck.

:: whispers:: 11 PM Eastern. Midnight is the Academy . . . :: end whisper::


:: gameshow host voice:: Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of STSF. During your stay here, you'll go through many simulations to test your mettle. You must solve problems, work in a group, and prove that you are Starfleet material! Please remember to keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, and fasten your seatbelts.*








*We (Some Bankrupt Company) are not responsible for any accidental death, injury, or insanity incurred after you have listened to our gameshow host. All inquiries will be ignored anyway, so we won't bother giving out an address.

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Echoing everyone else, welcome to STSF. We hope you enjoy your stay with us, and have the best of luck in the Academies. Hope to see you around. :D

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Greetings ...... ::looks at his contract and nods::

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:: whispers:: 11 PM Eastern. Midnight is the Academy . . . :: end whisper::









:D Oop's, thanks Tach. I'm gonna really have to learn how to tell time one day. I might buy me a Betty Boop watch, maybe with a nice leather band and rinestone's, Yea. ::wander's off muttering incoherently:: :D



"What, tuna again!?"

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Don't worry... not everyone is crazy here... some are evil!


Welcome! :D

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Welcome to the STSF!


Don't worry... not everyone is crazy here... some are evil!


I'm one of the crazy/jealous ones :D

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To answer your original question, you create your character...in your head. You share your creation via the Bio sections of the various advanced ships.


However, you should concentrate on graduating the academy first. As others have stated, Tips from the Antlered One are very beneficial. Try various posts in the sims to find out what you like best. This will also increase your chances of finding your post on an advanced sim after you do graduate.


Welcome to STSF...enjoying yourself as well as respecting others is mandatory.


See you around...

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Don't worry... not everyone is crazy here... some are evil!


Welcome! :D

Hmmph...I resemble that remark...



Jolan tru...


I hope to run into au(you) at io(one) of the academies...



Until then...

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Don't worry... not everyone is crazy here... some are evil!


Welcome! ^_^

:D Au have a problem with evil? :D

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