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Who will Rule the summer Box Office

Which movie will destroy all others this summer?   29 members have voted

  1. 1. Which movie will destroy all others this summer?

    • The Day After Tomorrow
    • Chronicles of Riddick (since Pitch Black was a sleeper hit)
    • Spider-Man 2 (because)
    • Garfield (hehe)
    • The Terminal (cause its Tom Hanks)
    • CatWoman (do I need to say why)
    • The Village
    • Collateral
    • Alien vs Predator
    • Other

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90 posts in this topic
He was, but the Kingpin was known in the Spider Man cartoon series.. (the mid 90s one) as one of the principal Spider Man villians. (only this Kingpin was white, and wore all white :D )

Actually it's the same dude, all the comic book heros for Marval are interconnected. Daredevil at one point was Peter Parker's lawyer, and Wolverine and Spider had a fight...

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Oh, are they, eh? Hmm.. okay.. been awhile since I read the comics. :D

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Wolverine and Spider had a fight...

Yeah, that was wicked awsome...I cant remember, but I think spidey went to Professor Xavier to help with his powers....I think that's around the time of the whole "Man Spider' period with the Punisher and stuff..


Thats right, even the Punisher has had a part in spiderman.


Think of it like this...If it's a marvel comic, then every other marvel comic has had something to do with it...


Iron Man, The Hulk, The fantastic four, The Punisher, Daredevil, X-Men...The list goes on and on...

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The actors are under contract for three movies, so of course there will be a third.


However... I do believe that the ending to S II will be a beautiful red herring. That is to say, they've set it all up for the obvious, but will give us something deliciously different in S III. Hopefully another nifty supervillian. At least, this is what I suspect and hope. I like when an audience is toyed with in this way, so I'm always looking for clues.


I've never minded a movie condensing a large work into a three (or nine!) hour piece using some creative judgement. Having not read Spiderman since I was a kid, I'm finding that all the movie choices fit with the general nature of the strip as I remember it. Has Spiderman undergone a major re-write like Superman did in the late 80's? If so, I certainly don't know the newer story. By the movie, it doesn't seem like it did. Just curious.

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Yeah, that was wicked awsome...I cant remember, but I think spidey went to Professor Xavier to help with his powers....I think that's around the time of the whole "Man Spider' period with the Punisher and stuff..


Thats right, even the Punisher has had a part in spiderman.


Think of it like this...If it's a marvel comic, then every other marvel comic has had something to do with it...


Iron Man, The Hulk, The fantastic four, The Punisher, Daredevil, X-Men...The list goes on and on...

Heck Captain Canuck was on X-Men.

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I gots you beat....


The cast of SNL was once in an issue of Spiderman...The samuri chef and spidy save the day! True story...

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man, these spidy films are trash. The cartoon tv show (and i mean the one from the 90's) was the bomb. These are packed full of scenes where sam raimi should have shouted cut a few minutes ago OR have no reason to exist (that cake with the anorexic blonde chick scene in sm 2 anyone) OR are repeats of stuff we've already seen (aunt may's overlong speeches anyone) OR are so packed full of cheesy lines and sugar that the only thing that will swallow them is a saccharine deprived mouse. Paraphrasing Bart Simpson...


"What happened to you Spiderman? You used to be cool."

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Spiderman's gonna do really well in the box office, but I think Catwoman's gonna beat him out. Mmmmm, Catwoman. Meow, Purr. ::coughs:: Did I say that out loud? :D



<cat owner> Kitty, why did you scratch up my couch?

<cat> Because it was there.

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ive only seen the terminal and day after tommorw i liked the terminal alot more

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Spiderman's gonna do really well in the box office, but I think Catwoman's gonna beat him out. Mmmmm, Catwoman. Meow, Purr. ::coughs:: Did I say that out loud? :D



<cat owner> Kitty, why did you scratch up my couch?

<cat> Because it was there.

Cat Woman?! Are you crazy? The only reason people want to see that is to see Halle Berry in her skimpy leather outfit. Please.. I'm willing to wager Cat Woman will be one of the flops of the summer. It certainly won't win any Oscars come March. ::shudders:: At least I hope not.

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Am I the only one looking forward to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"?? :D

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Am I the only one looking forward to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"?? :D

apart from the possibility of angelina jolie nudity the film kinda represents one of the hallmarks of how film these days is falling apart. Namely, the overuse of CGI.

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we'd be missing a ton of villians, just to name a few...


Venom, Carange, Vulture, The Hobgoblin, The Kingpin, Shocker, Hammer Head, Kraven, The Lizard, Mysterio...


(And thats not even all of them....)



Hun, I was surprised when they didn't feature Hobgoblin in Spidey II, be happy they took this delightful little trip in the Spidey Universe before launching back into the plot of the last movie.


And though I myself have never had the pleasure of getting to know the canonical Spider Man, as the daughter of one who was completely obsessed with the Wall Crawler (I have pictures somewhere of my dad in a Spider Man costume and me in my little Bat Mite outfit and booties, or maybe that was the Mr. Fantastic costume...anywho...) I can safely say that the movies are a wonderful fan service. According to my uncle, who saw the first one with my dad, he was practically jumping up and down in his seat going, "Oooh! That came from Issue #124!"


Plus, Stan Lee is the freakin' producer. You gotta know it's not going to be too offensive to die hards when the original creator is making the films.


And now in the spirit of Where's Waldo, a question to those who were paying attention: Where's Stan?! :D

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the guy who pulls someone out the way when doc ock pulls a pile of rubble down. i actually shouted THERE HE IS! and my girfriend said who. i told her it was stan lee and she repeated...WHO?


...women. ::rolls eyes::

Edited by Images

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yeah...he did the same in the first one if I remember right ::too lazy to get the DVD and check:: with the kid getting crushed by the balloon...


this is one movie that benefits from its creator at the helm...other franchises..that will remain nameless ::cough, Star Wars, cough:: need some fresh ideas, I think...


some one..stop him before he ruins the third one, too

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well its far too late to save that other star franchise. I blame the story. The films were never supposed to be about single people, they were about the star wars. These films seem to be focused almost completely on Anakin's story to an annoying extent. I don't care how they found anakin (and that dumb "he had no father" thing was just lame) i just wanna show how the events (which also seem pretty lame because i don't even understand why these people are fighting) taking place affected our characters INCLUDING anakin's mind to turn him to the dark side. I mean in these films anakin seems angry for no real good reasons. He's angry even BEFORE bad stuff happens to him! THis isn't a descent into evil. Its a mean guy getting meaner! anyway the story is already so stinky i don't think rescue is possible

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but I think Catwoman's gonna beat him out. Mmmmm, Catwoman. Meow, Purr. ::coughs:: Did I say that out loud? :P

Excerpts from CNN entertainment review:


LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- ....Oscar-winner Halle Berry ended up as roadkill with her widely panned turn in "Catwoman."


.....Described as a "mangy misfire" by Daily Variety and as "the biggest movie hairball this side of 'Garfield"' by the Chicago Tribune



See, you can put them in a catsuit, but they should leave being a cat, to those of us that are Caitian!! ::grins::



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Excerpts from CNN entertainment review:


LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- ....Oscar-winner Halle Berry ended up as roadkill with her widely panned turn in "Catwoman."


.....Described as a "mangy misfire" by Daily Variety and as "the biggest movie hairball this side of 'Garfield"' by the Chicago Tribune



See, you can put them in a catsuit, but they should leave being a cat, to those of us that are Caitian!!  ::grins::



:P I totally agree. Was expecting so much more from that movie. I must've been blinded by the flashy leather suit. :P



"Meow is not just a word, it's a way of life."

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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::wondering how long Blu has waited to type That Line... :P ::




Spidey Rules!!

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:P I totally agree. Was expecting so much more from that movie. I must've been blinded by the flashy leather suit. :P

Hey there,


I haven't seen Catwoman and given reviews I've read, I won't.


I will say though that an excellent movie in my eye is The Bourne Supremacy. That was an excellent film and it feels like I'm seeing a Tom Clancy novel about James Bond. While I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, Matt does an excellent job.


Wondering if they will do a third...

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The only movie I saw this summer was "The Notebook"

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I recently saw I, Robot. It was a good film, but I don't think it will be a hit. The scripted humour was never funny, it was forced, but there was some unintentional humour that grew naturally. The special effects were laudable, although slightly overdone, and it has enough action to keep people interested.


No clue which movie will rule.

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The cast of SNL was once in an issue of Spiderman...The samuri chef and spidy save the day! True story...

Oh, man, I loved that guy. Go Samauri Chef!

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Well I guess this is as good a time as any to give a progress report on the three films contending to be Number 1 for the 2004 Summer. :P


Once again my compliments to the fine people at BoxOfficeMojo.com :P


Domestic Box Office Numbers for 2004 (As of July 26):

1) Shrek 2: $430,317,578

3) Spider-man 2: $332,378,153

4) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $242,349,326


Worldwide Box Office Numbers for 2004 (As of July 28) in the Millions:

1) Shrek 2: $774.2

2) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: $701.3

4) Spider-man 2: $597.4


Shrek 2 has just recently gone global over the last month, so the Worldwide numbers look as if Shrek 2 may top out at the $900 Million mark, rather impressive, especially for an animated film. At the time Shrek 2 is the highest grossing animated film of all time, well surpassing the loveable Finding Nemo from last year.


I stand firm by my last prediction that Shrek 2 will enjoy it's spot as the number 1 summer film of 2004. :blink:

Edited by John_Anderson

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What is really funny is the #1 movie right now, at least here on the Left Coast, is Farenheit 9/11. It wasn't in the poll and no one listed it as their "other" choice.


I guess we were all wrong on this one.

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