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The Real Reason Enterprise got renewed!

53 posts in this topic



Fred's right, it has and always will be about money--welcome to the modern world.

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I agree. I've never really watched any show because of how the actors look. I prefer to watch a show because I like it. Voyager wasn't bad towards the end, although I forget if I ever actually watched a first-run seventh season episode, except the series finale. I caught that!


As for those who would rather watch Outback Jack (another reality TV show that we don't really need!), then I say good riddance.


If Enterprise wants better ratings, they should stop focussing on a demographic in which they cannot compete. Let's face it: we cannot have a Star Trek that competes with reality TV unless we sacrifice its integrity. I don't watch reality TV, so I watch Star Trek. Enterprise needs more interesting episodes, less melodramatic stories, and T'Pol needs to wear something other than monochromatic outfits. First we had Guinan . . . Kira Nerys . . . then we had Seven of Nine. One of these days, all those monochromatic outfits will come back and rebel, mark my words!

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The problem is that Paramont thinks that we're geeks with big glasses, snort, never saw an actual girl up close, and live in our parent's basements. This is stereotyping, and is wrong. Some of us live in our parent's attics. :lol:

Edited by Darrik

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The problem is that Paramont thinks that we're geeks with big glasses, snort, never saw an actual girl up close, and live in our parent's basements. This is stereotyping, and is wrong. Some of us live in our parent's attics


Actually I think the 'problem' is that the original Trek generation is getting older. As the older fans fade out, they need to pick up new ones to continue the franchise. And who is the best demographic to market to? Right...young men. And if you've ever watched TV, ever, you'll know that the media makes one big assumption about men: they oogle over pretty women and will do anything to get one or see one.


They're appealing to the 20-25 year old young man's raging hormones. They won't be fans when they're 35 because the way the show is going, there won't be any substance left for them to enjoy. Again, they're looking for short term ratings. They think they'll gain long-term fans by appealing to younger people...but I disagree.


Besides...its nice to have nice shows on TV when you look at all the other trash and reality TV on these days. I hope Enterprise doesn't degrade itself too far.

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Especially with so many good shows ending this year . . . not only SF, but a lot of non-SF too. We need the good ones that remain to remain good.


That doesn't make sense, I know. :lol:

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It depends . . . is it exotic alien cow dung?  Was this cow exposed to Omicron radiation?  Or perhaps maybe it's from a Borg cow!


"Moooo . . . you will be assimilated.  Resistance is fuuuuuutillle."


"It slices, it dices, it assimilates while producing milk!  BorgCow, coming to a place near you!"



You defintly need a life. I can't believe I have to work with you. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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You defintly need a life. I can't believe I have to work with you. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


In the immortal words of the Cardboard Operations officer from Afterhours Academy:


No life detected.







Edited by Tachyon

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because they need to keep the freaks and geeks who buy overpriced star trek crap "happy"



Ok...is so not going to show you my action figure collection!



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The problem is that Paramont thinks that we're geeks with big glasses, snort, never saw an actual girl up close, and live in our parent's basements. This is stereotyping, and is wrong. Some of us live in our parent's attics. :lol:

Yes, and a lot of us ARE girls. They just need to look at convention attendance to see just how many women watch their shows. WE don't want to see T'Pol in some sleezy catsuit either!! Get that woman a decent uniform and some clothes. It took long enough to get Troi a decent collar....and then they have her crash the ship!!::sigh:: Stereotypes!



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It took long enough to get Troi a decent collar....and then they have her crash the ship!!::sigh::

Hey there,


Twice. :lol:

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And for gosh sakes, put some clothes on TPol!!!

hey hey hey, lets not say things we may end up regretting!

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Methinks this is the reason why I watch Stargate instead of Enterprise. Because there is some serious FAN SERVICE on that show. They know what their audience likes and has watched before, and they drop little nuggets every once in a while that say, "Hey, we know you like/watched Star Wars/MacGyver/Star Trek/whatever sci-fi show/movie, here's a little something to let you know we care!"


I'm of course referring to the fact that they slip in little nerdy inside jokes, like the episode where they completely ripped off the Death Star scene from A New Hope.


There is always a bottom line, but to give a good quality product you need to make your customers' satisfaction equal to or above that bottom line. That way, your bottom line is met and you make people happy at the same time. Stargate does this. Enterprise does not, from what I've seen.

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hey hey hey, lets not say things we may end up regretting!



... :lol:


::Mind Scorching leap of logic #1::

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More from TV Guide:

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

ENTERPRISE REJOICE!: UPN has renewed the struggling Star Trek: Enterprise for a fourth season. In a bid to boost ratings, there's talk producers may recruit America's Next Top Model judge Janice Dickinson to play some creepy thing from outer space.

So T'Pol wasn't enough for the "babe" quotient, so they're looking to do a 7 of 9 thing???



They're missing an entire demographic here. With the ugliest ensemble of male characters to ever grace the small screen, the last thing we need is aNOTHer catsuit woman. I don't know who casts the men, but if they think a good body means anything with a face that looks like a horse eating an apple through a mesh wire fence... they're missing something.


I don't have much of a problem with catsuit women and selling sex to keep a Trek show alive, but only if *I* get equal time. Today's nerds include women. :lol:


::has action figures::

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It took long enough to get Troi a decent collar....and then they have her crash the ship!!::sigh:: Stereotypes!


Not to worry Blu...Starship Insurance is still higher for male captains :lol:

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To me it feels like Enterprise just has random writers writing the show, what they need are fans of star trek. Or they should force their writers to sit down and watch ever movie/episode of star trek ever.

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Indeed. They should have to sit through Star Trek V twice, with the producers whispering in the background, "This is what you should not do."



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I think we've all completly lost now.


::runs for the hills, hopeing not to get bombarded by the GM's::

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So....to summarize:


1) It's all about the benjamins (siskos)


2) We should feel like "empowered" geeks


3) We don't like women in catsuits (sigh...who knew)


4) They are missing out on the female demo


5) Troi can't drive


6) Blu's not showing her action figures


7) Stargate is a really good show


8) Friends don't let friends watch Star Trek V

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The ugliest ensemble of male characters to ever grace the small screen...

Hey, have you seen Bakula with his shirt off? Meow. :lol:

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Methinks this is the reason why I watch Stargate instead of Enterprise. Because there is some serious FAN SERVICE on that show. They know what their audience likes and has watched before, and they drop little nuggets every once in a while that say, "Hey, we know you like/watched Star Wars/MacGyver/Star Trek/whatever sci-fi show/movie, here's a little something to let you know we care!"


I'm of course referring to the fact that they slip in little nerdy inside jokes, like the episode where they completely ripped off the Death Star scene from A New Hope.


There is always a bottom line, but to give a good quality product you need to make your customers' satisfaction equal to or above that bottom line. That way, your bottom line is met and you make people happy at the same time. Stargate does this. Enterprise does not, from what I've seen.

Wait, both shows have had jokes about actor's past shows. On SG-1, they had a joke about McGyver, and on Enterprise, they had a joke about Quantum Leap. So, you can't fully base it just on that, although SG-1 does have more corny jokes.

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wait i just realised, what WAS it with troi's outfit. i mean, why didn't picard, a guy wound so tight, bust her for it? Jellico had to come round and knock some discipline into her style. Kinda quaint that

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Wait, both shows have had jokes about actor's past shows. On SG-1, they had a joke about McGyver, and on Enterprise, they had a joke about Quantum Leap. So, you can't fully base it just on that, although SG-1 does have more corny jokes.

I'm basing it on the fact that SG-1 does this quite frequently, whereas it appears Enterprise has done this once. Prolly because SG-1 did it :lol:


Corny jokes are what keep me happy as a fan :lol: That and good plots, solid dialog, actors and actresses who are *really* into their roles/the show (Christopher Judge has written/directed a lot of SG-1 stuff), and something new.

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So....to summarize:


1)  It's all about the benjamins (siskos)


2)  We should feel like "empowered" geeks


3)  We don't like women in catsuits (sigh...who knew)


4)  They are missing out on the female demo


5)  Troi can't drive


6)  Blu's not showing her action figures


7)  Stargate is a really good show


8)  Friends don't let friends watch Star Trek V




I have admendium:


3) We (Blu) don't (doesn't) like (other) women in catsuits (Big Suprise)




And for the Record:


We all know you women would be jumping if they put someone like Orlando Bloom in 'catsuit' like t'Pol's ::runs for cover::

Edited by NDak

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Describe the joke on Enterprise about Quantum Leap! What happened? I havent seen too many ENT shows.

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