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Saek tr'Vosh

3 Strange Daise...

Vosh dropped Vixen on the nearest empty bed in maenek. He had hoped to get his leg seen to. He had made a decent bandage from the bottom of his pants leg but it still hurt like crazy...and carrying...that...had not helped the injury. He was growing tired of this uneasiness in his stomach. Then he saw the Khre'riov...and the feeling intensified.


He tried to tell t'Rex of the incident in the HIC. But immediately after opening his mouth, he wished he had waited. The Khre'riov was undergoing some procedure to reattach her hand...and was understandably not in the best of moods..not that he had EVER seen her in a good io.


"Au accuse a member of my crew of attemted yy'a...and au have na proof? Do na waste my time. Follow through with aus investigation and do na speak to me of it again until au have all aus facts straight."


With her remaining hand she waved him off...an insulting dismissive gesture to be sure. He felt like an idiot. If he was to be Daise, he would have to try harder.


Vosh had hoped that Lahir would be able to see to his leg..but he seemed to be avoiding him. Perhaps the discussion regarding t'Vixen had disturbed him and in true Rihannsu form, he was trying to distance himself from the matter completely. Pity...Vosh would have to try to speak with him again, later...after everything had calmed down.


He glanced over to Vixen. He had wanted to yy'a her with kindness. Apparently, someio else had a similiar plan..with different tactics in mind. It was a shame he had been caught up in the middle of it. Had he na been there...she might already be yy'a.


The khre'riov reminded Vosh of the security protocols regarding returning crewman. He knew them, of course, but given the strange events of the last hour he needed all the help he could get.


He set off for Main Engineering. He had heard she was as much of a pain as Vixen. He hoped that report would na be accurate. As he entered ME, he could hear her barking at her staff...so much for cooperation. Vosh took a deep breathe and readied himself for the task at hand...Daise tTemarr.

Edited by Saek tr'Vosh

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